/* * @(#)CSS.java 1.59 06/02/24 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package javax.swing.text.html; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.HeadlessException; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.URL; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Locale; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.SizeRequirements; import javax.swing.text.*; /** * Defines a set of * CSS attributes * as a typesafe enumeration. The HTML View implementations use * CSS attributes to determine how they will render. This also defines * methods to map between CSS/HTML/StyleConstants. Any shorthand * properties, such as font, are mapped to the intrinsic properties. *

The following describes the CSS properties that are suppored by the * rendering engine: *

* The following are modeled, but currently not rendered. * *

Note: for the time being we do not fully support relative units, * unless noted, so that * p { margin-top: 10% } will be treated as if no margin-top was specified. * * @author Timothy Prinzing * @author Scott Violet * @version 1.59 02/24/06 * @see StyleSheet */ public class CSS implements Serializable { /** * Definitions to be used as a key on AttributeSet's * that might hold CSS attributes. Since this is a * closed set (i.e. defined exactly by the specification), * it is final and cannot be extended. */ public static final class Attribute { private Attribute(String name, String defaultValue, boolean inherited) { this.name = name; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.inherited = inherited; } /** * The string representation of the attribute. This * should exactly match the string specified in the * CSS specification. */ public String toString() { return name; } /** * Fetch the default value for the attribute. * If there is no default value (such as for * composite attributes), null will be returned. */ public String getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; } /** * Indicates if the attribute should be inherited * from the parent or not. */ public boolean isInherited() { return inherited; } private String name; private String defaultValue; private boolean inherited; public static final Attribute BACKGROUND = new Attribute("background", null, false); public static final Attribute BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT = new Attribute("background-attachment", "scroll", false); public static final Attribute BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Attribute("background-color", "transparent", false); public static final Attribute BACKGROUND_IMAGE = new Attribute("background-image", "none", false); public static final Attribute BACKGROUND_POSITION = new Attribute("background-position", null, false); public static final Attribute BACKGROUND_REPEAT = new Attribute("background-repeat", "repeat", false); public static final Attribute BORDER = new Attribute("border", null, false); public static final Attribute BORDER_BOTTOM = new Attribute("border-bottom", null, false); public static final Attribute BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH = new Attribute("border-bottom-width", "medium", false); public static final Attribute BORDER_COLOR = new Attribute("border-color", "black", false); public static final Attribute BORDER_LEFT = new Attribute("border-left", null, false); public static final Attribute BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH = new Attribute("border-left-width", "medium", false); public static final Attribute BORDER_RIGHT = new Attribute("border-right", null, false); public static final Attribute BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH = new Attribute("border-right-width", "medium", false); public static final Attribute BORDER_STYLE = new Attribute("border-style", "none", false); public static final Attribute BORDER_TOP = new Attribute("border-top", null, false); public static final Attribute BORDER_TOP_WIDTH = new Attribute("border-top-width", "medium", false); public static final Attribute BORDER_WIDTH = new Attribute("border-width", "medium", false); public static final Attribute CLEAR = new Attribute("clear", "none", false); public static final Attribute COLOR = new Attribute("color", "black", true); public static final Attribute DISPLAY = new Attribute("display", "block", false); public static final Attribute FLOAT = new Attribute("float", "none", false); public static final Attribute FONT = new Attribute("font", null, true); public static final Attribute FONT_FAMILY = new Attribute("font-family", null, true); public static final Attribute FONT_SIZE = new Attribute("font-size", "medium", true); public static final Attribute FONT_STYLE = new Attribute("font-style", "normal", true); public static final Attribute FONT_VARIANT = new Attribute("font-variant", "normal", true); public static final Attribute FONT_WEIGHT = new Attribute("font-weight", "normal", true); public static final Attribute HEIGHT = new Attribute("height", "auto", false); public static final Attribute LETTER_SPACING = new Attribute("letter-spacing", "normal", true); public static final Attribute LINE_HEIGHT = new Attribute("line-height", "normal", true); public static final Attribute LIST_STYLE = new Attribute("list-style", null, true); public static final Attribute LIST_STYLE_IMAGE = new Attribute("list-style-image", "none", true); public static final Attribute LIST_STYLE_POSITION = new Attribute("list-style-position", "outside", true); public static final Attribute LIST_STYLE_TYPE = new Attribute("list-style-type", "disc", true); public static final Attribute MARGIN = new Attribute("margin", null, false); public static final Attribute MARGIN_BOTTOM = new Attribute("margin-bottom", "0", false); public static final Attribute MARGIN_LEFT = new Attribute("margin-left", "0", false); public static final Attribute MARGIN_RIGHT = new Attribute("margin-right", "0", false); /* * made up css attributes to describe orientation depended * margins. used for

, ,
    etc. see * 5088268 for more details */ static final Attribute MARGIN_LEFT_LTR = new Attribute("margin-left-ltr", Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE), false); static final Attribute MARGIN_LEFT_RTL = new Attribute("margin-left-rtl", Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE), false); static final Attribute MARGIN_RIGHT_LTR = new Attribute("margin-right-ltr", Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE), false); static final Attribute MARGIN_RIGHT_RTL = new Attribute("margin-right-rtl", Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE), false); public static final Attribute MARGIN_TOP = new Attribute("margin-top", "0", false); public static final Attribute PADDING = new Attribute("padding", null, false); public static final Attribute PADDING_BOTTOM = new Attribute("padding-bottom", "0", false); public static final Attribute PADDING_LEFT = new Attribute("padding-left", "0", false); public static final Attribute PADDING_RIGHT = new Attribute("padding-right", "0", false); public static final Attribute PADDING_TOP = new Attribute("padding-top", "0", false); public static final Attribute TEXT_ALIGN = new Attribute("text-align", null, true); public static final Attribute TEXT_DECORATION = new Attribute("text-decoration", "none", true); public static final Attribute TEXT_INDENT = new Attribute("text-indent", "0", true); public static final Attribute TEXT_TRANSFORM = new Attribute("text-transform", "none", true); public static final Attribute VERTICAL_ALIGN = new Attribute("vertical-align", "baseline", false); public static final Attribute WORD_SPACING = new Attribute("word-spacing", "normal", true); public static final Attribute WHITE_SPACE = new Attribute("white-space", "normal", true); public static final Attribute WIDTH = new Attribute("width", "auto", false); /*public*/ static final Attribute BORDER_SPACING = new Attribute("border-spacing", "0", true); /*public*/ static final Attribute CAPTION_SIDE = new Attribute("caption-side", "left", true); // All possible CSS attribute keys. static final Attribute[] allAttributes = { BACKGROUND, BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT, BACKGROUND_COLOR, BACKGROUND_IMAGE, BACKGROUND_POSITION, BACKGROUND_REPEAT, BORDER, BORDER_BOTTOM, BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH, BORDER_COLOR, BORDER_LEFT, BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH, BORDER_RIGHT, BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH, BORDER_STYLE, BORDER_TOP, BORDER_TOP_WIDTH, BORDER_WIDTH, CLEAR, COLOR, DISPLAY, FLOAT, FONT, FONT_FAMILY, FONT_SIZE, FONT_STYLE, FONT_VARIANT, FONT_WEIGHT, HEIGHT, LETTER_SPACING, LINE_HEIGHT, LIST_STYLE, LIST_STYLE_IMAGE, LIST_STYLE_POSITION, LIST_STYLE_TYPE, MARGIN, MARGIN_BOTTOM, MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_TOP, PADDING, PADDING_BOTTOM, PADDING_LEFT, PADDING_RIGHT, PADDING_TOP, TEXT_ALIGN, TEXT_DECORATION, TEXT_INDENT, TEXT_TRANSFORM, VERTICAL_ALIGN, WORD_SPACING, WHITE_SPACE, WIDTH, BORDER_SPACING, CAPTION_SIDE, MARGIN_LEFT_LTR, MARGIN_LEFT_RTL, MARGIN_RIGHT_LTR, MARGIN_RIGHT_RTL }; private static final Attribute[] ALL_MARGINS = { MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_BOTTOM, MARGIN_LEFT }; private static final Attribute[] ALL_PADDING = { PADDING_TOP, PADDING_RIGHT, PADDING_BOTTOM, PADDING_LEFT }; private static final Attribute[] ALL_BORDER_WIDTHS = { BORDER_TOP_WIDTH, BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH, BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH, BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH }; } static final class Value { private Value(String name) { this.name = name; } /** * The string representation of the attribute. This * should exactly match the string specified in the * CSS specification. */ public String toString() { return name; } static final Value INHERITED = new Value("inherited"); static final Value NONE = new Value("none"); static final Value DOTTED = new Value("dotted"); static final Value DASHED = new Value("dashed"); static final Value SOLID = new Value("solid"); static final Value DOUBLE = new Value("double"); static final Value GROOVE = new Value("groove"); static final Value RIDGE = new Value("ridge"); static final Value INSET = new Value("inset"); static final Value OUTSET = new Value("outset"); // Lists. static final Value BLANK_LIST_ITEM = new Value("none"); static final Value DISC = new Value("disc"); static final Value CIRCLE = new Value("circle"); static final Value SQUARE = new Value("square"); static final Value DECIMAL = new Value("decimal"); static final Value LOWER_ROMAN = new Value("lower-roman"); static final Value UPPER_ROMAN = new Value("upper-roman"); static final Value LOWER_ALPHA = new Value("lower-alpha"); static final Value UPPER_ALPHA = new Value("upper-alpha"); // background-repeat static final Value BACKGROUND_NO_REPEAT = new Value("no-repeat"); static final Value BACKGROUND_REPEAT = new Value("repeat"); static final Value BACKGROUND_REPEAT_X = new