package org.omg.PortableInterceptor; /** * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ . * Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.2" * from ../../../../src/share/classes/org/omg/PortableInterceptor/Interceptors.idl * Wednesday, June 14, 2006 5:09:58 AM GMT */ /** * Facilitates interceptor registration and ORB initialization. *

* Interceptors are intended to be a means by which ORB services gain * access to ORB processing, effectively becoming part of the ORB. * Since Interceptors are part of the ORB, when ORB.init * returns an ORB, the Interceptors shall have been registered. * Interceptors cannot be registered on an ORB after it has been * returned by a call to ORB.init. *

* An Interceptor is registered by registering an associated * ORBInitializer object which implements the * ORBInitializer interface. When an ORB is initializing, * it shall call each registered ORBInitializer, passing it * an ORBInitInfo object which is used to register its * Interceptor. *

* Registering ORB Initializers in Java *

* ORBInitializers are registered via Java ORB properties. *

* The property names are of the form: *

* org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializerClass.<Service> *
* where <Service> is the string name of a class * which implements *
* org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializer *
* To avoid name collisions, the reverse DNS name convention should be * used. For example, if company X has three initializers, it could define * the following properties: * * During ORB.init, these ORB properties which begin with * org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializerClass shall be * collected, the <Service> portion of each property * shall be extracted, an object shall be instantiated with the * <Service> string as its class name, and the * pre_init and post_init methods shall be * called on that object. If there are any exceptions, the ORB shall * ignore them and proceed. *

* Example *

* A client-side logging service written by company X, for example, may * have the following ORBInitializer implementation: *

   * package com.x.logging;
   * import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.Interceptor; 
   * import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializer; 
   * import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfo; 
   * public class LoggingService implements ORBInitializer { 
   *     void pre_init( ORBInitInfo info ) { 
   *         // Instantiate the Logging Service s Interceptor. 
   *         Interceptor interceptor = new LoggingInterceptor(); 
   *         // Register the Logging Service s Interceptor. 
   *         info.add_client_request_interceptor( interceptor ); 
   *     } 
   *     void post_init( ORBInitInfo info ) { 
   *         // This service does not need two init points. 
   *     } 
   * } 
* To run a program called MyApp using this logging * service, the user could type: *
* java * * MyApp *

* Notes about Registering Interceptors *

* Request Interceptors are registered on a per-ORB basis. *

* To achieve virtual per-object Interceptors, query the policies on the * target from within the interception points to determine whether they * should do any work. *

* To achieve virtual per-POA Interceptors, instantiate each POA with a * different ORB. While Interceptors may be ordered administratively, * there is no concept of order with respect to the registration of * Interceptors. Request Interceptors are concerned with service contexts. * Service contexts have no order, so there is no purpose for request * Interceptors to have an order. IOR Interceptors are concerned with * tagged components. Tagged components also have no order, so there * is no purpose for IOR Interceptors to have an order. *

* Registration code should avoid using the ORB (i.e., calling * ORB.init with the provided orb_id). Since * registration occurs during ORB initialization, results of invocations * on this ORB while it is in this state are undefined. * * @see ORBInitInfo */ public interface ORBInitializer extends ORBInitializerOperations, org.omg.CORBA.Object, org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity { } // interface ORBInitializer