/* * @(#)BasicInternalFrameUI.java 1.118 04/05/18 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package javax.swing.plaf.basic; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import javax.swing.plaf.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.beans.*; import java.io.Serializable; import sun.swing.DefaultLookup; import sun.swing.UIAction; /** * A basic L&F implementation of JInternalFrame. * * @version 1.118 05/18/04 * @author David Kloba * @author Rich Schiavi */ public class BasicInternalFrameUI extends InternalFrameUI { protected JInternalFrame frame; private Handler handler; protected MouseInputAdapter borderListener; protected PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener; protected LayoutManager internalFrameLayout; protected ComponentListener componentListener; protected MouseInputListener glassPaneDispatcher; private InternalFrameListener internalFrameListener; protected JComponent northPane; protected JComponent southPane; protected JComponent westPane; protected JComponent eastPane; protected BasicInternalFrameTitlePane titlePane; // access needs this private static DesktopManager sharedDesktopManager; private boolean componentListenerAdded = false; private Rectangle parentBounds; private boolean dragging = false; /** * As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this previously undocumented field is no * longer used. * Key bindings are now defined by the LookAndFeel, please refer to * the key bindings specification for further details. * * @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3. */ @Deprecated protected KeyStroke openMenuKey; private boolean keyBindingRegistered = false; private boolean keyBindingActive = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ComponentUI Interface Implementation methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent b) { return new BasicInternalFrameUI((JInternalFrame)b); } public BasicInternalFrameUI(JInternalFrame b) { } public void installUI(JComponent c) { frame = (JInternalFrame)c; installDefaults(); installListeners(); installComponents(); installKeyboardActions(); LookAndFeel.installProperty(frame, "opaque", Boolean.TRUE); } public void uninstallUI(JComponent c) { if(c != frame) throw new IllegalComponentStateException( this + " was asked to deinstall() " + c + " when it only knows about " + frame + "."); uninstallKeyboardActions(); uninstallComponents(); uninstallListeners(); uninstallDefaults(); frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); handler = null; frame = null; } protected void installDefaults(){ Icon frameIcon = frame.getFrameIcon(); if (frameIcon == null || frameIcon instanceof UIResource) { frame.setFrameIcon(UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.icon")); } // Enable the content pane to inherit background color from its // parent by setting its background color to null. JComponent contentPane = (JComponent) frame.getContentPane(); if (contentPane != null) { Color bg = contentPane.getBackground(); if (bg instanceof UIResource) contentPane.setBackground(null); } frame.setLayout(internalFrameLayout = createLayoutManager()); frame.setBackground(UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().getColor("control")); LookAndFeel.installBorder(frame, "InternalFrame.border"); } protected void installKeyboardActions(){ createInternalFrameListener(); if (internalFrameListener != null) { frame.addInternalFrameListener(internalFrameListener); } LazyActionMap.installLazyActionMap(frame, BasicInternalFrameUI.class, "InternalFrame.actionMap"); } static void loadActionMap(LazyActionMap map) { map.put(new UIAction("showSystemMenu") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JInternalFrame iFrame = (JInternalFrame)evt.getSource(); if (iFrame.getUI() instanceof BasicInternalFrameUI) { JComponent comp = ((BasicInternalFrameUI) iFrame.getUI()).getNorthPane(); if (comp instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane) { ((BasicInternalFrameTitlePane)comp). showSystemMenu(); } } } public boolean isEnabled(Object sender){ if (sender instanceof JInternalFrame) { JInternalFrame iFrame = (JInternalFrame)sender; if (iFrame.getUI() instanceof BasicInternalFrameUI) { return ((BasicInternalFrameUI)iFrame.getUI()). isKeyBindingActive(); } } return false; } }); // Set the ActionMap's parent to the Auditory Feedback Action Map BasicLookAndFeel.installAudioActionMap(map); } protected void installComponents(){ setNorthPane(createNorthPane(frame)); setSouthPane(createSouthPane(frame)); setEastPane(createEastPane(frame)); setWestPane(createWestPane(frame)); } /* * @since 1.3 */ protected void installListeners() { borderListener = createBorderListener(frame); propertyChangeListener = createPropertyChangeListener(); frame.