/* * @(#)SpringLayout.java 1.19 03/12/19 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package javax.swing; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; /** * A SpringLayout lays out the children of its associated container * according to a set of constraints. * See How to Use SpringLayout * in The Java Tutorial for examples of using * SpringLayout. * *

* Each constraint, * represented by a Spring object, * controls the vertical or horizontal distance * between two component edges. * The edges can belong to * any child of the container, * or to the container itself. * For example, * the allowable width of a component * can be expressed using a constraint * that controls the distance between the west (left) and east (right) * edges of the component. * The allowable y coordinates for a component * can be expressed by constraining the distance between * the north (top) edge of the component * and the north edge of its container. * *

* Every child of a SpringLayout-controlled container, * as well as the container itself, * has exactly one set of constraints * associated with it. * These constraints are represented by * a SpringLayout.Constraints object. * By default, * SpringLayout creates constraints * that make their associated component * have the minimum, preferred, and maximum sizes * returned by the component's * {@link java.awt.Component#getMinimumSize}, * {@link java.awt.Component#getPreferredSize}, and * {@link java.awt.Component#getMaximumSize} * methods. The x and y positions are initially not * constrained, so that until you constrain them the Component * will be positioned at 0,0 relative to the Insets of the * parent Container. * *

* You can change * a component's constraints in several ways. * You can * use one of the * {@link #putConstraint putConstraint} * methods * to establish a spring * linking the edges of two components within the same container. * Or you can get the appropriate SpringLayout.Constraints * object using * {@link #getConstraints getConstraints} * and then modify one or more of its springs. * Or you can get the spring for a particular edge of a component * using {@link #getConstraint getConstraint}, * and modify it. * You can also associate * your own SpringLayout.Constraints object * with a component by specifying the constraints object * when you add the component to its container * (using * {@link Container#add(Component, Object)}). * *

* The Spring object representing each constraint * has a minimum, preferred, maximum, and current value. * The current value of the spring * is somewhere between the minimum and maximum values, * according to the formula given in the * {@link Spring#sum} method description. * When the minimum, preferred, and maximum values are the same, * the current value is always equal to them; * this inflexible spring is called a strut. * You can create struts using the factory method * {@link Spring#constant(int)}. * The Spring class also provides factory methods * for creating other kinds of springs, * including springs that depend on other springs. * *

* In a SpringLayout, the position of each edge is dependent on * the position of just one other edge. If a constraint is subsequently added * to create a new binding for an edge, the previous binding is discarded * and the edge remains dependent on a single edge. * Springs should only be attached * between edges of the container and its immediate children; the behavior * of the SpringLayout when presented with constraints linking * the edges of components from different containers (either internal or * external) is undefined. * *

* SpringLayout vs. Other Layout Managers *

* *
* Note: * Unlike many layout managers, * SpringLayout doesn't automatically set the location of * the components it manages. * If you hand-code a GUI that uses SpringLayout, * remember to initialize component locations by constraining the west/east * and north/south locations. *

* Depending on the constraints you use, * you may also need to set the size of the container explicitly. *

* *

* Despite the simplicity of SpringLayout, * it can emulate the behavior of most other layout managers. * For some features, * such as the line breaking provided by FlowLayout, * you'll need to * create a special-purpose subclass of the Spring class. * *

* SpringLayout also provides a way to solve * many of the difficult layout * problems that cannot be solved by nesting combinations * of Boxes. That said, SpringLayout honors the * LayoutManager2 contract correctly and so can be nested with * other layout managers -- a technique that can be preferable to * creating the constraints implied by the other layout managers. *

* The asymptotic complexity of the layout operation of a SpringLayout * is linear in the number of constraints (and/or components). *

* Warning: * Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with * future Swing releases. The current serialization support is * appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running * the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage * of all JavaBeansTM * has been added to the java.beans package. * Please see {@link java.beans.XMLEncoder}. * * @see Spring * @see SpringLayout.Constraints * * @version 1.19 12/19/03 * @author Philip Milne * @author Joe Winchester * @since 1.4 */ public class SpringLayout implements LayoutManager2 { private Map componentConstraints = new HashMap(); private Spring cyclicReference = Spring.constant(Spring.UNSET); private Set cyclicSprings; private Set acyclicSprings; /** * Specifies the top edge of a component's bounding rectangle. */ public static final String NORTH = "North"; /** * Specifies the bottom edge of a component's bounding rectangle. */ public static final String SOUTH = "South"; /** * Specifies the right edge of a component's bounding rectangle. */ public static final String EAST = "East"; /** * Specifies the left edge of a component's bounding rectangle. */ public static final String WEST = "West"; /** * A Constraints object holds the * constraints that govern the way a component's size and position * change in a container controlled by a SpringLayout. * A Constraints object is * like a Rectangle, in that it * has x, y, * width, and height properties. * In the Constraints object, however, * these properties have * Spring values instead of integers. * In addition, * a Constraints object * can be manipulated as four edges * -- north, south, east, and west -- * using the constraint property. * *