Value("repeat-x"); static final Value BACKGROUND_REPEAT_Y = new Value("repeat-y"); // background-attachment static final Value BACKGROUND_SCROLL = new Value("scroll"); static final Value BACKGROUND_FIXED = new Value("fixed"); private String name; static final Value[] allValues = { INHERITED, NONE, DOTTED, DASHED, SOLID, DOUBLE, GROOVE, RIDGE, INSET, OUTSET, DISC, CIRCLE, SQUARE, DECIMAL, LOWER_ROMAN, UPPER_ROMAN, LOWER_ALPHA, UPPER_ALPHA, BLANK_LIST_ITEM, BACKGROUND_NO_REPEAT, BACKGROUND_REPEAT, BACKGROUND_REPEAT_X, BACKGROUND_REPEAT_Y, BACKGROUND_FIXED, BACKGROUND_FIXED }; } public CSS() { baseFontSize = baseFontSizeIndex + 1; // setup the css conversion table valueConvertor = new Hashtable(); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, new FontSize()); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, new FontFamily()); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, new FontWeight()); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_STYLE, new BorderStyle()); Object cv = new ColorValue(); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, cv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, cv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_COLOR, cv); Object lv = new LengthValue(); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_LEFT, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_LEFT_LTR, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_LEFT_RTL, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_RIGHT, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_RIGHT_LTR, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_RIGHT_RTL, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_RIGHT, lv); Object bv = new BorderWidthValue(null, 0); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_WIDTH, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_TOP_WIDTH, bv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH, bv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH, bv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH, bv); Object nlv = new LengthValue(true); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_INDENT, nlv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.WIDTH, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.HEIGHT, lv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_SPACING, lv); Object sv = new StringValue(); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE, sv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_DECORATION, sv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN, sv); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN, sv); Object valueMapper = new CssValueMapper(); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.LIST_STYLE_TYPE, valueMapper); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_IMAGE, new BackgroundImage()); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_POSITION, new BackgroundPosition()); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_REPEAT, valueMapper); valueConvertor.put(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT, valueMapper); Object generic = new CssValue(); int n = CSS.Attribute.allAttributes.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { CSS.Attribute key = CSS.Attribute.allAttributes[i]; if (valueConvertor.get(key) == null) { valueConvertor.put(key, generic); } } } /** * Sets the base font size. sz is a CSS value, and is * not necessarily the point size. Use getPointSize to determine the * point size corresponding to sz. */ void setBaseFontSize(int sz) { if (sz < 1) baseFontSize = 0; else if (sz > 7) baseFontSize = 7; else baseFontSize = sz; } /** * Sets the base font size from the passed in string. */ void setBaseFontSize(String size) { int relSize, absSize, diff; if (size != null) { if (size.startsWith("+")) { relSize = Integer.valueOf(size.substring(1)).intValue(); setBaseFontSize(baseFontSize + relSize); } else if (size.startsWith("-")) { relSize = -Integer.valueOf(size.substring(1)).intValue(); setBaseFontSize(baseFontSize + relSize); } else { setBaseFontSize(Integer.valueOf(size).intValue()); } } } /** * Returns the base font size. */ int getBaseFontSize() { return baseFontSize; } /** * Parses the CSS property key with value * value placing the result in att. */ void addInternalCSSValue(MutableAttributeSet attr, CSS.Attribute key, String value) { if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT) { ShorthandFontParser.parseShorthandFont(this, value, attr); } else if (key == CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND) { ShorthandBackgroundParser.parseShorthandBackground (this, value, attr); } else if (key == CSS.Attribute.MARGIN) { ShorthandMarginParser.parseShorthandMargin(this, value, attr, CSS.Attribute.ALL_MARGINS); } else if (key == CSS.Attribute.PADDING) { ShorthandMarginParser.parseShorthandMargin(this, value, attr, CSS.Attribute.ALL_PADDING); } else if (key == CSS.Attribute.BORDER_WIDTH) { ShorthandMarginParser.parseShorthandMargin(this, value, attr, CSS.Attribute.ALL_BORDER_WIDTHS); } else { Object iValue = getInternalCSSValue(key, value); if (iValue != null) { attr.addAttribute(key, iValue); } } } /** * Gets the internal CSS representation of value which is * a CSS value of the CSS attribute named key. The receiver * should not modify value, and the first count * strings are valid. */ Object getInternalCSSValue(CSS.Attribute key, String value) { CssValue conv = (CssValue) valueConvertor.get(key); Object r = conv.parseCssValue(value); return r != null ? r : conv.parseCssValue(key.getDefaultValue()); } /** * Maps from a StyleConstants to a CSS Attribute. */ Attribute styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey(StyleConstants sc) { return (Attribute)styleConstantToCssMap.get(sc); } /** * Maps from a StyleConstants value to a CSS value. */ Object styleConstantsValueToCSSValue(StyleConstants sc, Object styleValue) { Object cssKey = styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey(sc); if (cssKey != null) { CssValue conv = (CssValue)valueConvertor.get(cssKey); return conv.fromStyleConstants(sc, styleValue); } return null; } /** * Converts the passed in CSS value to a StyleConstants value. * key identifies the CSS attribute being mapped. */ Object cssValueToStyleConstantsValue(StyleConstants key, Object value) { if (value instanceof CssValue) { return ((CssValue)value).toStyleConstants((StyleConstants)key, null); } return null; } /** * Returns the font for the values in the passed in AttributeSet. * It is assumed the keys will be CSS.Attribute keys. * sc is the StyleContext that will be messaged to get * the font once the size, name and style have been determined. */ Font getFont(StyleContext sc, AttributeSet a, int defaultSize, StyleSheet ss) { ss = getStyleSheet(ss); int size = getFontSize(a, defaultSize, ss); /* * If the vertical alignment is set to either superscirpt or * subscript we reduce the font size by 2 points. */ StringValue vAlignV = (StringValue)a.getAttribute (CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN); if ((vAlignV != null)) { String vAlign = vAlignV.toString(); if ((vAlign.indexOf("sup") >= 0) || (vAlign.indexOf("sub") >= 0)) { size -= 2; } } FontFamily familyValue = (FontFamily)a.getAttribute (CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY); String family = (familyValue != null) ? familyValue.getValue() : "SansSerif"; int style = Font.PLAIN; FontWeight weightValue = (FontWeight) a.getAttribute (CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT); if ((weightValue != null) && (weightValue.getValue() > 400)) { style |= Font.BOLD; } Object fs = a.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE); if ((fs != null) && (fs.toString().indexOf("italic") >= 0)) { style |= Font.ITALIC; } if (family.equalsIgnoreCase("monospace")) { family = "Monospaced"; } Font f = sc.getFont(family, style, size); if (f == null || (f.getFamily().equals("Dialog") && ! family.equalsIgnoreCase("Dialog"))) { family = "SansSerif"; f = sc.getFont(family, style, size); } return f; } static int getFontSize(AttributeSet attr, int defaultSize, StyleSheet ss) { // PENDING(prinz) this is a 1.1 based implementation, need to also // have a 1.2 version. FontSize sizeValue = (FontSize)attr.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute. FONT_SIZE); return (sizeValue != null) ? (int)sizeValue.getValue(attr, ss) : defaultSize; } /** * Takes a set of attributes and turn it into a color * specification. This might be used to specify things * like brighter, more hue, etc. * This will return null if there is no value for key. * * @param key CSS.Attribute identifying where color is stored. * @param a the set of attributes * @return the color */ Color getColor(AttributeSet a, CSS.Attribute key) { ColorValue cv = (ColorValue) a.getAttribute(key); if (cv != null) { return cv.getValue(); } return null; } /** * Returns the size of a font from the passed in string. * * @param size CSS string describing font size * @param baseFontSize size to use for relative units. */ float getPointSize(String size, StyleSheet ss) { int relSize, absSize, diff, index; ss = getStyleSheet(ss); if (size != null) { if (size.startsWith("+")) { relSize = Integer.valueOf(size.substring(1)).intValue(); return getPointSize(baseFontSize + relSize, ss); } else if (size.startsWith("-")) { relSize = -Integer.valueOf(size.substring(1)).intValue(); return getPointSize(baseFontSize + relSize, ss); } else { absSize = Integer.valueOf(size).intValue(); return getPointSize(absSize, ss); } } return 0; } /** * Returns the length of the attribute in a with * key key. */ float getLength(AttributeSet a, CSS.Attribute key, StyleSheet ss) { ss = getStyleSheet(ss); LengthValue lv = (LengthValue) a.getAttribute(key); boolean isW3CLengthUnits = (ss == null) ? false : ss.isW3CLengthUnits(); float len = (lv != null) ? lv.getValue(isW3CLengthUnits) : 0; return len; } /** * Convert a set of HTML attributes to an equivalent * set of CSS attributes. * * @param AttributeSet containing the HTML attributes. * @return AttributeSet containing the corresponding CSS attributes. * The AttributeSet will be empty if there are no mapping * CSS attributes. */ AttributeSet translateHTMLToCSS(AttributeSet htmlAttrSet) { MutableAttributeSet cssAttrSet = new SimpleAttributeSet(); Element elem = (Element)htmlAttrSet; HTML.Tag tag = getHTMLTag(htmlAttrSet); if ((tag == HTML.Tag.TD) || (tag == HTML.Tag.TH)) { // translate border width into the cells AttributeSet tableAttr = elem.getParentElement(). getParentElement().getAttributes(); translateAttribute(HTML.Attribute.BORDER, tableAttr, cssAttrSet); String pad = (String)tableAttr.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.CELLPADDING); if (pad != null) { LengthValue v = (LengthValue)getInternalCSSValue(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, pad); v.span = (v.span < 0) ? 