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyChangeListener); installMouseHandlers(frame); glassPaneDispatcher = createGlassPaneDispatcher(); frame.getGlassPane().addMouseListener(glassPaneDispatcher); frame.getGlassPane().addMouseMotionListener(glassPaneDispatcher); componentListener = createComponentListener(); if (frame.getParent() != null) { parentBounds = frame.getParent().getBounds(); } if ((frame.getParent() != null) && !componentListenerAdded) { frame.getParent().addComponentListener(componentListener); componentListenerAdded = true; } } private Handler getHandler() { if (handler == null) { handler = new Handler(); } return handler; } InputMap getInputMap(int condition) { if (condition == JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW) { return createInputMap(condition); } return null; } InputMap createInputMap(int condition) { if (condition == JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW) { Object[] bindings = (Object[])DefaultLookup.get( frame, this, "InternalFrame.windowBindings"); if (bindings != null) { return LookAndFeel.makeComponentInputMap(frame, bindings); } } return null; } protected void uninstallDefaults() { Icon frameIcon = frame.getFrameIcon(); if (frameIcon instanceof UIResource) { frame.setFrameIcon(null); } internalFrameLayout = null; frame.setLayout(null); LookAndFeel.uninstallBorder(frame); } protected void uninstallComponents(){ setNorthPane(null); setSouthPane(null); setEastPane(null); setWestPane(null); if(titlePane != null) { titlePane.uninstallDefaults(); } titlePane = null; } /* * @since 1.3 */ protected void uninstallListeners() { if ((frame.getParent() != null) && componentListenerAdded) { frame.getParent().removeComponentListener(componentListener); componentListenerAdded = false; } componentListener = null; frame.getGlassPane().removeMouseListener(glassPaneDispatcher); frame.getGlassPane().removeMouseMotionListener(glassPaneDispatcher); glassPaneDispatcher = null; deinstallMouseHandlers(frame); frame.removePropertyChangeListener(propertyChangeListener); propertyChangeListener = null; borderListener = null; } protected void uninstallKeyboardActions(){ if (internalFrameListener != null) { frame.removeInternalFrameListener(internalFrameListener); } internalFrameListener = null; SwingUtilities.replaceUIInputMap(frame, JComponent. WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW, null); SwingUtilities.replaceUIActionMap(frame, null); } protected LayoutManager createLayoutManager(){ return getHandler(); } protected PropertyChangeListener createPropertyChangeListener(){ return getHandler(); } public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent x) { if((JComponent)frame == x) return frame.getLayout().preferredLayoutSize(x); return new Dimension(100, 100); } public Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent x) { if((JComponent)frame == x) { return frame.getLayout().minimumLayoutSize(x); } return new Dimension(0, 0); } public Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent x) { return new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Installs necessary mouse handlers on newPane * and adds it to the frame. * Reverse process for the currentPane. */ protected void replacePane(JComponent currentPane, JComponent newPane) { if(currentPane != null) { deinstallMouseHandlers(currentPane); frame.remove(currentPane); } if(newPane != null) { frame.add(newPane); installMouseHandlers(newPane); } } protected void deinstallMouseHandlers(JComponent c) { c.removeMouseListener(borderListener); c.removeMouseMotionListener(borderListener); } protected void installMouseHandlers(JComponent c) { c.addMouseListener(borderListener); c.addMouseMotionListener(borderListener); } protected JComponent createNorthPane(JInternalFrame w) { titlePane = new BasicInternalFrameTitlePane(w); return titlePane; } protected JComponent createSouthPane(JInternalFrame w) { return null; } protected JComponent createWestPane(JInternalFrame w) { return null; } protected JComponent createEastPane(JInternalFrame w) { return null; } protected MouseInputAdapter createBorderListener(JInternalFrame w) { return new BorderListener(); } protected void createInternalFrameListener(){ internalFrameListener = getHandler(); } protected final boolean isKeyBindingRegistered(){ return keyBindingRegistered; } protected final void setKeyBindingRegistered(boolean b){ keyBindingRegistered = b; } public final boolean isKeyBindingActive(){ return keyBindingActive; } protected final void setKeyBindingActive(boolean b){ keyBindingActive = b; } protected void setupMenuOpenKey(){ // PENDING(hania): Why are these WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOWs? Shouldn't // they be WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT? // Also, no longer registering on the desktopicon, the previous // action did nothing. InputMap map = getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); SwingUtilities.replaceUIInputMap(frame, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW, map); //ActionMap actionMap = getActionMap(); //SwingUtilities.replaceUIActionMap(frame, actionMap); } protected void setupMenuCloseKey(){ } public JComponent getNorthPane() { return northPane; } public void setNorthPane(JComponent c) { if (northPane != null && northPane instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane) { ((BasicInternalFrameTitlePane)northPane).uninstallListeners(); } replacePane(northPane, c); northPane = c; } public JComponent getSouthPane() { return southPane; } public void setSouthPane(JComponent c) { southPane = c; } public JComponent getWestPane() { return westPane; } public void setWestPane(JComponent c) { westPane = c; } public JComponent getEastPane() { return eastPane; } public void setEastPane(JComponent c) { eastPane = c; } public class InternalFramePropertyChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener { // NOTE: This class exists only for backward compatability. All // its functionality has been moved into Handler. If you need to add // new functionality add it to the Handler, but make sure this // class calls into the Handler. /** * Detects changes in state from the