* The following formulas are always true * for a Constraints object: * *

     *       west = x
     *      north = y
     *       east = x + width
     *      south = y + height
* * Note: In this document, * operators represent methods * in the Spring class. * For example, "a + b" is equal to * Spring.sum(a, b), * and "a - b" is equal to * Spring.sum(a, Spring.minus(b)). * See the * {@link Spring Spring API documentation} * for further details * of spring arithmetic. * *

* * Because a Constraints object's properties -- * representing its edges, size, and location -- can all be set * independently and yet are interrelated, * the object can become over-constrained. * For example, * if both the x and width * properties are set * and then the east edge is set, * the object is over-constrained horizontally. * When this happens, one of the values * (in this case, the x property) * automatically changes so * that the formulas still hold. * *

* The following table shows which value changes * when a Constraints object * is over-constrained horizontally. * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Value Being Set
(method used)
Result When Over-Constrained Horizontally
* (x, width, and the east edge are all non-null)
x or the west edge
(setX or setConstraint)
width value is automatically set to east - x.
east edge's value is automatically set to x + width.
east edge
x value is automatically set to east - width.
* *

* The rules for the vertical properties are similar: *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Value Being Set
(method used)
Result When Over-Constrained Vertically
(y, height, and the south edge are all non-null)
y or the north edge
(setY or setConstraint)
height value is automatically set to south - y.
south edge's value is automatically set to y + height.
south edge
y value is automatically set to south - height.
* */ public static class Constraints { private Spring x; private Spring y; private Spring width; private Spring height; private Spring east; private Spring south; private Spring verticalDerived = null; private Spring horizontalDerived = null; /** * Creates an empty Constraints object. */ public Constraints() { this(null, null, null, null); } /** * Creates a Constraints object with the * specified values for its * x and y properties. * The height and width springs * have null values. * * @param x the spring controlling the component's x value * @param y the spring controlling the component's y value */ public Constraints(Spring x, Spring y) { this(x, y, null, null); } /** * Creates a Constraints object with the * specified values for its * x, y, width, * and height properties. * Note: If the SpringLayout class * encounters null values in the * Constraints object of a given component, * it replaces them with suitable defaults. * * @param x the spring value for the x property * @param y the spring value for the y property * @param width the spring value for the width property * @param height the spring value for the height property */ public Constraints(Spring x, Spring y, Spring width, Spring height) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; } /** * Creates a Constraints object with * suitable x, y, width and * height springs for component, c. * The x and y springs are constant * springs initialised with the component's location at * the time this method is called. The width and * height springs are special springs, created by * the Spring.width() and Spring.height() * methods, which track the size characteristics of the component * when they change. * * @param c the component whose characteristics will be reflected by this Constraints object * @throws NullPointerException if c is null. * @since 1.5 */ public Constraints(Component c) { this.x = Spring.constant(c.getX()); this.y = Spring.constant(c.getY()); this.width = Spring.width(c); this.height = Spring.height(c); } private boolean overConstrainedHorizontally() { return (x != null) && (width != null) && (east != null); } private boolean overConstrainedVertically() { return (y != null) && (height != null) && (south != null); } private Spring sum(Spring s1, Spring s2) { return (s1 == null || s2 == null) ? null : Spring.sum(s1, s2); } private Spring difference(Spring s1, Spring s2) { return (s1 == null || s2 == null) ? null : Spring.difference(s1, s2); } /** * Sets the x property, * which controls the x value * of a component's location. * * @param x the spring controlling the x value * of a component's location * * @see #getX * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public void setX(Spring x) { this.x = x; horizontalDerived = null; if (overConstrainedHorizontally()) { width = null; } } /** * Returns the value of the x property. * * @return the spring controlling the x value * of a component's location * * @see #setX * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public Spring getX() { if (x != null) { return x; } if (horizontalDerived == null) { horizontalDerived = difference(east, width); } return horizontalDerived; } /** * Sets the y property, * which controls the y value * of a component's location. * * @param y the spring controlling the y value * of a component's location * * @see #getY * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public void setY(Spring y) { this.y = y; verticalDerived = null; if (overConstrainedVertically()) { height = null; } } /** * Returns the value of the y property. * * @return the spring controlling the y value * of a component's location * * @see #setY * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public Spring getY() { if (y != null) { return y; } if (verticalDerived == null) { verticalDerived = difference(south, height); } return verticalDerived; } /** * Sets the width property, * which controls the width of a component. * * @param width the spring controlling the width of this * Constraints object * * @see #getWidth * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public void setWidth(Spring width) { this.width = width; horizontalDerived = null; if (overConstrainedHorizontally()) { east = null; } } /** * Returns the value of the width property. * * @return the spring controlling the width of a component * * @see #setWidth * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public Spring getWidth() { if (width != null) { return width; } if (horizontalDerived == null) { horizontalDerived = difference(east, x); } return horizontalDerived; } /** * Sets the height property, * which controls the height of a component. * * @param height the spring controlling the height of this Constraints * object * * @see #getHeight * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public void setHeight(Spring height) { this.height = height; verticalDerived = null; if (overConstrainedVertically()) { south = null; } } /** * Returns the value of the height property. * * @return the spring controlling the height of a component * * @see #setHeight * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public Spring getHeight() { if (height != null) { return height; } if (verticalDerived == null) { verticalDerived = difference(south, y); } return verticalDerived; } private void setEast(Spring east) { this.east = east; horizontalDerived = null; if (overConstrainedHorizontally()) { x = null; } } private Spring getEast() { if (east != null) { return east; } if (horizontalDerived == null) { horizontalDerived = sum(x, width); } return horizontalDerived; } private void setSouth(Spring south) { this.south = south; verticalDerived = null; if (overConstrainedVertically()) { y = null; } } private Spring getSouth() { if (south != null) { return south; } if (verticalDerived == null) { verticalDerived = sum(y, height); } return verticalDerived; } /** * Sets the spring controlling the specified edge. * The edge must have one of the following values: * SpringLayout.NORTH, SpringLayout.SOUTH, * SpringLayout.EAST, SpringLayout.WEST. * * @param edgeName the edge to be set * @param s the spring controlling the specified edge * * @see #getConstraint * @see #NORTH * @see #SOUTH * @see #EAST * @see #WEST * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public void setConstraint(String edgeName, Spring s) { edgeName = edgeName.intern(); if (edgeName == "West") { setX(s); } else if (edgeName == "North") { setY(s); } else if (edgeName == "East") { setEast(s); } else if (edgeName == "South") { setSouth(s); } } /** * Returns the value of the specified edge. * The edge must have one of the following values: * SpringLayout.NORTH, SpringLayout.SOUTH, * SpringLayout.EAST, SpringLayout.WEST. * * @param edgeName the edge whose value * is to be returned * * @return the spring controlling the specified edge * * @see #setConstraint * @see #NORTH * @see #SOUTH * @see #EAST * @see #WEST * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public Spring getConstraint(String edgeName) { edgeName = edgeName.intern(); return (edgeName == "West") ? getX() : (edgeName == "North") ? getY() : (edgeName == "East") ? getEast() : (edgeName == "South") ? getSouth() : null; } /*pp*/ void reset() { if (x != null) x.setValue(Spring.UNSET); if (y != null) y.setValue(Spring.UNSET); if (width != null) width.setValue(Spring.UNSET); if (height != null) height.setValue(Spring.UNSET); if (east != null) east.setValue(Spring.UNSET); if (south != null) south.setValue(Spring.UNSET); if (horizontalDerived != null) horizontalDerived.setValue(Spring.UNSET); if (verticalDerived != null) verticalDerived.setValue(Spring.UNSET); } } private static class SpringProxy extends Spring { private String edgeName; private Component c; private SpringLayout l; public SpringProxy(String edgeName, Component c, SpringLayout l) { this.edgeName = edgeName; this.c = c; this.l = l; } private Spring getConstraint() { return l.getConstraints(c).getConstraint(edgeName); } public int getMinimumValue() { return getConstraint().getMinimumValue(); } public int getPreferredValue() { return getConstraint().getPreferredValue(); } public int getMaximumValue() { return getConstraint().getMaximumValue(); } public int getValue() { return getConstraint().getValue(); } public void setValue(int size) { getConstraint().setValue(size); } /*pp*/ boolean isCyclic(SpringLayout l) { return l.isCyclic(getConstraint()); } public String toString() { return "SpringProxy for " + edgeName + " edge of " + c.getName() + "."; } } /** * Constructs a new SpringLayout. */ public SpringLayout() {} private void resetCyclicStatuses() { cyclicSprings = new HashSet(); acyclicSprings = new HashSet(); } private void setParent(Container p) { resetCyclicStatuses(); Constraints pc = getConstraints(p); pc.setX(Spring.constant(0)); pc.setY(Spring.constant(0)); // The applyDefaults() method automatically adds width and // height springs that delegate their calculations to the // getMinimumSize(), getPreferredSize() and getMaximumSize() // methods of the relevant component. In the case of the // parent this will cause an infinite loop since these // methods, in turn, delegate their calculations to the // layout manager. Check for this case and replace the // the springs that would cause this problem with a // constant springs that supply default values. Spring width = pc.getWidth(); if (width instanceof Spring.WidthSpring && ((Spring.WidthSpring)width).c == p) { pc.setWidth(Spring.constant(0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } Spring height = pc.getHeight(); if (height instanceof Spring.HeightSpring && ((Spring.HeightSpring)height).c == p) { pc.setHeight(Spring.constant(0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } } /*pp*/ boolean isCyclic(Spring s) { if (s == null) { return false; } if (cyclicSprings.contains(s)) { return true; } if (acyclicSprings.contains(s)) { return false; } cyclicSprings.add(s); boolean result = s.isCyclic(this); if (!result) { acyclicSprings.add(s); cyclicSprings.remove(s); } else { System.err.println(s + " is cyclic. "); } return result; } private Spring abandonCycles(Spring s) { return isCyclic(s) ? cyclicReference : s; } // LayoutManager methods. /** * Has no effect, * since this layout manager does not * use a per-component string. */ public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) {} /** * Removes the constraints associated with the specified component. * * @param c the component being removed from the container */ public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) { componentConstraints.remove(c); } private static Dimension addInsets(int width, int height, Container p) { Insets i = p.getInsets(); return new Dimension(width + i.left + i.right, height + i.top + i.bottom); } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) { setParent(parent); Constraints pc = getConstraints(parent); return addInsets(abandonCycles(pc.getWidth()).getMinimumValue(), abandonCycles(pc.getHeight()).getMinimumValue(), parent); } public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { setParent(parent); Constraints pc = getConstraints(parent); return addInsets(abandonCycles(pc.getWidth()).getPreferredValue(), abandonCycles(pc.getHeight()).getPreferredValue(), parent); } // LayoutManager2 methods. public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container parent) { setParent(parent); Constraints pc = getConstraints(parent); return addInsets(abandonCycles(pc.getWidth()).getMaximumValue(), abandonCycles(pc.getHeight()).getMaximumValue(), parent); } /** * If constraints is an instance of * SpringLayout.Constraints, * associates the constraints with the specified component. *