0 : v.span; cssAttrSet.addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, v); cssAttrSet.addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, v); cssAttrSet.addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, v); cssAttrSet.addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_RIGHT, v); } } if (elem.isLeaf()) { translateEmbeddedAttributes(htmlAttrSet, cssAttrSet); } else { translateAttributes(tag, htmlAttrSet, cssAttrSet); } if (tag == HTML.Tag.CAPTION) { /* * Navigator uses ALIGN for caption placement and IE uses VALIGN. */ Object v = htmlAttrSet.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.ALIGN); if ((v != null) && (v.equals("top") || v.equals("bottom"))) { cssAttrSet.addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.CAPTION_SIDE, v); cssAttrSet.removeAttribute(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN); } else { v = htmlAttrSet.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN); if (v != null) { cssAttrSet.addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.CAPTION_SIDE, v); } } } return cssAttrSet; } private static final Hashtable attributeMap = new Hashtable(); private static final Hashtable valueMap = new Hashtable(); /** * The hashtable and the static initalization block below, * set up a mapping from well-known HTML attributes to * CSS attributes. For the most part, there is a 1-1 mapping * between the two. However in the case of certain HTML * attributes for example HTML.Attribute.VSPACE or * HTML.Attribute.HSPACE, end up mapping to two CSS.Attribute's. * Therefore, the value associated with each HTML.Attribute. * key ends up being an array of CSS.Attribute.* objects. */ private static final Hashtable htmlAttrToCssAttrMap = new Hashtable(20); /** * The hashtable and static initialization that follows sets * up a translation from StyleConstants (i.e. the well known * attributes) to the associated CSS attributes. */ private static final Hashtable styleConstantToCssMap = new Hashtable(17); /** Maps from HTML value to a CSS value. Used in internal mapping. */ private static final Hashtable htmlValueToCssValueMap = new Hashtable(8); /** Maps from CSS value (string) to internal value. */ private static final Hashtable cssValueToInternalValueMap = new Hashtable(13); static { // load the attribute map for (int i = 0; i < Attribute.allAttributes.length; i++ ) { attributeMap.put(Attribute.allAttributes[i].toString(), Attribute.allAttributes[i]); } // load the value map for (int i = 0; i < Value.allValues.length; i++ ) { valueMap.put(Value.allValues[i].toString(), Value.allValues[i]); } htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.COLOR, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.COLOR}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.TEXT, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.COLOR}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.CLEAR, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.CLEAR}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.BACKGROUND, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_IMAGE}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.BGCOLOR, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.WIDTH, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.WIDTH}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.HEIGHT, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.HEIGHT}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.BORDER, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.BORDER_TOP_WIDTH, CSS.Attribute.BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH, CSS.Attribute.BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH, CSS.Attribute.BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.CELLPADDING, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.PADDING}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.CELLSPACING, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.BORDER_SPACING}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.MARGINWIDTH, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_LEFT, CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_RIGHT}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.MARGINHEIGHT, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP, CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.HSPACE, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, CSS.Attribute.PADDING_RIGHT}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.VSPACE, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.FACE, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.SIZE, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.ALIGN, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN, CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN, CSS.Attribute.FLOAT}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.LIST_STYLE_TYPE}); htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.put(HTML.Attribute.NOWRAP, new CSS.Attribute[]{CSS.Attribute.WHITE_SPACE}); // initialize StyleConstants mapping styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.FontFamily, CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.FontSize, CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.Bold, CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.Italic, CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.Underline, CSS.Attribute.TEXT_DECORATION); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.StrikeThrough, CSS.Attribute.TEXT_DECORATION); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.Superscript, CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.Subscript, CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.Foreground, CSS.Attribute.COLOR); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.Background, CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.FirstLineIndent, CSS.Attribute.TEXT_INDENT); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.LeftIndent, CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_LEFT); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.RightIndent, CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_RIGHT); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.SpaceAbove, CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.SpaceBelow, CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM); styleConstantToCssMap.put(StyleConstants.Alignment, CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN); // HTML->CSS htmlValueToCssValueMap.put("disc", CSS.Value.DISC); htmlValueToCssValueMap.put("square", CSS.Value.SQUARE); htmlValueToCssValueMap.put("circle", CSS.Value.CIRCLE); htmlValueToCssValueMap.put("1", CSS.Value.DECIMAL); htmlValueToCssValueMap.put("a", CSS.Value.LOWER_ALPHA); htmlValueToCssValueMap.put("A", CSS.Value.UPPER_ALPHA); htmlValueToCssValueMap.put("i", CSS.Value.LOWER_ROMAN); htmlValueToCssValueMap.put("I", CSS.Value.UPPER_ROMAN); // CSS-> internal CSS cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("none", CSS.Value.NONE); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("disc", CSS.Value.DISC); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("square", CSS.Value.SQUARE); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("circle", CSS.Value.CIRCLE); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("decimal", CSS.Value.DECIMAL); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("lower-roman", CSS.Value.LOWER_ROMAN); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("upper-roman", CSS.Value.UPPER_ROMAN); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("lower-alpha", CSS.Value.LOWER_ALPHA); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("upper-alpha", CSS.Value.UPPER_ALPHA); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("repeat", CSS.Value.BACKGROUND_REPEAT); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("no-repeat", CSS.Value.BACKGROUND_NO_REPEAT); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("repeat-x", CSS.Value.BACKGROUND_REPEAT_X); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("repeat-y", CSS.Value.BACKGROUND_REPEAT_Y); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("scroll", CSS.Value.BACKGROUND_SCROLL); cssValueToInternalValueMap.put("fixed", CSS.Value.BACKGROUND_FIXED); // Register all the CSS attribute keys for archival/unarchival Object[] keys = CSS.Attribute.allAttributes; try { for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { StyleContext.registerStaticAttributeKey(keys[i]); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Register all the CSS Values for archival/unarchival keys = CSS.Value.allValues; try { for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { StyleContext.registerStaticAttributeKey(keys[i]); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Return the set of all possible CSS attribute keys. */ public static Attribute[] getAllAttributeKeys() { Attribute[] keys = new Attribute[Attribute.allAttributes.length]; System.arraycopy(Attribute.allAttributes, 0, keys, 0, Attribute.allAttributes.length); return keys; } /** * Translates a string to a CSS.Attribute object. * This will return null if there is no attribute * by the given name. * * @param name the name of the CSS attribute to fetch the * typesafe enumeration for * @return the CSS.Attribute object, * or null if the string * doesn't represent a valid attribute key */ public static final Attribute getAttribute(String name) { return (Attribute) attributeMap.get(name); } /** * Translates a string to a CSS.Value object. * This will return null if there is no value * by the given name. * * @param name the name of the CSS value to fetch the * typesafe enumeration for * @return the CSS.Value object, * or null if the string * doesn't represent a valid CSS value name; this does * not mean that it doesn't represent a valid CSS value */ static final Value getValue(String name) { return (Value) valueMap.get(name); } // // Conversion related methods/classes // /** * Returns a URL for the given CSS url string. If relative, * base is used as the parent. If a valid URL can not * be found, this will not throw a MalformedURLException, instead * null will be returned. */ static URL getURL(URL base, String cssString) { if (cssString == null) { return null; } if (cssString.startsWith("url(") && cssString.endsWith(")")) { cssString = cssString.substring(4, cssString.length() - 1); } // Absolute first try { URL url = new URL(cssString); if (url != null) { return url; } } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { } // Then relative if (base != null) { // Relative URL, try from base try { URL url = new URL(base, cssString); return url; } catch (MalformedURLException muee) { } } return null; } /** * Converts a type Color to a hex string * in the format "#RRGGBB" */ static String colorToHex(Color color) { String colorstr = new String("#"); // Red String str = Integer.toHexString(color.getRed()); if (str.length() > 2) str = str.substring(0, 2); else if (str.length() < 2) colorstr += "0" + str; else colorstr += str; // Green str = Integer.toHexString(color.getGreen()); if (str.length() > 2) str = str.substring(0, 2); else if (str.length() < 2) colorstr += "0" + str; else colorstr += str; // Blue str = Integer.toHexString(color.getBlue()); if (str.length() > 2) str = str.substring(0, 2); else if (str.length() < 2) colorstr += "0" + str; else colorstr += str; return colorstr; } /** * Convert a "#FFFFFF" hex string to a Color. * If the color specification is bad, an attempt * will be made to fix it up. */ static final Color hexToColor(String value) { String digits; int n = value.length(); if (value.startsWith("#")) { digits = value.substring(1, Math.min(value.length(), 7)); } else { digits = value; } String hstr = "0x" + digits; Color c; try { c = Color.decode(hstr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { c = null; } return c; } /** * Convert a color string such as "RED" or "#NNNNNN" or "rgb(r, g, b)" * to a Color. */ static Color stringToColor(String str) { Color color = null; if (str.length() == 0) color = Color.black; else if (str.startsWith("rgb(")) { color = parseRGB(str); } else if (str.charAt(0) == '#') color = hexToColor(str); else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("Black")) color = hexToColor("#000000"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Silver")) color = hexToColor("#C0C0C0"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Gray")) color = hexToColor("#808080"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("White")) color = hexToColor("#FFFFFF"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Maroon")) color = hexToColor("#800000"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Red")) color = hexToColor("#FF0000"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Purple")) color = hexToColor("#800080"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Fuchsia")) color = hexToColor("#FF00FF"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Green")) color = hexToColor("#008000"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Lime")) color = hexToColor("#00FF00"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Olive")) color = hexToColor("#808000"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Yellow")) color = hexToColor("#FFFF00"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Navy")) color = hexToColor("#000080"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Blue")) color = hexToColor("#0000FF"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Teal")) color = hexToColor("#008080"); else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("Aqua")) color = hexToColor("#00FFFF"); else color = hexToColor(str); // sometimes get specified without leading # return color; } /** * Parses a String in the format rgb(r, g, b) where * each of the Color components is either an integer, or a floating number * with a % after indicating a percentage value of 255. Values are * constrained to fit with 0-255. The resulting Color is returned. */ private static Color parseRGB(String string) { // Find the next numeric char int[] index = new int[1]; index[0] = 4; int red = getColorComponent(string, index); int green = getColorComponent(string, index); int blue = getColorComponent(string, index); return new Color(red, green, blue); } /** * Returns the next integer value from string starting * at index[0]. The value can either can an integer, or * a percentage (floating number ending with %), in which case it is * multiplied by 255. */ private static int getColorComponent(String string, int[] index) { int length = string.length(); char aChar; // Skip non-decimal chars while(index[0] < length && (aChar = string.charAt(index[0])) != '-' && !Character.isDigit(aChar) && aChar != '.') { index[0]++; } int start = index[0]; if (start < length && string.charAt(index[0]) == '-') { index[0]++; } while(index[0] < length && Character.isDigit(string.charAt(index[0]))) { index[0]++; } if (index[0] < length && string.charAt(index[0]) == '.') { // Decimal value index[0]++; while(index[0] < length && Character.isDigit(string.charAt(index[0]))) { index[0]++; } } if (start != index[0]) { try { float value = Float.parseFloat(string.substring (start, index[0])); if (index[0] < length && string.charAt(index[0]) == '%') { index[0]++; value = value * 255f / 100f; } return Math.min(255, Math.max(0, (int)value)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Treat as 0 } } return 0; } static int getIndexOfSize(float pt, int[] sizeMap) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeMap.length; i ++ ) if (pt <= sizeMap[i]) return i + 1; return sizeMap.length; } static int getIndexOfSize(float pt, StyleSheet ss) { int[] sizeMap = (ss != null) ? ss.getSizeMap() : StyleSheet.sizeMapDefault; return getIndexOfSize(pt, sizeMap); } /** * @return an array of all the strings in value * that are separated by whitespace. */ static String[] parseStrings(String value) { int current, last; int length = (value == null) ? 0 : value.length(); Vector temp = new Vector(4); current = 0; while (current < length) { // Skip ws while (current < length && Character.isWhitespace (value.charAt(current))) { current++; } last = current; while (current < length && !Character.isWhitespace (value.charAt(current))) { current++; } if (last != current) { temp.addElement(value.substring(last, current)); } current++; } String[] retValue = new String[temp.size()]; temp.copyInto(retValue); return retValue; } /** * Return the point size, given a size index. Legal HTML index sizes * are 1-7. */ float getPointSize(int index, StyleSheet ss) { ss = getStyleSheet(ss); int[] sizeMap = (ss != null) ? ss.getSizeMap() : StyleSheet.sizeMapDefault; --index; if (index < 0) return sizeMap[0]; else if (index > sizeMap.length - 1) return sizeMap[sizeMap.length - 1]; else return sizeMap[index]; } private void translateEmbeddedAttributes(AttributeSet htmlAttrSet, MutableAttributeSet cssAttrSet) { Enumeration keys = htmlAttrSet.getAttributeNames(); if (htmlAttrSet.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute) == HTML.Tag.HR) { // HR needs special handling due to us treating it as a leaf. translateAttributes(HTML.Tag.HR, htmlAttrSet, cssAttrSet); } while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Object key = keys.nextElement(); if (key instanceof HTML.Tag) { HTML.Tag tag = (HTML.Tag)key; Object o = htmlAttrSet.getAttribute(tag); if (o != null && o instanceof AttributeSet) { translateAttributes(tag, (AttributeSet)o, cssAttrSet); } } else if (key instanceof CSS.Attribute) { cssAttrSet.addAttribute(key, htmlAttrSet.getAttribute(key)); } } } private void translateAttributes(HTML.Tag tag, AttributeSet htmlAttrSet, MutableAttributeSet cssAttrSet) { Enumeration names = htmlAttrSet.getAttributeNames(); while (names.hasMoreElements()) { Object name = names.nextElement(); if (name instanceof HTML.Attribute) { HTML.Attribute key = (HTML.Attribute)name; /* * HTML.Attribute.ALIGN needs special processing. * It can map to to 1 of many(3) possible CSS attributes * depending on the nature of the tag the attribute is * part off and depending on the value of the attribute. */ if (key == HTML.Attribute.ALIGN) { String htmlAttrValue = (String)htmlAttrSet.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.ALIGN); if (htmlAttrValue != null) { CSS.Attribute cssAttr = getCssAlignAttribute(tag, htmlAttrSet); if (cssAttr != null) { Object o = getCssValue(cssAttr, htmlAttrValue); if (o != null) { cssAttrSet.addAttribute(cssAttr, o); } } } } else { /* * The html size attribute has a mapping in the CSS world only * if it is par of a font or base font tag. */ if (key == HTML.Attribute.SIZE && !isHTMLFontTag(tag)) { continue; } translateAttribute(key, htmlAttrSet, cssAttrSet); } } else if (name instanceof CSS.Attribute) { cssAttrSet.addAttribute(name, htmlAttrSet.getAttribute(name)); } } } private void translateAttribute(HTML.Attribute key, AttributeSet htmlAttrSet, MutableAttributeSet cssAttrSet) { /* * In the case of all remaining HTML.Attribute's they * map to 1 or more CCS.Attribute. */ CSS.Attribute[] cssAttrList = getCssAttribute(key); String htmlAttrValue = (String)htmlAttrSet.getAttribute(key); if (cssAttrList == null || htmlAttrValue == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < cssAttrList.length; i++) { Object o = getCssValue(cssAttrList[i], htmlAttrValue); if (o != null) { cssAttrSet.addAttribute(cssAttrList[i], o); } } } /** * Given a CSS.Attribute object and its corresponding HTML.Attribute's * value, this method returns a CssValue object to associate with the * CSS attribute. * * @param the CSS.Attribute * @param a String containing the value associated HTML.Attribtue. */ Object getCssValue(CSS.Attribute cssAttr, String htmlAttrValue) { CssValue value = (CssValue)valueConvertor.get(cssAttr); Object o = value.parseHtmlValue(htmlAttrValue); return o; } /** * Maps an HTML.Attribute object to its appropriate CSS.Attributes. * * @param HTML.Attribute * @return CSS.Attribute[] */ private CSS.Attribute[] getCssAttribute(HTML.Attribute hAttr) { return (CSS.Attribute[])htmlAttrToCssAttrMap.get(hAttr); } /** * Maps HTML.Attribute.ALIGN to either: * CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN * CSS.Attribute.FLOAT * CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN * based on the tag associated with the attribute and the * value of the attribute. * * @param AttributeSet containing HTML attributes. * @return CSS.Attribute mapping for HTML.Attribute.ALIGN. */ private CSS.Attribute getCssAlignAttribute(HTML.Tag tag, AttributeSet htmlAttrSet) { return CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN; /* String htmlAttrValue = (String)htmlAttrSet.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.ALIGN); CSS.Attribute cssAttr = CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN; if (htmlAttrValue != null && htmlAttrSet instanceof Element) { Element elem = (Element)htmlAttrSet; if (!elem.isLeaf() && tag.isBlock() && validTextAlignValue(htmlAttrValue)) { return CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN; } else if (isFloater(htmlAttrValue)) { return CSS.Attribute.FLOAT; } else if (elem.isLeaf()) { return CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN; } } return null; */ } /** * Fetches the tag associated with the HTML AttributeSet. * * @param AttributeSet containing the HTML attributes. * @return HTML.Tag */ private HTML.Tag getHTMLTag(AttributeSet htmlAttrSet) { Object o = htmlAttrSet.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute); if (o instanceof HTML.Tag) { HTML.Tag tag = (HTML.Tag) o; return tag; } return null; } private boolean isHTMLFontTag(HTML.Tag tag) { return (tag != null && ((tag == HTML.Tag.FONT) || (tag == HTML.Tag.BASEFONT))); } private boolean isFloater(String alignValue) { return (alignValue.equals("left") || alignValue.equals("right")); } private boolean validTextAlignValue(String alignValue) { return (isFloater(alignValue) || alignValue.equals("center")); } /** * Base class to CSS values in the attribute sets. This * is intended to act as a convertor to/from other attribute * formats. *

    * The CSS parser uses the parseCssValue method to convert * a string to whatever format is appropriate a given key * (i.e. these convertors are stored in a map using the * CSS.Attribute as a key and the CssValue as the value). *