JInternalFrame and handles * actions. */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { getHandler().propertyChange(evt); } } public class InternalFrameLayout implements LayoutManager { // NOTE: This class exists only for backward compatability. All // its functionality has been moved into Handler. If you need to add // new functionality add it to the Handler, but make sure this // class calls into the Handler. public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) { getHandler().addLayoutComponent(name, c); } public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) { getHandler().removeLayoutComponent(c); } public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container c) { return getHandler().preferredLayoutSize(c); } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container c) { return getHandler().minimumLayoutSize(c); } public void layoutContainer(Container c) { getHandler().layoutContainer(c); } } /// DesktopManager methods /** Returns the proper DesktopManager. Calls getDesktopPane() to * find the JDesktop component and returns the desktopManager from * it. If this fails, it will return a default DesktopManager that * should work in arbitrary parents. */ protected DesktopManager getDesktopManager() { if(frame.getDesktopPane() != null && frame.getDesktopPane().getDesktopManager() != null) return frame.getDesktopPane().getDesktopManager(); if(sharedDesktopManager == null) sharedDesktopManager = createDesktopManager(); return sharedDesktopManager; } protected DesktopManager createDesktopManager(){ return new DefaultDesktopManager(); } /** * This method is called when the user wants to close the frame. * The playCloseSound Action is fired. * This action is delegated to the desktopManager. */ protected void closeFrame(JInternalFrame f) { // Internal Frame Auditory Cue Activation BasicLookAndFeel.playSound(frame,"InternalFrame.closeSound"); // delegate to desktop manager getDesktopManager().closeFrame(f); } /** * This method is called when the user wants to maximize the frame. * The playMaximizeSound Action is fired. * This action is delegated to the desktopManager. */ protected void maximizeFrame(JInternalFrame f) { // Internal Frame Auditory Cue Activation BasicLookAndFeel.playSound(frame,"InternalFrame.maximizeSound"); // delegate to desktop manager getDesktopManager().maximizeFrame(f); } /** * This method is called when the user wants to minimize the frame. * The playRestoreDownSound Action is fired. * This action is delegated to the desktopManager. */ protected void minimizeFrame(JInternalFrame f) { // Internal Frame Auditory Cue Activation if ( ! f.isIcon() ) { // This method seems to regularly get called after an // internal frame is iconified. Don't play this sound then. BasicLookAndFeel.playSound(frame,"InternalFrame.restoreDownSound"); } // delegate to desktop manager getDesktopManager().minimizeFrame(f); } /** * This method is called when the user wants to iconify the frame. * The playMinimizeSound Action is fired. * This action is delegated to the desktopManager. */ protected void iconifyFrame(JInternalFrame f) { // Internal Frame Auditory Cue Activation BasicLookAndFeel.playSound(frame, "InternalFrame.minimizeSound"); // delegate to desktop manager getDesktopManager().iconifyFrame(f); } /** * This method is called when the user wants to deiconify the frame. * The playRestoreUpSound Action is fired. * This action is delegated to the desktopManager. */ protected void deiconifyFrame(JInternalFrame f) { // Internal Frame Auditory Cue Activation if ( ! f.isMaximum() ) { // This method seems to regularly get called after an // internal frame is maximized. Don't play this sound then. BasicLookAndFeel.playSound(frame, "InternalFrame.restoreUpSound"); } // delegate to desktop manager getDesktopManager().deiconifyFrame(f); } /** This method is called when the frame becomes selected. * This action is delegated to the desktopManager. */ protected void activateFrame(JInternalFrame f) { getDesktopManager().activateFrame(f); } /** This method is called when the frame is no longer selected. * This action is delegated to the desktopManager. */ protected void deactivateFrame(JInternalFrame f) { getDesktopManager().deactivateFrame(f); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Border Listener Class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Listens for border adjustments. */ protected class BorderListener extends MouseInputAdapter implements SwingConstants { // _x & _y are the mousePressed location in absolute coordinate system int _x, _y; // __x & __y are the mousePressed location in source view's coordinate system int __x, __y; Rectangle startingBounds; int resizeDir; protected final int RESIZE_NONE = 0; private boolean discardRelease = false; int resizeCornerSize = 16; public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if(e.getClickCount() > 1 && e.getSource() == getNorthPane()) { if(frame.isIconifiable() && frame.isIcon()) { try { frame.setIcon(false); } catch (PropertyVetoException e2) { } } else if(frame.isMaximizable()) { if(!frame.isMaximum()) try { frame.setMaximum(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e2) { } else try { frame.setMaximum(false); } catch (PropertyVetoException e3) { } } } } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (discardRelease) { discardRelease = false; return; } if (resizeDir == RESIZE_NONE) { getDesktopManager().endDraggingFrame(frame); dragging = false; } else { Container c = frame.getTopLevelAncestor(); if (c instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame)frame.getTopLevelAncestor()).getGlassPane().setCursor( Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); ((JFrame)frame.getTopLevelAncestor()).getGlassPane( ).setVisible(false); } else if (c instanceof JApplet) { ((JApplet)c).getGlassPane().setCursor( Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); ((JApplet)c).getGlassPane().setVisible(false); } else if (c instanceof JWindow) { ((JWindow)c).getGlassPane().setCursor( Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); ((JWindow)c).getGlassPane().setVisible(false); } else if (c instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog)c).getGlassPane().setCursor( Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); ((JDialog)c).getGlassPane().setVisible(false); } getDesktopManager().endResizingFrame(frame); } _x = 0; _y = 0; __x = 0; __y = 0; startingBounds = null; resizeDir = RESIZE_NONE; } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { Point p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint((Component)e.getSource(), e.getX(), e.getY(), null); __x = e.getX(); __y = e.getY(); _x = p.x; _y = p.y; startingBounds = frame.getBounds(); resizeDir = RESIZE_NONE; if(!frame.isSelected()) { try { frame.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e1) { } } Insets i = frame.getInsets(); Point ep = new Point(__x, __y); if (e.getSource() == getNorthPane()) { Point np = getNorthPane().getLocation(); ep.x += np.x; ep.y += np.y; } if (e.getSource() == getNorthPane()) { if (ep.x > i.left && ep.y > i.top && ep.x < frame.getWidth() - i.right) { getDesktopManager().beginDraggingFrame(frame); dragging = true; return; } } if (!frame.isResizable()) { return; } if (e.getSource() == frame || e.getSource() == getNorthPane()) { if (ep.x <= i.left) { if (ep.y < resizeCornerSize + i.top) { resizeDir = NORTH_WEST; } else if (ep.y > frame.getHeight() - resizeCornerSize - i.bottom) { resizeDir = SOUTH_WEST; } else { resizeDir = WEST; } } else if (ep.x >= frame.getWidth() - i.right) { if (ep.y < resizeCornerSize + i.top) { resizeDir = NORTH_EAST; } else if (ep.y > frame.getHeight() - resizeCornerSize - i.bottom) { resizeDir = SOUTH_EAST; } else { resizeDir = EAST; } } else if (ep.y <= i.top) { if (ep.x < resizeCornerSize + i.left) { resizeDir = NORTH_WEST; } else if (ep.x > frame.getWidth() - resizeCornerSize - i.right) { resizeDir = NORTH_EAST; } else { resizeDir = NORTH; } } else if (ep.y >= frame.getHeight() - i.bottom) { if (ep.x < resizeCornerSize + i.left) { resizeDir = SOUTH_WEST; } else if (ep.x > frame.getWidth() - resizeCornerSize - i.right) { resizeDir = SOUTH_EAST; } else { resizeDir = SOUTH; } } else { /* the mouse press happened inside the frame, not in the border */ discardRelease = true; return; } Cursor s = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR); switch (resizeDir) { case SOUTH: s = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.S_RESIZE_CURSOR); break; case NORTH: s = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.N_RESIZE_CURSOR); break; case WEST: s = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.W_RESIZE_CURSOR); break; case EAST: s = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.E_RESIZE_CURSOR); break; case SOUTH_EAST: s = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR); break; case SOUTH_WEST: s = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SW_RESIZE_CURSOR); break; case NORTH_WEST: s = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.NW_RESIZE_CURSOR); break; case NORTH_EAST: s = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.NE_RESIZE_CURSOR); break; } Container c = frame.getTopLevelAncestor(); if (c instanceof JFrame){ ((JFrame)c).getGlassPane().setVisible(true); ((JFrame)c).getGlassPane().setCursor(s); } else if (c instanceof JApplet){ ((JApplet)c).getGlassPane().setVisible(true); ((JApplet)c).getGlassPane().setCursor(s); } else if (c instanceof JWindow){ ((JWindow)c).getGlassPane().setVisible(true); ((JWindow)c).getGlassPane().setCursor(s); } else if (c instanceof JDialog){ ((JDialog)c).getGlassPane().setVisible(true); ((JDialog)c).getGlassPane().setCursor(s); } getDesktopManager().beginResizingFrame(frame, resizeDir); return; } } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { if ( startingBounds == null ) { // (STEVE) Yucky work around for bug ID 4106552 return; } Point p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint((Component)e.getSource(), e.getX(), e.getY(), null); int deltaX = _x - p.x; int deltaY = _y - p.y; Dimension min = frame.getMinimumSize(); Dimension max = frame.getMaximumSize(); int newX, newY, newW, newH; Insets i = frame.getInsets(); // Handle a MOVE if (dragging) { if (frame.isMaximum() || ((e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK)) { // don't allow moving of frames if maximixed or left mouse // button was not used. return; } int pWidth, pHeight; Dimension s = frame.getParent().getSize(); pWidth = s.width; pHeight = s.height; newX = startingBounds.x - deltaX; newY = startingBounds.y - deltaY; // Make sure we stay in-bounds if(newX + i.left <= -__x) newX = -__x - i.left + 1; if(newY + i.top <= -__y) newY = -__y - i.top + 1; if(newX + __x + i.right >= pWidth) newX = pWidth - __x - i.right - 1; if(newY + __y + i.bottom >= pHeight) newY = pHeight - __y - i.bottom - 1; getDesktopManager().dragFrame(frame, newX, newY); return; } if(!frame.isResizable()) { return; } newX = frame.getX(); newY = frame.getY(); newW = frame.getWidth(); newH = frame.getHeight(); parentBounds = frame.getParent().getBounds(); switch(resizeDir) { case RESIZE_NONE: return; case NORTH: if(startingBounds.height + deltaY < min.height) deltaY = -(startingBounds.height - min.height); else if(startingBounds.height + deltaY > max.height) deltaY = max.height - startingBounds.height; if (startingBounds.y - deltaY < 0) {deltaY = startingBounds.y;} newX = startingBounds.x; newY = startingBounds.y - deltaY; newW = startingBounds.width; newH = startingBounds.height + deltaY; break; case NORTH_EAST: if(startingBounds.height + deltaY < min.height) deltaY = -(startingBounds.height - min.height); else if(startingBounds.height + deltaY > max.height) deltaY = max.height - startingBounds.height; if (startingBounds.y - deltaY < 0) {deltaY = startingBounds.y;} if(startingBounds.width - deltaX < min.width) deltaX = startingBounds.width - min.width; else if(startingBounds.width - deltaX > max.width) deltaX = -(max.width - startingBounds.width); if (startingBounds.x + startingBounds.width - deltaX > parentBounds.width) { deltaX = startingBounds.x + startingBounds.width - parentBounds.width; } newX = startingBounds.x; newY = startingBounds.y - deltaY; newW = startingBounds.width - deltaX; newH = startingBounds.height + deltaY; break; case EAST: if(startingBounds.width - deltaX < min.width) deltaX = startingBounds.width - min.width; else if(startingBounds.width - deltaX > max.width) deltaX = -(max.width - startingBounds.width); if (startingBounds.x + startingBounds.width - deltaX > parentBounds.width) { deltaX = startingBounds.x + startingBounds.width - parentBounds.width; } newW = startingBounds.width - deltaX; newH = startingBounds.height; break; case SOUTH_EAST: if(startingBounds.width - deltaX < min.width) deltaX = startingBounds.width - min.width; else if(startingBounds.width - deltaX > max.width) deltaX = -(max.width - startingBounds.width); if (startingBounds.x + startingBounds.width - deltaX > parentBounds.width) { deltaX = startingBounds.x + startingBounds.width - parentBounds.width; } if(startingBounds.height - deltaY < min.height) deltaY = startingBounds.height - min.height; else if(startingBounds.height - deltaY > max.height) deltaY = -(max.height - startingBounds.height); if (startingBounds.y + startingBounds.height - deltaY > parentBounds.height) { deltaY = startingBounds.y + startingBounds.height - parentBounds.height ; } newW = startingBounds.width - deltaX; newH = startingBounds.height - deltaY; break; case SOUTH: if(startingBounds.height - deltaY < min.height) deltaY = startingBounds.height - min.height; else if(startingBounds.height - deltaY > max.height) deltaY = -(max.height - startingBounds.height); if (startingBounds.y + startingBounds.height - deltaY > parentBounds.height) { deltaY = startingBounds.y + startingBounds.height - parentBounds.height ; } newW = startingBounds.width; newH = startingBounds.height - deltaY; break; case SOUTH_WEST: if(startingBounds.height - deltaY < min.height) deltaY = startingBounds.height - min.height; else if(startingBounds.height - deltaY > max.height) deltaY = -(max.height - startingBounds.height); if (startingBounds.y + startingBounds.height - deltaY > parentBounds.height) { deltaY = startingBounds.y + startingBounds.height - parentBounds.height ; } if(startingBounds.width + deltaX < min.width) deltaX = -(startingBounds.width - min.width); else if(startingBounds.width + deltaX > max.width) deltaX = max.width - startingBounds.width; if (startingBounds.x - deltaX < 0) { deltaX = startingBounds.x; } newX = startingBounds.x - deltaX; newY = startingBounds.y; newW = startingBounds.width + deltaX; newH = startingBounds.height - deltaY; break; case WEST: if(startingBounds.width + deltaX < min.width) deltaX = -(startingBounds.width - min.width); else if(startingBounds.width + deltaX > max.width) deltaX = max.width - startingBounds.width; if (startingBounds.x - deltaX < 0) { deltaX = startingBounds.x; } newX = startingBounds.x - deltaX; newY = startingBounds.y; newW = startingBounds.width + deltaX; newH = startingBounds.height; break; case NORTH_WEST: if(startingBounds.width + deltaX < min.width) deltaX = -(startingBounds.width - min.width); else if(startingBounds.width + deltaX > max.width) deltaX = max.width - startingBounds.width; if (startingBounds.x - deltaX < 0) { deltaX = startingBounds.x; } if(startingBounds.height + deltaY < min.height) deltaY = -(startingBounds.height - min.height); else if(startingBounds.height + deltaY > max.height) deltaY = max.height - startingBounds.height; if (startingBounds.y - deltaY < 0) {deltaY = startingBounds.y;} newX = startingBounds.x - deltaX; newY = startingBounds.y - deltaY; newW = startingBounds.width + deltaX; newH = startingBounds.height + deltaY; break; default: return; } getDesktopManager().resizeFrame(frame, newX, newY, newW, newH); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { if(!frame.isResizable()) return; if (e.getSource() == frame || e.getSource() == getNorthPane()) { Insets i = frame.getInsets(); Point ep = new Point(e.getX(), e.getY()); if (e.getSource() == getNorthPane()) { Point np = getNorthPane().getLocation(); ep.x += np.x; ep.y += np.y; } if(ep.x <= i.left) { if(ep.y < resizeCornerSize + i.top) frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.NW_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else if(ep.y > frame.getHeight() - resizeCornerSize - i.bottom) frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SW_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.W_RESIZE_CURSOR)); } else if(ep.x >= frame.getWidth() - i.right) { if(e.getY() < resizeCornerSize + i.top) frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.NE_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else if(ep.y > frame.getHeight() - resizeCornerSize - i.bottom) frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.E_RESIZE_CURSOR)); } else if(ep.y <= i.top) { if(ep.x < resizeCornerSize + i.left) frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.NW_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else if(ep.x > frame.getWidth() - resizeCornerSize - i.right) frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.NE_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.N_RESIZE_CURSOR)); } else if(ep.y >= frame.getHeight() - i.bottom) { if(ep.x < resizeCornerSize + i.left) frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SW_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else if(ep.x > frame.getWidth() - resizeCornerSize - i.right) frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.S_RESIZE_CURSOR)); } else frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); return; } frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } }; /// End BorderListener Class protected class ComponentHandler implements ComponentListener { // NOTE: This class exists only for backward compatability. All // its functionality has been moved into Handler. If you need to add // new functionality add it to the Handler, but make sure this // class calls into the Handler. /** Invoked when a JInternalFrame's parent's size changes. */ public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { getHandler().componentResized(e); } public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { getHandler().componentMoved(e); } public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { getHandler().componentShown(e); } public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { getHandler().componentHidden(e); } } protected ComponentListener createComponentListener() { return getHandler(); } protected class GlassPaneDispatcher implements MouseInputListener { // NOTE: This class exists only for backward compatability. All // its functionality has been moved into Handler. If you need to add // new functionality add it to the Handler, but make sure this // class calls into the Handler. public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mousePressed(e); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseEntered(e); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseMoved(e); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseExited(e); } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseClicked(e); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseReleased(e); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseDragged(e); } } protected MouseInputListener createGlassPaneDispatcher() { return getHandler(); } protected class BasicInternalFrameListener implements InternalFrameListener { // NOTE: This class exists only for backward compatability. All // its functionality has been moved into Handler. If you need to add // new functionality add it to the Handler, but make sure this // class calls into the Handler. public void internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent e) { getHandler().internalFrameClosing(e); } public void internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent e) { getHandler().internalFrameClosed(e); } public void internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent e) { getHandler().internalFrameOpened(e); } public void internalFrameIconified(InternalFrameEvent e) { getHandler().internalFrameIconified(e); } public void internalFrameDeiconified(InternalFrameEvent e) { getHandler().internalFrameDeiconified(e); } public void internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent e) { getHandler().internalFrameActivated(e); } public void internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent e) { getHandler().internalFrameDeactivated(e); } } private static boolean isDragging = false; private class Handler implements ComponentListener, InternalFrameListener, LayoutManager, MouseInputListener, PropertyChangeListener, SwingConstants { // ComponentHandler methods /** Invoked when a JInternalFrame's parent's size changes. */ public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { // Get the JInternalFrame's parent container size Rectangle parentNewBounds = ((Component) e.getSource()).getBounds(); JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon icon = null; if (frame != null) { icon = frame.getDesktopIcon(); // Resize the internal frame if it is maximized and relocate // the associated icon as well. if (frame.isMaximum()) { frame.setBounds(0, 0, parentNewBounds.width, parentNewBounds.height); } } // Relocate the icon base on the new parent bounds. if (icon != null) { Rectangle iconBounds = icon.getBounds(); int y = iconBounds.y + (parentNewBounds.height - parentBounds.height); icon.setBounds(iconBounds.x, y, iconBounds.width, iconBounds.height); } // Update the new parent bounds for next resize. if (!parentBounds.equals(parentNewBounds)) { parentBounds = parentNewBounds; } // Validate the component tree for this container. if (frame != null) frame.validate(); } public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {} public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {} public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {} // InternalFrameListener public void internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent e) { frame.removeInternalFrameListener(getHandler()); } public void internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent e) { if (!isKeyBindingRegistered()){ setKeyBindingRegistered(true); setupMenuOpenKey(); setupMenuCloseKey(); } if (isKeyBindingRegistered()) setKeyBindingActive(true); } public void internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent e) { setKeyBindingActive(false); } public void internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent e) { } public void internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent e) { } public void internalFrameIconified(InternalFrameEvent e) { } public void internalFrameDeiconified(InternalFrameEvent e) { } // LayoutManager public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) {} public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) {} public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container c) { Dimension result; Insets i = frame.getInsets(); result = new Dimension(frame.getRootPane().getPreferredSize()); result.width += i.left + i.right; result.height += i.top + i.bottom; if(getNorthPane() != null) { Dimension d = getNorthPane().getPreferredSize(); result.width = Math.max(d.width, result.width); result.height += d.height; } if(getSouthPane() != null) { Dimension d = getSouthPane().getPreferredSize(); result.width = Math.max(d.width, result.width); result.height += d.height; } if(getEastPane() != null) { Dimension d = getEastPane().getPreferredSize(); result.width += d.width; result.height = Math.max(d.height, result.height); } if(getWestPane() != null) { Dimension d = getWestPane().getPreferredSize(); result.width += d.width; result.height = Math.max(d.height, result.height); } return result; } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container c) { // The minimum size of the internal frame only takes into // account the title pane since you are allowed to resize // the frames to the point where just the title pane is visible. Dimension result = new Dimension(); if (getNorthPane() != null && getNorthPane() instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane) { result = new Dimension(getNorthPane().getMinimumSize()); } Insets i = frame.getInsets(); result.width += i.left + i.right; result.height += i.top + i.bottom; return result; } public void layoutContainer(Container c) { Insets i = frame.getInsets(); int cx, cy, cw, ch; cx = i.left; cy = i.top; cw = frame.getWidth() - i.left - i.right; ch = frame.getHeight() - i.top - i.bottom; if(getNorthPane() != null) { Dimension size = getNorthPane().getPreferredSize(); if (DefaultLookup.getBoolean(frame, BasicInternalFrameUI.this, "InternalFrame.layoutTitlePaneAtOrigin", false)) { cy = 0; ch += i.top; getNorthPane().setBounds(0, 0, frame.getWidth(), size.height); } else { getNorthPane().setBounds(cx, cy, cw, size.height); } cy += size.height; ch -= size.height; } if(getSouthPane() != null) { Dimension size = getSouthPane().getPreferredSize(); getSouthPane().setBounds(cx, frame.getHeight() - i.bottom - size.height, cw, size.height); ch -= size.height; } if(getWestPane() != null) { Dimension size = getWestPane().getPreferredSize(); getWestPane().setBounds(cx, cy, size.width, ch); cw -= size.width; cx += size.width; } if(getEastPane() != null) { Dimension size = getEastPane().getPreferredSize(); getEastPane().setBounds(cw - size.width, cy, size.width, ch); cw -= size.width; } if(frame.getRootPane() != null) { frame.getRootPane().setBounds(cx, cy, cw, ch); } } // MouseInputListener private Component mouseEventTarget = null; private Component dragSource = null; public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { // what is going on here is the GlassPane is up on the inactive // internalframe and want's to "catch" the first mousePressed on // the frame in order to give it to the BorderLister (and not the // underlying component) and let it activate the frame if (borderListener != null){ borderListener.mousePressed(e); } forwardMouseEvent(e); } /** * Forward the mouseEntered event to the underlying child container. * @see #mousePressed */ public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { forwardMouseEvent(e); } /** * Forward the mouseMoved event to the underlying child container. * @see #mousePressed */ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { forwardMouseEvent(e); } /** * Forward the mouseExited event to the underlying child container. * @see #mousePressed */ public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { forwardMouseEvent(e); } /** * Ignore mouseClicked events. * @see #mousePressed */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } /** * Forward the mouseReleased event to the underlying child container. * @see #mousePressed */ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { forwardMouseEvent(e); } /** * Forward the mouseDragged event to the underlying child container. * @see #mousePressed */ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { forwardMouseEvent(e); } /** * Forward a mouse event to the current mouse target, setting it * if necessary. */ private void forwardMouseEvent(MouseEvent e) { // We only want to do this for the selected internal frame. Component target = findComponentAt(frame.getRootPane().getLayeredPane(), e.getX(), e.getY()); // Search hierarchy for target with mouse listeners. while ((target != null) && ((target.getMouseListeners().length == 0) && (target.getMouseMotionListeners().length == 0) && (target.getMouseWheelListeners().length == 0))) { target = target.getParent(); } if (target == null) { // No target found with mouse listeners. return; } int id = e.getID(); switch(id) { case MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED: if (isDragging && !frame.isSelected()) { return; } if (target != mouseEventTarget) { mouseEventTarget = target; } retargetMouseEvent(id, e, mouseEventTarget); break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED: if (target != mouseEventTarget) { mouseEventTarget = target; } retargetMouseEvent(id, e, mouseEventTarget); // Set the drag source in case we start dragging. dragSource = target; break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED: if (isDragging && !frame.isSelected()) { return; } retargetMouseEvent(id, e, mouseEventTarget); break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED: retargetMouseEvent(id, e, mouseEventTarget); break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED: if (target != mouseEventTarget) { retargetMouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED, e, mouseEventTarget); mouseEventTarget = target; retargetMouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED, e, mouseEventTarget); } retargetMouseEvent(id, e, mouseEventTarget); break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED: if (!isDragging) { isDragging = true; } retargetMouseEvent(id, e, dragSource); break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED: if (isDragging) { retargetMouseEvent(id, e, dragSource); isDragging = false; } else { retargetMouseEvent(id, e, mouseEventTarget); } break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL: retargetMouseEvent(id, e, mouseEventTarget); break; } } /** * Find the lightweight child component which corresponds to the * specified location. This is similar to the new 1.2 API in * Container, but we need to run on 1.1. The other changes are * due to Container.findComponentAt's use of package-private data. */ private Component findComponentAt(Container c, int x, int y) { if (!c.contains(x, y)) { return c; } int ncomponents = c.getComponentCount(); Component component[] = c.getComponents(); for (int i = 0 ; i < ncomponents ; i++) { Component comp = component[i]; Point loc = comp.getLocation(); if ((comp != null) && (comp.contains(x - loc.x, y - loc.y)) && (comp.getPeer() instanceof LightweightPeer) && (comp.isVisible() == true)) { // found a component that intersects the point, see if there // is a deeper possibility. if (comp instanceof Container) { Container child = (Container) comp; Point childLoc = child.getLocation(); Component deeper = findComponentAt(child, x - childLoc.x, y - childLoc.y); if (deeper != null) { return deeper; } } else { return comp; } } } return c; } /** * Dispatch an event clone, retargeted for the specified target. */ private void retargetMouseEvent(int id, MouseEvent e, Component target) { if (target == null) { return; } // fix for bug #4202966 -- hania // When retargetting a mouse event, we need to translate // the event's coordinates relative to the target. Point p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(frame.getLayeredPane(), e.getX(), e.getY(), target); MouseEvent retargeted = new MouseEvent(target, id, e.getWhen(), e.getModifiers() | e.getModifiersEx(), p.x, p.y, e.getClickCount(), e.isPopupTrigger()); target.dispatchEvent(retargeted); } // PropertyChangeListener public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String prop = (String)evt.getPropertyName(); JInternalFrame f = (JInternalFrame)evt.getSource(); Object newValue = evt.getNewValue(); Object oldValue = evt.getOldValue(); if (JInternalFrame.IS_CLOSED_PROPERTY == prop) { if (newValue == Boolean.TRUE) { if ((frame.getParent() != null) && componentListenerAdded) { frame.getParent().removeComponentListener( componentListener); } closeFrame(f); } } else if (JInternalFrame.IS_MAXIMUM_PROPERTY == prop) { if(newValue == Boolean.TRUE) { maximizeFrame(f); } else { minimizeFrame(f); } } else if(JInternalFrame.IS_ICON_PROPERTY == prop) { if (newValue == Boolean.TRUE) { iconifyFrame(f); } else { deiconifyFrame(f); } } else if (JInternalFrame.IS_SELECTED_PROPERTY == prop) { Component glassPane = f.getGlassPane(); if (newValue == Boolean.TRUE && oldValue == Boolean.FALSE) { activateFrame(f); glassPane.setVisible(false); } else if (newValue == Boolean.FALSE && oldValue == Boolean.TRUE) { deactivateFrame(f); glassPane.setVisible(true); } } else if (prop == "ancestor") { if (frame.getParent() != null) { parentBounds = f.getParent().getBounds(); } else { parentBounds = null; } if ((frame.getParent() != null) && !componentListenerAdded) { f.getParent().addComponentListener(componentListener); componentListenerAdded = true; } else if ((newValue == null) && componentListenerAdded) { if (f.getParent() != null) { f.getParent().removeComponentListener( componentListener); } componentListenerAdded = false; } } else if (JInternalFrame.TITLE_PROPERTY == prop || prop == "closable" || prop == "iconable" || prop == "maximizable") { Dimension dim = frame.getMinimumSize(); Dimension frame_dim = frame.getSize(); if (dim.width > frame_dim.width) { frame.setSize(dim.width, frame_dim.height); } } } } }