/* * @(#)ZoneView.java 1.17 03/12/19 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package javax.swing.text; import java.util.Vector; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.event.*; /** * ZoneView is a View implementation that creates zones for which * the child views are not created or stored until they are needed * for display or model/view translations. This enables a substantial * reduction in memory consumption for situations where the model * being represented is very large, by building view objects only for * the region being actively viewed/edited. The size of the children * can be estimated in some way, or calculated asynchronously with * only the result being saved. *

* ZoneView extends BoxView to provide a box that implements * zones for it's children. The zones are special View implementations * (the children of an instance of this class) that represent only a * portion of the model that an instance of ZoneView is responsible * for. The zones don't create child views until an attempt is made * to display them. A box shaped view is well suited to this because: *


* The default behavior is controled by two properties, maxZoneSize * and maxZonesLoaded. Setting maxZoneSize to Integer.MAX_VALUE would * have the effect of causing only one zone to be created. This would * effectively turn the view into an implementation of the decorator * pattern. Setting maxZonesLoaded to a value of Integer.MAX_VALUE would * cause zones to never be unloaded. For simplicity, zones are created on * boundaries represented by the child elements of the element the view is * responsible for. The zones can be any View implementation, but the * default implementation is based upon AsyncBoxView which supports fairly * large zones efficiently. * * @author Timothy Prinzing * @version 1.17 12/19/03 * @see View * @since 1.3 */ public class ZoneView extends BoxView { int maxZoneSize = 8 * 1024; int maxZonesLoaded = 3; Vector loadedZones; /** * Constructs a ZoneView. * * @param elem the element this view is responsible for * @param axis either View.X_AXIS or View.Y_AXIS */ public ZoneView(Element elem, int axis) { super(elem, axis); loadedZones = new Vector(); } /** * Get the current maximum zone size. */ public int getMaximumZoneSize() { return maxZoneSize; } /** * Set the desired maximum zone size. A * zone may get larger than this size if * a single child view is larger than this * size since zones are formed on child view * boundaries. * * @param size the number of characters the zone * may represent before attempting to break * the zone into a smaller size. */ public void setMaximumZoneSize(int size) { maxZoneSize = size; } /** * Get the current setting of the number of zones * allowed to be loaded at the same time. */ public int getMaxZonesLoaded() { return maxZonesLoaded; } /** * Sets the current setting of the number of zones * allowed to be loaded at the same time. This will throw an * IllegalArgumentException if mzl is less * than 1. * * @param mzl the desired maximum number of zones * to be actively loaded, must be greater than 0 * @exception IllegalArgumentException if mzl is < 1 */ public void setMaxZonesLoaded(int mzl) { if (mzl < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ZoneView.setMaxZonesLoaded must be greater than 0."); } maxZonesLoaded = mzl; unloadOldZones(); } /** * Called by a zone when it gets loaded. This happens when * an attempt is made to display or perform a model/view * translation on a zone that was in an unloaded state. * This is imlemented to check if the maximum number of * zones was reached and to unload the oldest zone if so. * * @param zone the child view that was just loaded. */ protected void zoneWasLoaded(View zone) { //System.out.println("loading: " + zone.getStartOffset() + "," + zone.getEndOffset()); loadedZones.addElement(zone); unloadOldZones(); } void unloadOldZones() { while (loadedZones.size() > getMaxZonesLoaded()) { View zone = (View) loadedZones.elementAt(0); loadedZones.removeElementAt(0); unloadZone(zone); } } /** * Unload a zone (Convert the zone to its memory saving state). * The zones are expected to represent a subset of the * child elements of the element this view is responsible for. * Therefore, the default implementation is to simple remove * all the children. * * @param zone the child view desired to be set to an * unloaded state. */ protected void unloadZone(View zone) { //System.out.println("unloading: " + zone.getStartOffset() + "," + zone.getEndOffset()); zone.removeAll(); } /** * Determine if a zone is in the loaded state. * The zones are expected to represent a subset of the * child elements of the element this view is responsible for. * Therefore, the default implementation is to return * true if the view has children. */ protected boolean isZoneLoaded(View zone) { return (zone.getViewCount() > 0); } /** * Create a view to represent a zone for the given * range within the model (which should be within * the range of this objects responsibility). This * is called by the zone management logic to create * new zones. Subclasses can provide a different * implementation for a zone by changing this method. * * @param p0 the start of the desired zone. This should * be >= getStartOffset() and < getEndOffset(). This * value should also be < p1. * @param p1 the end of the desired zone. This should * be > getStartOffset() and <= getEndOffset(). This * value should also be > p0. */ protected View createZone(int p0, int p1) { Document doc = getDocument(); View zone = null; try { zone = new Zone(getElement(), doc.createPosition(p0), doc.createPosition(p1)); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { // this should puke in some way. throw new StateInvariantError(ble.getMessage()); } return zone; } /** * Loads all of the children to initialize the view. * This is called by the setParent method. * This is reimplemented to not load any children directly * (as they are created by the zones). This method creates * the initial set of zones. Zones don't actually get * populated however until an