    * The HTML to CSS conversion process first converts the * HTML.Attribute to a CSS.Attribute, and then calls * the parseHtmlValue method on the value of the HTML * attribute to produce the corresponding CSS value. *

    * The StyleConstants to CSS conversion process first * converts the StyleConstants attribute to a * CSS.Attribute, and then calls the fromStyleConstants * method to convert the StyleConstants value to a * CSS value. *

    * The CSS to StyleConstants conversion process first * converts the StyleConstants attribute to a * CSS.Attribute, and then calls the toStyleConstants * method to convert the CSS value to a StyleConstants * value. */ static class CssValue implements Serializable { /** * Convert a CSS value string to the internal format * (for fast processing) used in the attribute sets. * The fallback storage for any value that we don't * have a special binary format for is a String. */ Object parseCssValue(String value) { return value; } /** * Convert an HTML attribute value to a CSS attribute * value. If there is no conversion, return null. * This is implemented to simply forward to the CSS * parsing by default (since some of the attribute * values are the same). If the attribute value * isn't recognized as a CSS value it is generally * returned as null. */ Object parseHtmlValue(String value) { return parseCssValue(value); } /** * Converts a StyleConstants attribute value to * a CSS attribute value. If there is no conversion, * returns null. By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @param value the value of a StyleConstants * attribute to be converted * @return the CSS value that represents the * StyleConstants value */ Object fromStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, Object value) { return null; } /** * Converts a CSS attribute value to a * StyleConstants * value. If there is no conversion, returns * null. * By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @param v the view containing AttributeSet * @return the StyleConstants attribute value that * represents the CSS attribute value */ Object toStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, View v) { return null; } /** * Return the CSS format of the value */ public String toString() { return svalue; } /** * The value as a string... before conversion to a * binary format. */ String svalue; } /** * By default CSS attributes are represented as simple * strings. They also have no conversion to/from * StyleConstants by default. This class represents the * value as a string (via the superclass), but * provides StyleConstants conversion support for the * CSS attributes that are held as strings. */ static class StringValue extends CssValue { /** * Convert a CSS value string to the internal format * (for fast processing) used in the attribute sets. * This produces a StringValue, so that it can be * used to convert from CSS to StyleConstants values. */ Object parseCssValue(String value) { StringValue sv = new StringValue(); sv.svalue = value; return sv; } /** * Converts a StyleConstants attribute value to * a CSS attribute value. If there is no conversion * returns null. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @param value the value of a StyleConstants * attribute to be converted * @return the CSS value that represents the * StyleConstants value */ Object fromStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, Object value) { if (key == StyleConstants.Italic) { if (value.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { return parseCssValue("italic"); } return parseCssValue(""); } else if (key == StyleConstants.Underline) { if (value.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { return parseCssValue("underline"); } return parseCssValue(""); } else if (key == StyleConstants.Alignment) { int align = ((Integer)value).intValue(); String ta; switch(align) { case StyleConstants.ALIGN_LEFT: ta = "left"; break; case StyleConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT: ta = "right"; break; case StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER: ta = "center"; break; case StyleConstants.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED: ta = "justify"; break; default: ta = "left"; } return parseCssValue(ta); } else if (key == StyleConstants.StrikeThrough) { if (value.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { return parseCssValue("line-through"); } return parseCssValue(""); } else if (key == StyleConstants.Superscript) { if (value.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { return parseCssValue("super"); } return parseCssValue(""); } else if (key == StyleConstants.Subscript) { if (value.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { return parseCssValue("sub"); } return parseCssValue(""); } return null; } /** * Converts a CSS attribute value to a * StyleConstants value. * If there is no conversion, returns null. * By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @return the StyleConstants attribute value that * represents the CSS attribute value */ Object toStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, View v) { if (key == StyleConstants.Italic) { if (svalue.indexOf("italic") >= 0) { return Boolean.TRUE; } return Boolean.FALSE; } else if (key == StyleConstants.Underline) { if (svalue.indexOf("underline") >= 0) { return Boolean.TRUE; } return Boolean.FALSE; } else if (key == StyleConstants.Alignment) { if (svalue.equals("right")) { return new Integer(StyleConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else if (svalue.equals("center")) { return new Integer(StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER); } else if (svalue.equals("justify")) { return new Integer(StyleConstants.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED); } return new Integer(StyleConstants.ALIGN_LEFT); } else if (key == StyleConstants.StrikeThrough) { if (svalue.indexOf("line-through") >= 0) { return Boolean.TRUE; } return Boolean.FALSE; } else if (key == StyleConstants.Superscript) { if (svalue.indexOf("super") >= 0) { return Boolean.TRUE; } return Boolean.FALSE; } else if (key == StyleConstants.Subscript) { if (svalue.indexOf("sub") >= 0) { return Boolean.TRUE; } return Boolean.FALSE; } return null; } // Used by ViewAttributeSet boolean isItalic() { return (svalue.indexOf("italic") != -1); } boolean isStrike() { return (svalue.indexOf("line-through") != -1); } boolean isUnderline() { return (svalue.indexOf("underline") != -1); } boolean isSub() { return (svalue.indexOf("sub") != -1); } boolean isSup() { return (svalue.indexOf("sup") != -1); } } /** * Represents a value for the CSS.FONT_SIZE attribute. * The binary format of the value can be one of several * types. If the type is Float, * the value is specified in terms of point or * percentage, depending upon the ending of the * associated string. * If the type is Integer, the value is specified * in terms of a size index. */ class FontSize extends CssValue { /** * Returns the size in points. This is ultimately * what we need for the purpose of creating/fetching * a Font object. * * @param a the attribute set the value is being * requested from. We may need to walk up the * resolve hierarchy if it's relative. */ float getValue(AttributeSet a, StyleSheet ss) { ss = getStyleSheet(ss); if (index) { // it's an index, translate from size table return getPointSize((int) value, ss); } else if (lu == null) { return value; } else { if (lu.type == 0) { boolean isW3CLengthUnits = (ss == null) ? false : ss.isW3CLengthUnits(); return lu.getValue(isW3CLengthUnits); } if (a != null) { AttributeSet resolveParent = a.getResolveParent(); if (resolveParent != null) { int pValue = StyleConstants.getFontSize(resolveParent); float retValue; if (lu.type == 1 || lu.type == 3) { retValue = lu.value * (float)pValue; } else { retValue = lu.value + (float)pValue; } return retValue; } } // a is null, or no resolve parent. return 12; } } Object parseCssValue(String value) { FontSize fs = new FontSize(); fs.svalue = value; try { if (value.equals("xx-small")) { fs.value = 1; fs.index = true; } else if (value.equals("x-small")) { fs.value = 2; fs.index = true; } else if (value.equals("small")) { fs.value = 3; fs.index = true; } else if (value.equals("medium")) { fs.value = 4; fs.index = true; } else if (value.equals("large")) { fs.value = 5; fs.index = true; } else if (value.equals("x-large")) { fs.value = 6; fs.index = true; } else if (value.equals("xx-large")) { fs.value = 7; fs.index = true; } else { fs.lu = new LengthUnit(value, (short)1, 1f); } // relative sizes, larger | smaller (adjust from parent by // 1.5 pixels) // em, ex refer to parent sizes // lengths: pt, mm, cm, pc, in, px // em (font height 3em would be 3 times font height) // ex (height of X) // lengths are (+/-) followed by a number and two letter // unit identifier } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { fs = null; } return fs; } Object parseHtmlValue(String value) { FontSize fs = new FontSize(); fs.svalue = value; try { /* * relative sizes in the size attribute are relative * to the 's size. */ int baseFontSize = getBaseFontSize(); if ((value != null) && (value.charAt(0) == '+')) { int relSize = Integer.valueOf(value.substring(1)).intValue(); fs.value = baseFontSize + relSize; fs.index = true; } else if ((value != null) && (value.charAt(0) == '-')) { int relSize = -Integer.valueOf(value.substring(1)).intValue(); fs.value = baseFontSize + relSize; fs.index = true; } else { fs.value = Integer.parseInt(value); if (fs.value > 7) { fs.value = 7; } else if (fs.value < 0) { fs.value = 0; } fs.index = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { fs = null; } return fs; } /** * Converts a StyleConstants attribute value to * a CSS attribute value. If there is no conversion * returns null. By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @param value the value of a StyleConstants * attribute to be converted * @return the CSS value that represents the * StyleConstants value */ Object fromStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, Object value) { if (value instanceof Number) { FontSize fs = new FontSize(); fs.value = getIndexOfSize(((Number)value).floatValue(), StyleSheet.sizeMapDefault); fs.svalue = Integer.toString((int)fs.value); fs.index = true; return fs; } return parseCssValue(value.toString()); } /** * Converts a CSS attribute value to a StyleConstants * value. If there is no conversion, returns null. * By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @return the StyleConstants attribute value that * represents the CSS attribute value */ Object toStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, View v) { if (v != null) { return new Integer((int) getValue(v.getAttributes(), null)); } return new Integer((int) getValue(null, null)); } float value; boolean index; LengthUnit lu; } static class FontFamily extends CssValue { /** * Returns the font family to use. */ String getValue() { return