/* * @(#)DefaultHSBChooserPanel.java 1.25 03/12/19 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package javax.swing.colorchooser; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.awt.image.*; /** * Implements the default HSB Color chooser * * @version 1.25 12/19/03 * @author Tom Santos * @author Steve Wilson * @author Mark Davidson * @author Shannon Hickey */ class DefaultHSBChooserPanel extends AbstractColorChooserPanel implements ChangeListener, HierarchyListener { private transient HSBImage palette; private transient HSBImage sliderPalette; private transient Image paletteImage; private transient Image sliderPaletteImage; private JSlider slider; private JSpinner hField; private JSpinner sField; private JSpinner bField; private JTextField redField; private JTextField greenField; private JTextField blueField; private boolean isAdjusting = false; // Flag which indicates that values are set internally private Point paletteSelection = new Point(); private JLabel paletteLabel; private JLabel sliderPaletteLabel; private JRadioButton hRadio; private JRadioButton sRadio; private JRadioButton bRadio; private static final int PALETTE_DIMENSION = 200; private static final int MAX_HUE_VALUE = 359; private static final int MAX_SATURATION_VALUE = 100; private static final int MAX_BRIGHTNESS_VALUE = 100; private int currentMode = HUE_MODE; private static final int HUE_MODE = 0; private static final int SATURATION_MODE = 1; private static final int BRIGHTNESS_MODE = 2; public DefaultHSBChooserPanel() { } private void addPaletteListeners() { paletteLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e ) { float[] hsb = new float[3]; palette.getHSBForLocation( e.getX(), e.getY(), hsb ); updateHSB( hsb[0], hsb[1], hsb[2] ); } }); paletteLabel.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() { public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e ){ int labelWidth = paletteLabel.getWidth(); int labelHeight = paletteLabel.getHeight(); int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); if ( x >= labelWidth ) { x = labelWidth - 1; } if ( y >= labelHeight ) { y = labelHeight - 1; } if ( x < 0 ) { x = 0; } if ( y < 0 ) { y = 0; } float[] hsb = new float[3]; palette.getHSBForLocation( x, y, hsb ); updateHSB( hsb[0], hsb[1], hsb[2] ); } }); } private void updatePalette( float h, float s, float b ) { int x = 0; int y = 0; switch ( currentMode ) { case HUE_MODE: if ( h != palette.getHue() ) { palette.setHue( h ); palette.nextFrame(); } x = PALETTE_DIMENSION - (int)(s * PALETTE_DIMENSION); y = PALETTE_DIMENSION - (int)(b * PALETTE_DIMENSION); break; case SATURATION_MODE: if ( s != palette.getSaturation() ) { palette.setSaturation( s ); palette.nextFrame(); } x = (int)(h * PALETTE_DIMENSION); y = PALETTE_DIMENSION - (int)(b * PALETTE_DIMENSION); break; case BRIGHTNESS_MODE: if ( b != palette.getBrightness() ) { palette.setBrightness( b ); palette.nextFrame(); } x = (int)(h * PALETTE_DIMENSION); y = PALETTE_DIMENSION - (int)(s * PALETTE_DIMENSION); break; } paletteSelection.setLocation( x, y ); paletteLabel.repaint(); } private void updateSlider( float h, float s, float b ) { // Update the slider palette if necessary. // When the slider is the hue slider or the hue hasn't changed, // the hue of the palette will not need to be updated. if (currentMode != HUE_MODE && h != sliderPalette.getHue() ) { sliderPalette.setHue( h ); sliderPalette.nextFrame(); } float value = 0f; switch ( currentMode ) { case HUE_MODE: value = h; break; case SATURATION_MODE: value = s; break; case BRIGHTNESS_MODE: value = b; break; } slider.setValue( Math.round(value * (slider.getMaximum())) ); } private void updateHSBTextFields( float hue, float saturation, float brightness ) { int h = Math.round(hue * 359); int s = Math.round(saturation * 100); int b = Math.round(brightness * 100); if (((Integer)hField.getValue()).intValue() != h) { hField.setValue(new Integer(h)); } if (((Integer)sField.getValue()).intValue() != s) { sField.setValue(new Integer(s)); } if (((Integer)bField.getValue()).intValue() != b) { bField.setValue(new Integer(b)); } } /** * Updates the values of the RGB fields to reflect the new color change */ private void updateRGBTextFields( Color color ) { redField.setText(String.valueOf(color.getRed())); greenField.setText(String.valueOf(color.getGreen())); blueField.setText(String.valueOf(color.getBlue())); } /** * Main internal method of updating the ui controls and the color model. */ private void updateHSB( float h, float s, float b ) { if ( !isAdjusting ) { isAdjusting = true; updatePalette( h, s, b ); updateSlider( h, s, b ); updateHSBTextFields( h, s, b ); Color color = Color.getHSBColor(h, s, b); updateRGBTextFields( color ); getColorSelectionModel().setSelectedColor( color ); isAdjusting = false; } } /** * Invoked automatically when the model's state changes. * It is also called by installChooserPanel to allow * you to set up the initial state of your chooser. * Override this method to update your ChooserPanel. */ public void updateChooser() { if ( !isAdjusting ) { float[] hsb = getHSBColorFromModel(); updateHSB( hsb[0], hsb[1], hsb[2] ); } } public void installChooserPanel(JColorChooser enclosingChooser) { super.installChooserPanel(enclosingChooser); addHierarchyListener(this); } /** * Invoked when the panel is removed from the chooser. */ public void uninstallChooserPanel(JColorChooser enclosingChooser) { super.uninstallChooserPanel(enclosingChooser); cleanupPalettesIfNecessary(); removeAll(); removeHierarchyListener(this); } /** * Returns an float array containing the HSB values of the selected color from * the ColorSelectionModel */ private float[] getHSBColorFromModel() { Color color = getColorFromModel(); float[] hsb = new float[3]; Color.RGBtoHSB( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), hsb ); return hsb; } /** * Builds a new chooser panel. */ protected void buildChooser() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JComponent spp = buildSliderPalettePanel(); add(spp, BorderLayout.BEFORE_LINE_BEGINS); JPanel controlHolder = new JPanel(new SmartGridLayout(1,3)); JComponent hsbControls = buildHSBControls(); controlHolder.add(hsbControls); controlHolder.add(new JLabel(" ")); // spacer JComponent rgbControls = buildRGBControls(); controlHolder.add(rgbControls); controlHolder.setBorder(new EmptyBorder( 10, 5, 10, 5)); add( controlHolder, BorderLayout.CENTER); } /** * Creates the panel with the uneditable RGB field */ private JComponent buildRGBControls() { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new SmartGridLayout(2,3)); Color color = getColorFromModel(); redField = new JTextField( String.valueOf(color.getRed()), 3 ); redField.setEditable(false); redField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT ); greenField = new JTextField(String.valueOf(color.getGreen()), 3 ); greenField.setEditable(false); greenField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT ); blueField = new JTextField( String.valueOf(color.getBlue()), 3 ); blueField.setEditable(false); blueField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT ); String redString = UIManager.getString("ColorChooser.hsbRedText"); String greenString = UIManager.getString("ColorChooser.hsbGreenText"); String blueString = UIManager.getString("ColorChooser.hsbBlueText"); panel.add( new JLabel(redString) ); panel.add( redField ); panel.add( new JLabel(greenString) ); panel.add( greenField ); panel.add( new JLabel(blueString) ); panel.add( blueField ); return panel; } /** * Creates the panel with the editable HSB fields and the radio buttons. */ private JComponent