attempt is made to display * them or to do model/view coordinate translation. * * @param f the view factory */ protected void loadChildren(ViewFactory f) { // build the first zone. Document doc = getDocument(); int offs0 = getStartOffset(); int offs1 = getEndOffset(); append(createZone(offs0, offs1)); handleInsert(offs0, offs1 - offs0); } /** * Returns the child view index representing the given position in * the model. * * @param pos the position >= 0 * @return index of the view representing the given position, or * -1 if no view represents that position */ protected int getViewIndexAtPosition(int pos) { // PENDING(prinz) this could be done as a binary // search, and probably should be. int n = getViewCount(); if (pos == getEndOffset()) { return n - 1; } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { View v = getView(i); if(pos >= v.getStartOffset() && pos < v.getEndOffset()) { return i; } } return -1; } void handleInsert(int pos, int length) { int index = getViewIndex(pos, Position.Bias.Forward); View v = getView(index); int offs0 = v.getStartOffset(); int offs1 = v.getEndOffset(); if ((offs1 - offs0) > maxZoneSize) { splitZone(index, offs0, offs1); } } void handleRemove(int pos, int length) { // IMPLEMENT } /** * Break up the zone at the given index into pieces * of an acceptable size. */ void splitZone(int index, int offs0, int offs1) { // divide the old zone into a new set of bins Element elem = getElement(); Document doc = elem.getDocument(); Vector zones = new Vector(); int offs = offs0; do { offs0 = offs; offs = Math.min(getDesiredZoneEnd(offs0), offs1); zones.addElement(createZone(offs0, offs)); } while (offs < offs1); View oldZone = getView(index); View[] newZones = new View[zones.size()]; zones.copyInto(newZones); replace(index, 1, newZones); } /** * Returns the zone position to use for the * end of a zone that starts at the given * position. By default this returns something * close to half the max zone size. */ int getDesiredZoneEnd(int pos) { Element elem = getElement(); int index = elem.getElementIndex(pos + (maxZoneSize / 2)); Element child = elem.getElement(index); int offs0 = child.getStartOffset(); int offs1 = child.getEndOffset(); if ((offs1 - pos) > maxZoneSize) { if (offs0 > pos) { return offs0; } } return offs1; } // ---- View methods ---------------------------------------------------- /** * The superclass behavior will try to update the child views * which is not desired in this case, since the children are * zones and not directly effected by the changes to the * associated element. This is reimplemented to do nothing * and return false. */ protected boolean updateChildren(DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec, DocumentEvent e, ViewFactory f) { return false; } /** * Gives notification that something was inserted into the document * in a location that this view is responsible for. This is largely * delegated to the superclass, but is reimplemented to update the * relevant zone (i.e. determine if a zone needs to be split into a * set of 2 or more zones). * * @param changes the change information from the associated document * @param a the current allocation of the view * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children * @see View#insertUpdate */ public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory f) { handleInsert(changes.getOffset(), changes.getLength()); super.insertUpdate(changes, a, f); } /** * Gives notification that something was removed from the document * in a location that this view is responsible for. This is largely * delegated to the superclass, but is reimplemented to update the * relevant zones (i.e. determine if zones need to be removed or * joined with another zone). * * @param changes the change information from the associated document * @param a the current allocation of the view * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children * @see View#removeUpdate */ public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory f) { handleRemove(changes.getOffset(), changes.getLength()); super.removeUpdate(changes, a, f); } /** * Internally created view that has the purpose of holding * the views that represent the children of the ZoneView * that have been arranged in a zone. */ class Zone extends AsyncBoxView { private Position start; private Position end; public Zone(Element elem, Position start, Position end) { super(elem, ZoneView.this.getAxis()); this.start = start; this.end = end; } /** * Creates the child views and populates the * zone with them. This is done by translating * the positions to child element index locations * and building views to those elements. If the * zone is already loaded, this does nothing. */ public void load() { if (! isLoaded()) { setEstimatedMajorSpan(true); Element e = getElement(); ViewFactory f = getViewFactory(); int index0 = e.getElementIndex(getStartOffset()); int index1 = e.getElementIndex(getEndOffset()); View[] added = new View[index1 - index0 + 1]; for (int i = index0; i <= index1; i++) { added[i - index0] = f.create(e.getElement(i)); } replace(0, 0, added); zoneWasLoaded(this); } } /** * Removes the child views and returns to a * state of unloaded. */ public void unload() { setEstimatedMajorSpan(true); removeAll(); } /** * Determines if the zone is in the loaded state * or not. */ public boolean isLoaded() { return (getViewCount() != 0); } /** * This method is reimplemented to not build the children * since the children are created when the zone is loaded * rather then when it is placed in the view hierarchy. * The major span is estimated at this point by building * the first child (but not storing it), and calling * setEstimatedMajorSpan(true) followed by setSpan for * the major axis with the estimated span. */ protected void loadChildren(ViewFactory f) { // mark the major span as estimated setEstimatedMajorSpan(true); // estimate the span Element elem = getElement(); int index0 = elem.getElementIndex(getStartOffset()); int index1 = elem.getElementIndex(getEndOffset()); int nChildren = index1 - index0; // replace this with something real //setSpan(getMajorAxis(), nChildren * 10); View first = f.create(elem.getElement(index0)); first.setParent(this); float w = first.getPreferredSpan(X_AXIS); float h = first.getPreferredSpan(Y_AXIS); if (getMajorAxis() == X_AXIS) { w *= nChildren; } else { h += nChildren; } setSize(w, h); } /** * Publish the changes in preferences upward to the parent * view. *