family; } Object parseCssValue(String value) { int cIndex = value.indexOf(','); FontFamily ff = new FontFamily(); ff.svalue = value; ff.family = null; if (cIndex == -1) { setFontName(ff, value); } else { boolean done = false; int lastIndex; int length = value.length(); cIndex = 0; while (!done) { // skip ws. while (cIndex < length && Character.isWhitespace(value.charAt(cIndex))) cIndex++; // Find next ',' lastIndex = cIndex; cIndex = value.indexOf(',', cIndex); if (cIndex == -1) { cIndex = length; } if (lastIndex < length) { if (lastIndex != cIndex) { int lastCharIndex = cIndex; if (cIndex > 0 && value.charAt(cIndex - 1) == ' '){ lastCharIndex--; } setFontName(ff, value.substring (lastIndex, lastCharIndex)); done = (ff.family != null); } cIndex++; } else { done = true; } } } if (ff.family == null) { ff.family = "SansSerif"; } return ff; } private void setFontName(FontFamily ff, String fontName) { ff.family = fontName; } Object parseHtmlValue(String value) { // TBD return parseCssValue(value); } /** * Converts a StyleConstants attribute value to * a CSS attribute value. If there is no conversion * returns null. By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @param value the value of a StyleConstants * attribute to be converted * @return the CSS value that represents the * StyleConstants value */ Object fromStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, Object value) { return parseCssValue(value.toString()); } /** * Converts a CSS attribute value to a StyleConstants * value. If there is no conversion, returns null. * By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @return the StyleConstants attribute value that * represents the CSS attribute value */ Object toStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, View v) { return family; } String family; } static class FontWeight extends CssValue { int getValue() { return weight; } Object parseCssValue(String value) { FontWeight fw = new FontWeight(); fw.svalue = value; if (value.equals("bold")) { fw.weight = 700; } else if (value.equals("normal")) { fw.weight = 400; } else { // PENDING(prinz) add support for relative values try { fw.weight = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { fw = null; } } return fw; } /** * Converts a StyleConstants attribute value to * a CSS attribute value. If there is no conversion * returns null. By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @param value the value of a StyleConstants * attribute to be converted * @return the CSS value that represents the * StyleConstants value */ Object fromStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, Object value) { if (value.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { return parseCssValue("bold"); } return parseCssValue("normal"); } /** * Converts a CSS attribute value to a StyleConstants * value. If there is no conversion, returns null. * By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @return the StyleConstants attribute value that * represents the CSS attribute value */ Object toStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, View v) { return (weight > 500) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } boolean isBold() { return (weight > 500); } int weight; } static class ColorValue extends CssValue { /** * Returns the color to use. */ Color getValue() { return c; } Object parseCssValue(String value) { Color c = stringToColor(value); if (c != null) { ColorValue cv = new ColorValue(); cv.svalue = value; cv.c = c; return cv; } return null; } Object parseHtmlValue(String value) { return parseCssValue(value); } /** * Converts a StyleConstants attribute value to * a CSS attribute value. If there is no conversion * returns null. By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @param value the value of a StyleConstants * attribute to be converted * @return the CSS value that represents the * StyleConstants value */ Object fromStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, Object value) { ColorValue colorValue = new ColorValue(); colorValue.c = (Color)value; colorValue.svalue = colorToHex(colorValue.c); return colorValue; } /** * Converts a CSS attribute value to a StyleConstants * value. If there is no conversion, returns null. * By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @return the StyleConstants attribute value that * represents the CSS attribute value */ Object toStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, View v) { return c; } Color c; } static class BorderStyle extends CssValue { CSS.Value getValue() { return style; } Object parseCssValue(String value) { CSS.Value cssv = CSS.getValue(value); if (cssv != null) { if ((cssv == CSS.Value.INSET) || (cssv == CSS.Value.OUTSET) || (cssv == CSS.Value.NONE) || (cssv == CSS.Value.DOTTED) || (cssv == CSS.Value.DASHED) || (cssv == CSS.Value.SOLID) || (cssv == CSS.Value.DOUBLE) || (cssv == CSS.Value.GROOVE) || (cssv == CSS.Value.RIDGE)) { BorderStyle bs = new BorderStyle(); bs.svalue = value; bs.style = cssv; return bs; } } return null; } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { s.defaultWriteObject(); if (style == null) { s.writeObject(null); } else { s.writeObject(style.toString()); } } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { s.defaultReadObject(); Object value = s.readObject(); if (value != null) { style = CSS.getValue((String)value); } } // CSS.Values are static, don't archive it. transient private CSS.Value style; } static class LengthValue extends CssValue { /** * if this length value may be negative. */ boolean mayBeNegative; LengthValue() { this(false); } LengthValue(boolean mayBeNegative) { this.mayBeNegative = mayBeNegative; } /** * Returns the length (span) to use. */ float getValue() { return getValue(false); } float getValue(boolean isW3CLengthUnits) { return getValue(0, isW3CLengthUnits); } /** * Returns the length (span) to use. If the value represents * a percentage, it is scaled based on currentValue. */ float getValue(float currentValue) { return getValue(currentValue, false); } float getValue(float currentValue, boolean isW3CLengthUnits) { if (percentage) { return span * currentValue; } return LengthUnit.getValue(span, units, isW3CLengthUnits); } /** * Returns true if the length represents a percentage of the * containing box. */ boolean isPercentage() { return percentage; } Object parseCssValue(String value) { LengthValue lv; try { // Assume pixels float absolute = Float.valueOf(value).floatValue(); lv = new LengthValue(); lv.span = absolute; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Not pixels, use LengthUnit LengthUnit lu = new LengthUnit(value, LengthUnit.UNINITALIZED_LENGTH, 0); // PENDING: currently, we only support absolute values and // percentages. switch (lu.type) { case 0: // Absolute lv = new LengthValue(); lv.span = (mayBeNegative) ? lu.value : Math.max(0, lu.value); lv.units = lu.units; break; case 1: // % lv = new LengthValue(); lv.span = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, lu.value)); lv.percentage = true; break; default: return null; } } lv.svalue = value; return lv; } Object parseHtmlValue(String value) { if (value.equals(HTML.NULL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE)) { value = "1"; } return parseCssValue(value); } /** * Converts a StyleConstants attribute value to * a CSS attribute value. If there is no conversion, * returns null. By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @param value the value of a StyleConstants * attribute to be converted * @return the CSS value that represents the * StyleConstants value */ Object fromStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, Object value) { LengthValue v = new LengthValue(); v.svalue = value.toString(); v.span = ((Float)value).floatValue(); return v; } /** * Converts a CSS attribute value to a StyleConstants * value. If there is no conversion, returns null. * By default, there is no conversion. * * @param key the StyleConstants attribute * @return the StyleConstants attribute value that * represents the CSS attribute value */ Object toStyleConstants(StyleConstants key, View v) { return new Float(getValue(false)); } /** If true, span is a percentage value, and that to determine * the length another value needs to be passed in. */ boolean percentage; /** Either the absolute value (percentage == false) or * a percentage value. */ float span; String units = null; } /** * BorderWidthValue is used to model BORDER_XXX_WIDTH and adds support * for the thin/medium/thick values. */ static class BorderWidthValue extends LengthValue { BorderWidthValue(String svalue, int index) { this.svalue = svalue; span = values[index]; percentage = false; } Object parseCssValue(String value) { if (value != null) { if (value.equals("thick")) { return new BorderWidthValue(value, 2); } else if (value.equals("medium")) { return new BorderWidthValue(value, 1); } else if (value.equals("thin")) { return new BorderWidthValue(value, 0); } } // Assume its a length. return super.parseCssValue(value); } Object parseHtmlValue(String value) { if (value == HTML.NULL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) { return parseCssValue("medium"); } return parseCssValue(value); } /** Values used to represent border width. */ private static final float[] values = { 1, 2, 4 }; } /** * Handles uniquing of CSS values, like lists, and background image * repeating. */ static class CssValueMapper extends CssValue { Object parseCssValue(String value) { Object retValue = cssValueToInternalValueMap.get(value); if (retValue == null) { retValue = cssValueToInternalValueMap.get(value.toLowerCase()); } return retValue; } Object parseHtmlValue(String value) { Object retValue = htmlValueToCssValueMap.get(value); if (retValue == null) { retValue = htmlValueToCssValueMap.get(value.toLowerCase()); } return retValue; } } /** * Used for background images, to represent the position. */ static class BackgroundPosition extends CssValue { float horizontalPosition; float verticalPosition; // bitmask: bit 0, horizontal relative, bit 1 horizontal relative to // font size, 2 vertical relative to size, 3 vertical relative to // font size. // short relative; Object parseCssValue(String value) { // 'top left' and 'left top' both mean the same as '0% 0%'. // 'top', 'top center' and 'center top' mean the same as '50% 0%'. // 'right top' and 'top right' mean the same as '100% 0%'. // 'left', 'left center' and 'center left' mean the same as // '0% 50%'. // 'center' and 'center center' mean the same as '50% 50%'. // 'right', 'right center' and 'center right' mean the same as // '100% 50%'. // 'bottom left' and 'left bottom' mean the same as '0% 100%'. // 'bottom', 'bottom center' and 'center bottom' mean the same as // '50% 100%'. // 'bottom right' and 'right bottom' mean the same as '100% 100%'. String[] strings = CSS.parseStrings(value); int count = strings.length; BackgroundPosition bp = new BackgroundPosition(); bp.relative = 5; bp.svalue = value; if (count > 0) { // bit 0 for vert, 1 hor, 2 for