buildHSBControls() { String hueString = UIManager.getString("ColorChooser.hsbHueText"); String saturationString = UIManager.getString("ColorChooser.hsbSaturationText"); String brightnessString = UIManager.getString("ColorChooser.hsbBrightnessText"); RadioButtonHandler handler = new RadioButtonHandler(); hRadio = new JRadioButton(hueString); hRadio.addActionListener(handler); hRadio.setSelected(true); sRadio = new JRadioButton(saturationString); sRadio.addActionListener(handler); bRadio = new JRadioButton(brightnessString); bRadio.addActionListener(handler); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(hRadio); group.add(sRadio); group.add(bRadio); float[] hsb = getHSBColorFromModel(); hField = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel((int)(hsb[0] * 359), 0, 359, 1)); sField = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel((int)(hsb[1] * 100), 0, 100, 1)); bField = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel((int)(hsb[2] * 100), 0, 100, 1)); hField.addChangeListener(this); sField.addChangeListener(this); bField.addChangeListener(this); JPanel panel = new JPanel( new SmartGridLayout(2, 3) ); panel.add(hRadio); panel.add(hField); panel.add(sRadio); panel.add(sField); panel.add(bRadio); panel.add(bField); return panel; } /** * Handler for the radio button classes. */ private class RadioButtonHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { Object obj = evt.getSource(); if (obj instanceof JRadioButton) { JRadioButton button = (JRadioButton)obj; if (button == hRadio) { setMode(HUE_MODE); } else if (button == sRadio) { setMode(SATURATION_MODE); } else if (button == bRadio) { setMode(BRIGHTNESS_MODE); } } } } private void setMode(int mode) { if (currentMode == mode) { return; } isAdjusting = true; // Ensure no events propagate from changing slider value. currentMode = mode; float[] hsb = getHSBColorFromModel(); switch (currentMode) { case HUE_MODE: slider.setInverted(true); slider.setMaximum(MAX_HUE_VALUE); palette.setValues(HSBImage.HSQUARE, hsb[0], 1.0f, 1.0f); sliderPalette.setValues(HSBImage.HSLIDER, 0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); break; case SATURATION_MODE: slider.setInverted(false); slider.setMaximum(MAX_SATURATION_VALUE); palette.setValues(HSBImage.SSQUARE, hsb[0], hsb[1], 1.0f); sliderPalette.setValues(HSBImage.SSLIDER, hsb[0], 1.0f, 1.0f); break; case BRIGHTNESS_MODE: slider.setInverted(false); slider.setMaximum(MAX_BRIGHTNESS_VALUE); palette.setValues(HSBImage.BSQUARE, hsb[0], 1.0f, hsb[2]); sliderPalette.setValues(HSBImage.BSLIDER, hsb[0], 1.0f, 1.0f); break; } isAdjusting = false; palette.nextFrame(); sliderPalette.nextFrame(); updateChooser(); } protected JComponent buildSliderPalettePanel() { // This slider has to have a minimum of 0. A lot of math in this file is simplified due to this. slider = new JSlider(JSlider.VERTICAL, 0, MAX_HUE_VALUE, 0); slider.setInverted(true); slider.setPaintTrack(false); slider.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(slider.getPreferredSize().width, PALETTE_DIMENSION + 15)); slider.addChangeListener(this); // We're not painting ticks, but need to ask UI classes to // paint arrow shape anyway, if possible. slider.putClientProperty("Slider.paintThumbArrowShape", Boolean.TRUE); paletteLabel = createPaletteLabel(); addPaletteListeners(); sliderPaletteLabel = new JLabel(); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.add( paletteLabel ); panel.add( slider ); panel.add( sliderPaletteLabel ); initializePalettesIfNecessary(); return panel; } private void initializePalettesIfNecessary() { if (palette != null) { return; } float[] hsb = getHSBColorFromModel(); switch(currentMode){ case HUE_MODE: palette = new HSBImage(HSBImage.HSQUARE, PALETTE_DIMENSION, PALETTE_DIMENSION, hsb[0], 1.0f, 1.0f); sliderPalette = new HSBImage(HSBImage.HSLIDER, 16, PALETTE_DIMENSION, 0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); break; case SATURATION_MODE: palette = new HSBImage(HSBImage.SSQUARE, PALETTE_DIMENSION, PALETTE_DIMENSION, 1.0f, hsb[1], 1.0f); sliderPalette = new HSBImage(HSBImage.SSLIDER, 16, PALETTE_DIMENSION, 1.0f, 0f, 1.0f); break; case BRIGHTNESS_MODE: palette = new HSBImage(HSBImage.BSQUARE, PALETTE_DIMENSION, PALETTE_DIMENSION, 1.0f, 1.0f, hsb[2]); sliderPalette = new HSBImage(HSBImage.BSLIDER, 16, PALETTE_DIMENSION, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0f); break; } paletteImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(palette); sliderPaletteImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(sliderPalette); paletteLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(paletteImage)); sliderPaletteLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(sliderPaletteImage)); } private void cleanupPalettesIfNecessary() { if (palette == null) { return; } palette.aborted = true; sliderPalette.aborted = true; palette.nextFrame(); sliderPalette.nextFrame(); palette = null; sliderPalette = null; paletteImage = null; sliderPaletteImage = null; paletteLabel.setIcon(null); sliderPaletteLabel.setIcon(null); } protected JLabel createPaletteLabel() { return new JLabel() { protected void paintComponent( Graphics g ) { super.paintComponent( g ); g.setColor( Color.white ); g.drawOval( paletteSelection.x - 4, paletteSelection.y - 4, 8, 8 ); } }; } public String getDisplayName() { return UIManager.getString("ColorChooser.hsbNameText"); } /** * Provides a hint to the look and feel as to the * KeyEvent.VK constant that can be used as a mnemonic to * access the panel. A return value <= 0 indicates there is no mnemonic. *

* The return value here is a hint, it is ultimately up to the look * and feel to honor the return value in some meaningful way. *

* This implementation looks up the value from the default * ColorChooser.hsbMnemonic, or if it * isn't available (or not an Integer) returns -1. * The lookup for the default is done through the UIManager: * UIManager.get("ColorChooser.rgbMnemonic");. * * @return KeyEvent.VK constant identifying the mnemonic; <= 0 for no * mnemonic * @see #getDisplayedMnemonicIndex * @since 1.4 */ public int getMnemonic() { return getInt("ColorChooser.hsbMnemonic", -1); } /** * Provides a hint to the look and feel as to the index of the character in * getDisplayName that should be visually identified as the * mnemonic. The look and feel should only use this if * getMnemonic returns a value > 0. *

* The return value here is a hint, it is ultimately up to the look * and feel to honor the return value in some meaningful way. For example, * a look and feel may wish to render each * AbstractColorChooserPanel in a JTabbedPane, * and further use this return value to underline a character in * the getDisplayName. *

* This implementation looks up the value from the default * ColorChooser.rgbDisplayedMnemonicIndex, or if it * isn't available (or not an Integer) returns -1. * The lookup for the default is done through the UIManager: * UIManager.get("ColorChooser.hsbDisplayedMnemonicIndex");. * * @return Character index to render mnemonic for; -1 to provide no * visual identifier for this panel. * @see #getMnemonic * @since 1.4 */ public int getDisplayedMnemonicIndex() { return getInt("ColorChooser.hsbDisplayedMnemonicIndex", -1); } public Icon getSmallDisplayIcon() { return null; } public Icon getLargeDisplayIcon() { return null; } /** * Class for the slider and palette images. */ class HSBImage extends SyntheticImage { protected float h = .0f; protected float s = .0f; protected float b = .0f; protected float[] hsb = new float[3]; protected boolean isDirty = true; protected int cachedY; protected int