* This is reimplemented to stop the superclass behavior * if the zone has not yet been loaded. If the zone is * unloaded for example, the last seen major span is the * best estimate and a calculated span for no children * is undesirable. */ protected void flushRequirementChanges() { if (isLoaded()) { super.flushRequirementChanges(); } } /** * Returns the child view index representing the given position in * the model. Since the zone contains a cluster of the overall * set of child elements, we can determine the index fairly * quickly from the model by subtracting the index of the * start offset from the index of the position given. * * @param pos the position >= 0 * @return index of the view representing the given position, or * -1 if no view represents that position * @since 1.3 */ public int getViewIndex(int pos, Position.Bias b) { boolean isBackward = (b == Position.Bias.Backward); pos = (isBackward) ? Math.max(0, pos - 1) : pos; Element elem = getElement(); int index1 = elem.getElementIndex(pos); int index0 = elem.getElementIndex(getStartOffset()); return index1 - index0; } protected boolean updateChildren(DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec, DocumentEvent e, ViewFactory f) { // the structure of this element changed. Element[] removedElems = ec.getChildrenRemoved(); Element[] addedElems = ec.getChildrenAdded(); Element elem = getElement(); int index0 = elem.getElementIndex(getStartOffset()); int index1 = elem.getElementIndex(getEndOffset()-1); int index = ec.getIndex(); if ((index >= index0) && (index <= index1)) { // The change is in this zone int replaceIndex = index - index0; int nadd = Math.min(index1 - index0 + 1, addedElems.length); int nremove = Math.min(index1 - index0 + 1, removedElems.length); View[] added = new View[nadd]; for (int i = 0; i < nadd; i++) { added[i] = f.create(addedElems[i]); } replace(replaceIndex, nremove, added); } return true; } // --- View methods ---------------------------------- /** * Fetches the attributes to use when rendering. This view * isn't directly responsible for an element so it returns * the outer classes attributes. */ public AttributeSet getAttributes() { return ZoneView.this.getAttributes(); } /** * Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that * surface. This is implemented to load the zone if its not * already loaded, and then perform the superclass behavior. * * @param g the rendering surface to use * @param a the allocated region to render into * @see View#paint */ public void paint(Graphics g, Shape a) { load(); super.paint(g, a); } /** * Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical * coordinate space of the model. This is implemented to first * make sure the zone is loaded before providing the superclass * behavior. * * @param x x coordinate of the view location to convert >= 0 * @param y y coordinate of the view location to convert >= 0 * @param a the allocated region to render into * @return the location within the model that best represents the * given point in the view >= 0 * @see View#viewToModel */ public int viewToModel(float x, float y, Shape a, Position.Bias[] bias) { load(); return super.viewToModel(x, y, a, bias); } /** * Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space * to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it. This is * implemented to provide the superclass behavior after first * making sure the zone is loaded (The zone must be loaded to * make this calculation). * * @param pos the position to convert * @param a the allocated region to render into * @return the bounding box of the given position * @exception BadLocationException if the given position does not represent a * valid location in the associated document * @see View#modelToView */ public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException { load(); return super.modelToView(pos, a, b); } /** * Start of the zones range. * * @see View#getStartOffset */ public int getStartOffset() { return start.getOffset(); } /** * End of the zones range. */ public int getEndOffset() { return end.getOffset(); } /** * Gives notification that something was inserted into * the document in a location that this view is responsible for. * If the zone has been loaded, the superclass behavior is * invoked, otherwise this does nothing. * * @param e the change information from the associated document * @param a the current allocation of the view * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children * @see View#insertUpdate */ public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f) { if (isLoaded()) { super.insertUpdate(e, a, f); } } /** * Gives notification that something was removed from the document * in a location that this view is responsible for. * If the zone has been loaded, the superclass behavior is * invoked, otherwise this does nothing. * * @param e the change information from the associated document * @param a the current allocation of the view * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children * @see View#removeUpdate */ public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f) { if (isLoaded()) { super.removeUpdate(e, a, f); } } /** * Gives notification from the document that attributes were changed * in a location that this view is responsible for. * If the zone has been loaded, the superclass behavior is * invoked, otherwise this does nothing. * * @param e the change information from the associated document * @param a the current allocation of the view * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children * @see View#removeUpdate */ public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f) { if (isLoaded()) { super.changedUpdate(e, a, f); } } } }