center short found = 0; int index = 0; while (index < count) { // First, check for keywords String string = strings[index++]; if (string.equals("center")) { found |= 4; continue; } else { if ((found & 1) == 0) { if (string.equals("top")) { found |= 1; } else if (string.equals("bottom")) { found |= 1; bp.verticalPosition = 1; continue; } } if ((found & 2) == 0) { if (string.equals("left")) { found |= 2; bp.horizontalPosition = 0; } else if (string.equals("right")) { found |= 2; bp.horizontalPosition = 1; } } } } if (found != 0) { if ((found & 1) == 1) { if ((found & 2) == 0) { // vert and no horiz. bp.horizontalPosition = .5f; } } else if ((found & 2) == 2) { // horiz and no vert. bp.verticalPosition = .5f; } else { // no horiz, no vert, but center bp.horizontalPosition = bp.verticalPosition = .5f; } } else { // Assume lengths LengthUnit lu = new LengthUnit(strings[0], (short)0, 0f); if (lu.type == 0) { bp.horizontalPosition = lu.value; bp.relative = (short)(1 ^ bp.relative); } else if (lu.type == 1) { bp.horizontalPosition = lu.value; } else if (lu.type == 3) { bp.horizontalPosition = lu.value; bp.relative = (short)((1 ^ bp.relative) | 2); } if (count > 1) { lu = new LengthUnit(strings[1], (short)0, 0f); if (lu.type == 0) { bp.verticalPosition = lu.value; bp.relative = (short)(4 ^ bp.relative); } else if (lu.type == 1) { bp.verticalPosition = lu.value; } else if (lu.type == 3) { bp.verticalPosition = lu.value; bp.relative = (short)((4 ^ bp.relative) | 8); } } else { bp.verticalPosition = .5f; } } } return bp; } boolean isHorizontalPositionRelativeToSize() { return ((relative & 1) == 1); } boolean isHorizontalPositionRelativeToFontSize() { return ((relative & 2) == 2); } float getHorizontalPosition() { return horizontalPosition; } boolean isVerticalPositionRelativeToSize() { return ((relative & 4) == 4); } boolean isVerticalPositionRelativeToFontSize() { return ((relative & 8) == 8); } float getVerticalPosition() { return verticalPosition; } } /** * Used for BackgroundImages. */ static class BackgroundImage extends CssValue { private boolean loadedImage; private ImageIcon image; Object parseCssValue(String value) { BackgroundImage retValue = new BackgroundImage(); retValue.svalue = value; return retValue; } Object parseHtmlValue(String value) { return parseCssValue(value); } // PENDING: this base is wrong for linked style sheets. ImageIcon getImage(URL base) { if (!loadedImage) { synchronized(this) { if (!loadedImage) { URL url = CSS.getURL(base, svalue); loadedImage = true; if (url != null) { image = new ImageIcon(url); } } } } return image; } } /** * Parses a length value, this is used internally, and never added * to an AttributeSet or returned to the developer. */ static class LengthUnit implements Serializable { static Hashtable lengthMapping = new Hashtable(6); static Hashtable w3cLengthMapping = new Hashtable(6); static { lengthMapping.put("pt", new Float(1f)); // Not sure about 1.3, determined by experiementation. lengthMapping.put("px", new Float(1.3f)); lengthMapping.put("mm", new Float(2.83464f)); lengthMapping.put("cm", new Float(28.3464f)); lengthMapping.put("pc", new Float(12f)); lengthMapping.put("in", new Float(72f)); int res = 72; try { res = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution(); } catch (HeadlessException e) { } // mapping according to the CSS2 spec w3cLengthMapping.put("pt", new Float(res/72f)); w3cLengthMapping.put("px", new Float(1f)); w3cLengthMapping.put("mm", new Float(res/25.4f)); w3cLengthMapping.put("cm", new Float(res/2.54f)); w3cLengthMapping.put("pc", new Float(res/6f)); w3cLengthMapping.put("in", new Float(res)); } LengthUnit(String value, short defaultType, float defaultValue) { parse(value, defaultType, defaultValue); } void parse(String value, short defaultType, float defaultValue) { type = defaultType; this.value = defaultValue; int length = value.length(); if (length > 0 && value.charAt(length - 1) == '%') { try { this.value = Float.valueOf(value.substring(0, length - 1)). floatValue() / 100.0f; type = 1; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (length >= 2) { units = value.substring(length - 2, length); Float scale = (Float)lengthMapping.get(units); if (scale != null) { try { this.value = Float.valueOf(value.substring(0, length - 2)).floatValue(); type = 0; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } else if (units.equals("em") || units.equals("ex")) { try { this.value = Float.valueOf(value.substring(0, length - 2)).floatValue(); type = 3; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } else if (value.equals("larger")) { this.value = 2f; type = 2; } else if (value.equals("smaller")) { this.value = -2; type = 2; } else { // treat like points. try { this.value = Float.valueOf(value).floatValue(); type = 0; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } } else if (length > 0) { // treat like points. try { this.value = Float.valueOf(value).floatValue(); type = 0; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } } float getValue(boolean w3cLengthUnits) { Hashtable mapping = (w3cLengthUnits) ? w3cLengthMapping : lengthMapping; float scale = 1; if (units != null) { Float scaleFloat = (Float)mapping.get(units); if (scaleFloat != null) { scale = scaleFloat.floatValue(); } } return this.value * scale; } static float getValue(float value, String units, Boolean w3cLengthUnits) { Hashtable mapping = (w3cLengthUnits) ? w3cLengthMapping : lengthMapping; float scale = 1; if (units != null) { Float scaleFloat = (Float)mapping.get(units); if (scaleFloat != null) { scale = scaleFloat.floatValue(); } } return value * scale; } public String toString() { return type + " " + value; } // 0 - value indicates real value // 1 - % value, value relative to depends upon key. // 50% will have a value = .5 // 2 - add value to parent value. // 3 - em/ex relative to font size of element (except for // font-size, which is relative to parent). short type; float value; String units = null; static final short UNINITALIZED_LENGTH = (short)10; } /** * Class used to parse font property. The font property is shorthand * for the other font properties. This expands the properties, placing * them in the attributeset. */ static class ShorthandFontParser { /** * Parses the shorthand font string value, placing the * result in attr. */ static void parseShorthandFont(CSS css, String value, MutableAttributeSet attr) { // font is of the form: // [ || || ]? // [ / ]? String[] strings = CSS.parseStrings(value); int count = strings.length; int index = 0; // bitmask, 1 for style, 2 for variant, 3 for weight short found = 0; int maxC = Math.min(3, count); // Check for font-style font-variant font-weight while (index < maxC) { if ((found & 1) == 0 && isFontStyle(strings[index])) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE, strings[index++]); found |= 1; } else if ((found & 2) == 0 && isFontVariant(strings[index])) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.FONT_VARIANT, strings[index++]); found |= 2; } else if ((found & 4) == 0 && isFontWeight(strings[index])) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, strings[index++]); found |= 4; } else if (strings[index].equals("normal")) { index++; } else { break; } } if ((found & 1) == 0) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE, "normal"); } if ((found & 2) == 0) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.FONT_VARIANT, "normal"); } if ((found & 4) == 0) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, "normal"); } // string at index should be the font-size if (index < count) { String fontSize = strings[index]; int slashIndex = fontSize.indexOf('/'); if (slashIndex != -1) { fontSize = fontSize.substring(0, slashIndex); strings[index] = strings[index].substring(slashIndex); } else { index++; } css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, fontSize); } else { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, "medium"); } // Check for line height if (index < count && strings[index].startsWith("/")) { String lineHeight = null; if (strings[index].equals("/")) { if (++index < count) { lineHeight = strings[index++]; } } else { lineHeight = strings[index++].substring(1); } // line height if (lineHeight != null) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.LINE_HEIGHT, lineHeight); } else { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.LINE_HEIGHT, "normal"); } } else { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.LINE_HEIGHT, "normal"); } // remainder of strings are font-family if (index < count) { String family = strings[index++]; while (index < count) { family += " " + strings[index++]; } css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, family); } else { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, "SansSerif"); } } private static boolean isFontStyle(String string) { return (string.equals("italic") || string.equals("oblique")); } private static boolean isFontVariant(String string) { return (string.equals("small-caps")); } private static boolean isFontWeight(String string) { if (string.equals("bold") || string.equals("bolder") || string.equals("italic") || string.equals("lighter")) { return true; } // test for 100-900 return (string.length() == 3 && string.charAt(0) >= '1' && string.charAt(0) <= '9' && string.charAt(1) == '0' && string.charAt(2) == '0'); } } /** * Parses the background property into its intrinsic values. */ static class ShorthandBackgroundParser { /** * Parses the shorthand font string value, placing the * result in attr. */ static void parseShorthandBackground(CSS css, String value, MutableAttributeSet attr) { String[] strings = parseStrings(value); int count = strings.length; int index = 0; // bitmask: 0 for image, 1 repeat, 2 attachment, 3 position, // 4 color short found = 0; while (index < count) { String string = strings[index++]; if ((found & 1) == 0 && isImage(string)) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute. BACKGROUND_IMAGE, string); found |= 1; } else if ((found & 2) == 0 && isRepeat(string)) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute. BACKGROUND_REPEAT, string); found |= 2; } else if ((found & 4) == 0 && isAttachment(string)) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute. BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT, string); found |= 4; } else if ((found & 8) == 0 && isPosition(string)) { if (index < count && isPosition(strings[index])) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute. BACKGROUND_POSITION, string + " " + strings[index++]); } else { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute. BACKGROUND_POSITION, string); } found |= 8; } else if ((found & 16) == 0 && isColor(string)) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute. BACKGROUND_COLOR, string); found |= 16; } } if ((found & 1) == 0) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_IMAGE, null); } if ((found & 2) == 0) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_REPEAT, "repeat"); } if ((found & 4) == 0) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute. BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT, "scroll"); } if ((found & 8) == 0) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute. BACKGROUND_POSITION, null); } // Currently, there is no good way to express this. /* if ((found & 16) == 0) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, null); } */ } static boolean isImage(String string) { return (string.startsWith("url(") && string.endsWith(")")); } static boolean isRepeat(String string) { return (string.equals("repeat-x") || string.equals("repeat-y") || string.equals("repeat") || string.equals("no-repeat")); } static boolean isAttachment(String string) { return (string.equals("fixed") || string.equals("scroll")); } static boolean isPosition(String string) { return (string.equals("top") || string.equals("bottom") || string.equals("left") || string.equals("right") || string.equals("center") || (string.length() > 0 && Character.isDigit(string.charAt(0)))); } static boolean isColor(String string) { return (CSS.stringToColor(string) != null); } } /** * Used to parser margin and padding. */ static class ShorthandMarginParser { /** * Parses the shorthand margin/padding/border string * value, placing the result in attr. * names give the 4 instrinsic property names. */ static void parseShorthandMargin(CSS css, String value, MutableAttributeSet attr, CSS.Attribute[] names) { String[] strings = parseStrings(value); int count = strings.length; int index = 0; switch (count) { case 0: // empty string return; case 1: // Identifies all values. for (int counter = 0; counter < 4; counter++) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, names[counter], strings[0]); } break; case 2: // 0 & 2 = strings[0], 1 & 3 = strings[1] css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, names[0], strings[0]); css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, names[2], strings[0]); css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, names[1], strings[1]); css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, names[3], strings[1]); break; case 3: css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, names[0], strings[0]); css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, names[1], strings[1]); css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, names[2], strings[2]); css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, names[3], strings[1]); break; default: for (int counter = 0; counter < 4; counter++) { css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, names[counter], strings[counter]); } break; } } } /** * Calculate the requirements needed to tile the requirements * given by the iterator that would be tiled. The calculation * takes into consideration margin and border spacing. */ static SizeRequirements calculateTiledRequirements(LayoutIterator iter, SizeRequirements r) { long minimum = 0; long maximum = 0; long preferred = 0; int lastMargin = 0; int totalSpacing = 0; int n = iter.getCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { iter.setIndex(i); int margin0 = lastMargin; int margin1 = (int) iter.getLeadingCollapseSpan(); totalSpacing += Math.max(margin0, margin1);; preferred += (int) iter.getPreferredSpan(0); minimum += iter.getMinimumSpan(0); maximum += iter.getMaximumSpan(0); lastMargin = (int) iter.getTrailingCollapseSpan(); } totalSpacing += lastMargin; totalSpacing += 2 * iter.getBorderWidth(); // adjust for the spacing area minimum += totalSpacing; preferred += totalSpacing; maximum += totalSpacing; // set return value if (r == null) { r = new SizeRequirements(); } r.minimum = (minimum > Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int)minimum; r.preferred = (preferred > Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE :(int) preferred; r.maximum = (maximum > Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE :(int) maximum; return r; } /** * Calculate a tiled layout for the given iterator. * This should be done collapsing the neighboring * margins to be a total of the maximum of the two * neighboring margin areas as described in the CSS spec. */ static void calculateTiledLayout(LayoutIterator iter, int targetSpan) { /* * first pass, calculate the preferred sizes, adjustments needed because * of margin collapsing, and the flexibility to adjust the sizes. */ long preferred = 0; long currentPreferred = 0; int lastMargin = 0; int totalSpacing = 0; int n = iter.getCount(); int adjustmentWeightsCount = LayoutIterator.WorstAdjustmentWeight + 1; //max gain we can get adjusting elements with adjustmentWeight <= i long gain[] = new long[adjustmentWeightsCount]; //max loss we can get adjusting elements with adjustmentWeight <= i long loss[] = new long[adjustmentWeightsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < adjustmentWeightsCount; i++) { gain[i] = loss[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { iter.setIndex(i); int margin0 = lastMargin; int margin1 = (int) iter.getLeadingCollapseSpan(); iter.setOffset(Math.max(margin0, margin1)); totalSpacing += iter.getOffset(); currentPreferred = (long)iter.getPreferredSpan(targetSpan); iter.setSpan((int) currentPreferred); preferred += currentPreferred; gain[iter.getAdjustmentWeight()] += (long)iter.getMaximumSpan(targetSpan) - currentPreferred; loss[iter.getAdjustmentWeight()] += currentPreferred - (long)iter.getMinimumSpan(targetSpan); lastMargin = (int) iter.getTrailingCollapseSpan(); } totalSpacing += lastMargin; totalSpacing += 2 * iter.getBorderWidth(); for (int i = 1; i < adjustmentWeightsCount; i++) { gain[i] += gain[i - 1]; loss[i] += loss[i - 1]; } /* * Second pass, expand or contract by as much as possible to reach * the target span. This takes the margin collapsing into account * prior to adjusting the span. */ // determine the adjustment to be made int allocated = targetSpan - totalSpacing; long desiredAdjustment = allocated - preferred; long adjustmentsArray[] = (desiredAdjustment > 0) ? gain : loss; desiredAdjustment = Math.abs(desiredAdjustment); int adjustmentLevel = 0; for (;adjustmentLevel <= LayoutIterator.WorstAdjustmentWeight; adjustmentLevel++) { // adjustmentsArray[] is sorted. I do not bother about // binary search though if (adjustmentsArray[adjustmentLevel] >= desiredAdjustment) { break; } } float adjustmentFactor = 0.0f; if (adjustmentLevel <= LayoutIterator.WorstAdjustmentWeight) { desiredAdjustment -= (adjustmentLevel > 0) ? adjustmentsArray[adjustmentLevel - 1] : 0; if (desiredAdjustment != 0) { float maximumAdjustment = adjustmentsArray[adjustmentLevel] - ((adjustmentLevel > 0) ? adjustmentsArray[adjustmentLevel - 1] : 0 ); adjustmentFactor = desiredAdjustment / maximumAdjustment; } } // make the adjustments int totalOffset = (int)iter.getBorderWidth();; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { iter.setIndex(i); iter.setOffset( iter.getOffset() + totalOffset); if (iter.getAdjustmentWeight() < adjustmentLevel) { iter.setSpan((int) ((allocated > preferred) ? Math.floor(iter.getMaximumSpan(targetSpan)) : Math.ceil(iter.getMinimumSpan(targetSpan)) ) ); } else if (iter.getAdjustmentWeight() == adjustmentLevel) { int availableSpan = (allocated > preferred) ? (int) iter.getMaximumSpan(targetSpan) - iter.getSpan() : iter.getSpan() - (int) iter.getMinimumSpan(targetSpan); int adj = (int)Math.floor(adjustmentFactor * availableSpan); iter.setSpan(iter.getSpan() + ((allocated > preferred) ? adj : -adj)); } totalOffset = (int) Math.min((long) iter.getOffset() + (long) iter.getSpan(), Integer.MAX_VALUE); } // while rounding we could lose several pixels. int roundError = targetSpan - totalOffset - (int)iter.getTrailingCollapseSpan() - (int)iter.getBorderWidth(); int adj = (roundError > 0) ? 1 : -1; roundError *= adj; boolean canAdjust = true; while (roundError > 0 && canAdjust) { // check for infinite loop canAdjust = false; int offsetAdjust = 0; // try to distribute roundError. one pixel per cell for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { iter.setIndex(i); iter.setOffset(iter.getOffset() + offsetAdjust); int curSpan = iter.getSpan(); if (roundError > 0) { int boundGap = (adj > 0) ? (int)Math.floor(iter.getMaximumSpan(targetSpan)) - curSpan : curSpan - (int)Math.ceil(iter.getMinimumSpan(targetSpan)); if (boundGap >= 1) { canAdjust = true; iter.setSpan(curSpan + adj); offsetAdjust += adj; roundError--; } } } } } /** * An iterator to express the requirements to use when computing * layout. */ interface LayoutIterator { void setOffset(int offs); int getOffset(); void setSpan(int span); int getSpan(); int getCount(); void setIndex(int i); float getMinimumSpan(float parentSpan); float getPreferredSpan(float parentSpan); float getMaximumSpan(float parentSpan); int getAdjustmentWeight(); //0 is the best weight WorstAdjustmentWeight is a worst one //float getAlignment(); float getBorderWidth(); float getLeadingCollapseSpan(); float getTrailingCollapseSpan(); public static final int WorstAdjustmentWeight = 2; } // // Serialization support // private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { s.defaultWriteObject(); // Determine what values in valueConvertor need to be written out. Enumeration keys = valueConvertor.keys(); s.writeInt(valueConvertor.size()); if (keys != null) { while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Object key = keys.nextElement(); Object value = valueConvertor.get(key); if (!(key instanceof Serializable) && (key = StyleContext.getStaticAttributeKey(key)) == null) { // Should we throw an exception here? key = null; value = null; } else if (!(value instanceof Serializable) && (value = StyleContext.getStaticAttributeKey(value)) == null){ // Should we throw an exception here? key = null; value = null; } s.writeObject(key); s.writeObject(value); } } } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { s.defaultReadObject(); // Reconstruct the hashtable. int numValues = s.readInt(); valueConvertor = new Hashtable(Math.max(1, numValues)); while (numValues-- > 0) { Object key = s.readObject(); Object value = s.readObject(); Object staticKey = StyleContext.getStaticAttribute(key); if (staticKey != null) { key = staticKey; } Object staticValue = StyleContext.getStaticAttribute(value); if (staticValue != null) { value = staticValue; } if (key != null && value != null) { valueConvertor.put(key, value); } } } /* * we need StyleSheet for resolving lenght units. (see * isW3CLengthUnits) * we can not pass stylesheet for handling relative sizes. (do not * think changing public API is necessary) * CSS is not likely to be accessed from more then one thread. * Having local storage for StyleSheet for resolving relative * sizes is safe * * idk 08/30/2004 */ private StyleSheet getStyleSheet(StyleSheet ss) { if (ss != null) { styleSheet = ss; } return styleSheet; } // // Instance variables // /** Maps from CSS key to CssValue. */ private transient Hashtable valueConvertor; /** Size used for relative units. */ private int baseFontSize; private transient StyleSheet styleSheet = null; static int baseFontSizeIndex = 3; }