cachedColor; protected int type; private static final int HSQUARE = 0; private static final int SSQUARE = 1; private static final int BSQUARE = 2; private static final int HSLIDER = 3; private static final int SSLIDER = 4; private static final int BSLIDER = 5; protected HSBImage(int type, int width, int height, float h, float s, float b) { super(width, height); setValues(type, h, s, b); } public void setValues(int type, float h, float s, float b) { this.type = type; cachedY = -1; cachedColor = 0; setHue( h ); setSaturation( s ); setBrightness( b ); } public final void setHue( float hue ) { h = hue; } public final void setSaturation( float saturation ) { s = saturation; } public final void setBrightness( float brightness ) { b = brightness; } public final float getHue() { return h; } public final float getSaturation() { return s; } public final float getBrightness() { return b; } protected boolean isStatic() { return false; } public synchronized void nextFrame() { isDirty = true; notifyAll(); } public synchronized void addConsumer(ImageConsumer ic) { isDirty = true; super.addConsumer(ic); } private int getRGBForLocation( int x, int y ) { if (type >= HSLIDER && y == cachedY) { return cachedColor; } getHSBForLocation( x, y, hsb ); cachedY = y; cachedColor = Color.HSBtoRGB( hsb[0], hsb[1], hsb[2] ); return cachedColor; } public void getHSBForLocation( int x, int y, float[] hsbArray ) { switch (type) { case HSQUARE: { float saturationStep = ((float)x) / width; float brightnessStep = ((float)y) / height; hsbArray[0] = h; hsbArray[1] = s - saturationStep; hsbArray[2] = b - brightnessStep; break; } case SSQUARE: { float brightnessStep = ((float)y) / height; float step = 1.0f / ((float)width); hsbArray[0] = x * step; hsbArray[1] = s; hsbArray[2] = 1.0f - brightnessStep; break; } case BSQUARE: { float saturationStep = ((float)y) / height; float step = 1.0f / ((float)width); hsbArray[0] = x * step; hsbArray[1] = 1.0f - saturationStep; hsbArray[2] = b; break; } case HSLIDER: { float step = 1.0f / ((float)height); hsbArray[0] = y * step; hsbArray[1] = s; hsbArray[2] = b; break; } case SSLIDER: { float saturationStep = ((float)y) / height; hsbArray[0] = h; hsbArray[1] = s - saturationStep; hsbArray[2] = b; break; } case BSLIDER: { float brightnessStep = ((float)y) / height; hsbArray[0] = h; hsbArray[1] = s; hsbArray[2] = b - brightnessStep; break; } } } /** * Overriden method from SyntheticImage */ protected void computeRow( int y, int[] row ) { if ( y == 0 ) { synchronized ( this ) { try { while ( !isDirty ) { wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } isDirty = false; } } if (aborted) { return; } for ( int i = 0; i < row.length; ++i ) { row[i] = getRGBForLocation( i, y ); } } } public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == slider) { boolean modelIsAdjusting = slider.getModel().getValueIsAdjusting(); if (!modelIsAdjusting && !isAdjusting) { int sliderValue = slider.getValue(); int sliderRange = slider.getMaximum(); float value = (float)sliderValue / (float)sliderRange; float[] hsb = getHSBColorFromModel(); switch ( currentMode ){ case HUE_MODE: updateHSB(value, hsb[1], hsb[2]); break; case SATURATION_MODE: updateHSB(hsb[0], value, hsb[2]); break; case BRIGHTNESS_MODE: updateHSB(hsb[0], hsb[1], value); break; } } } else if (e.getSource() instanceof JSpinner) { float hue = ((Integer)hField.getValue()).floatValue() / 359f; float saturation = ((Integer)sField.getValue()).floatValue() / 100f; float brightness = ((Integer)bField.getValue()).floatValue() / 100f; updateHSB(hue, saturation, brightness); } } public void hierarchyChanged(HierarchyEvent he) { if ((he.getChangeFlags() & HierarchyEvent.DISPLAYABILITY_CHANGED) != 0) { if (isDisplayable()) { initializePalettesIfNecessary(); } else { cleanupPalettesIfNecessary(); } } } }