/* * @(#)GapVector.java 1.12 03/12/19 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package javax.swing.text; import java.util.Vector; import java.io.Serializable; import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit; /** * An implementation of a gapped buffer similar to that used by * emacs. The underlying storage is a java array of some type, * which is known only by the subclass of this class. The array * has a gap somewhere. The gap is moved to the location of changes * to take advantage of common behavior where most changes occur * in the same location. Changes that occur at a gap boundary are * generally cheap and moving the gap is generally cheaper than * moving the array contents directly to accomodate the change. * * @author Timothy Prinzing * @version 1.12 12/19/03 * @see GapContent */ abstract class GapVector implements Serializable { /** * Creates a new GapVector object. Initial size defaults to 10. */ public GapVector() { this(10); } /** * Creates a new GapVector object, with the initial * size specified. * * @param initialLength the initial size */ public GapVector(int initialLength) { array = allocateArray(initialLength); g0 = 0; g1 = initialLength; } /** * Allocate an array to store items of the type * appropriate (which is determined by the subclass). */ protected abstract Object allocateArray(int len); /** * Get the length of the allocated array */ protected abstract int getArrayLength(); /** * Access to the array. The actual type * of the array is known only by the subclass. */ protected final Object getArray() { return array; } /** * Access to the start of the gap. */ protected final int getGapStart() { return g0; } /** * Access to the end of the gap. */ protected final int getGapEnd() { return g1; } // ---- variables ----------------------------------- /** * The array of items. The type is determined by the subclass. */ private Object array; /** * start of gap in the array */ private int g0; /** * end of gap in the array */ private int g1; // --- gap management ------------------------------- /** * Replace the given logical position in the storage with * the given new items. This will move the gap to the area * being changed if the gap is not currently located at the * change location. * * @param position the location to make the replacement. This * is not the location in the underlying storage array, but * the location in the contiguous space being modeled. * @param rmSize the number of items to remove * @param addItems the new items to place in storage. */ protected void replace(int position, int rmSize, Object addItems, int addSize) { int addOffset = 0; if (addSize == 0) { close(position, rmSize); return; } else if (rmSize > addSize) { /* Shrink the end. */ close(position+addSize, rmSize-addSize); } else { /* Grow the end, do two chunks. */ int endSize = addSize - rmSize; int end = open(position + rmSize, endSize); System.arraycopy(addItems, rmSize, array, end, endSize); addSize = rmSize; } System.arraycopy(addItems, addOffset, array, position, addSize); } /** * Delete nItems at position. Squeezes any marks * within the deleted area to position. This moves * the gap to the best place by minimizing it's * overall movement. The gap must intersect the * target block. */ void close(int position, int nItems) { if (nItems == 0) return; int end = position + nItems; int new_gs = (g1 - g0) + nItems; if (end <= g0) { // Move gap to end of block. if (g0 != end) { shiftGap(end); } // Adjust g0. shiftGapStartDown(g0 - nItems); } else if (position >= g0) { // Move gap to beginning of block. if (g0 != position) { shiftGap(position); } // Adjust g1. shiftGapEndUp(g0 + new_gs); } else { // The gap is properly inside the target block. // No data movement necessary, simply move both gap pointers. shiftGapStartDown(position); shiftGapEndUp(g0 + new_gs); } } /** * Make space for the given number of items at the given * location. * * @return the location that the caller should fill in */ int open(int position, int nItems) { int gapSize = g1 - g0; if (nItems == 0) { if (position > g0) position += gapSize; return position; } // Expand the array if the gap is too small. shiftGap(position); if (nItems >= gapSize) { // Pre-shift the gap, to reduce total movement. shiftEnd(getArrayLength() - gapSize + nItems); gapSize = g1 - g0; } g0 = g0 + nItems; return position; } /** * resize the underlying storage array to the * given new size */ void resize(int nsize) { Object narray = allocateArray(nsize); System.arraycopy(array, 0, narray, 0, Math.min(nsize, getArrayLength())); array = narray; } /** * Make the gap bigger, moving any necessary data and updating * the appropriate marks */ protected void shiftEnd(int newSize) { int oldSize = getArrayLength(); int oldGapEnd = g1; int upperSize = oldSize - oldGapEnd; int arrayLength = getNewArraySize(newSize); int newGapEnd = arrayLength - upperSize; resize(arrayLength); g1 = newGapEnd; if (upperSize != 0) { // Copy array items to new end of array. System.arraycopy(array, oldGapEnd, array, newGapEnd, upperSize); } } /** * Calculates a new size of the storage array depending on required * capacity. * @param reqSize the size which is necessary for new content * @return the new size of the storage array */ int getNewArraySize(int reqSize) { return (reqSize + 1) * 2; } /** * Move the start of the gap to a new location, * without changing the size of the gap. This * moves the data in the array and updates the * marks accordingly. */ protected void shiftGap(int newGapStart) { if (newGapStart == g0) { return; } int oldGapStart = g0; int dg = newGapStart - oldGapStart; int oldGapEnd = g1; int newGapEnd = oldGapEnd + dg; int gapSize = oldGapEnd - oldGapStart; g0 = newGapStart; g1 = newGapEnd; if (dg > 0) { // Move gap up, move data down. System.arraycopy(array, oldGapEnd, array, oldGapStart, dg); } else if (dg < 0) { // Move gap down, move data up. System.arraycopy(array, newGapStart, array, newGapEnd, -dg); } } /** * Adjust the gap end downward. This doesn't move * any data, but it does update any marks affected * by the boundary change. All marks from the old * gap start down to the new gap start are squeezed * to the end of the gap (their location has been * removed). */ protected void shiftGapStartDown(int newGapStart) { g0 = newGapStart; } /** * Adjust the gap end upward. This doesn't move * any data, but it does update any marks affected * by the boundary change. All marks from the old * gap end up to the new gap end are squeezed * to the end of the gap (their location has been * removed). */ protected void shiftGapEndUp(int newGapEnd) { g1 = newGapEnd; } }