* @param component the component being added * @param constraints the component's constraints * * @see SpringLayout.Constraints */ public void addLayoutComponent(Component component, Object constraints) { if (constraints instanceof Constraints) { putConstraints(component, (Constraints)constraints); } } /** * Returns 0.5f (centered). */ public float getLayoutAlignmentX(Container p) { return 0.5f; } /** * Returns 0.5f (centered). */ public float getLayoutAlignmentY(Container p) { return 0.5f; } public void invalidateLayout(Container p) {} // End of LayoutManger2 methods /** * Links edge e1 of component c1 to * edge e2 of component c2, * with a fixed distance between the edges. This * constraint will cause the assignment *

     *     value(e1, c1) = value(e2, c2) + pad
* to take place during all subsequent layout operations. *

* @param e1 the edge of the dependent * @param c1 the component of the dependent * @param pad the fixed distance between dependent and anchor * @param e2 the edge of the anchor * @param c2 the component of the anchor * * @see #putConstraint(String, Component, Spring, String, Component) */ public void putConstraint(String e1, Component c1, int pad, String e2, Component c2) { putConstraint(e1, c1, Spring.constant(pad), e2, c2); } /** * Links edge e1 of component c1 to * edge e2 of component c2. As edge * (e2, c2) changes value, edge (e1, c1) will * be calculated by taking the (spring) sum of (e2, c2) * and s. Each edge must have one of the following values: * SpringLayout.NORTH, SpringLayout.SOUTH, * SpringLayout.EAST, SpringLayout.WEST. *

* @param e1 the edge of the dependent * @param c1 the component of the dependent * @param s the spring linking dependent and anchor * @param e2 the edge of the anchor * @param c2 the component of the anchor * * @see #putConstraint(String, Component, int, String, Component) * @see #NORTH * @see #SOUTH * @see #EAST * @see #WEST */ public void putConstraint(String e1, Component c1, Spring s, String e2, Component c2) { putConstraint(e1, c1, Spring.sum(s, getConstraint(e2, c2))); } private void putConstraint(String e, Component c, Spring s) { if (s != null) { getConstraints(c).setConstraint(e, s); } } private Constraints applyDefaults(Component c, Constraints constraints) { if (constraints == null) { constraints = new Constraints(); } if (constraints.getWidth() == null) { constraints.setWidth(new Spring.WidthSpring(c)); } if (constraints.getHeight() == null) { constraints.setHeight(new Spring.HeightSpring(c)); } if (constraints.getX() == null) { constraints.setX(Spring.constant(0)); } if (constraints.getY() == null) { constraints.setY(Spring.constant(0)); } return constraints; } private void putConstraints(Component component, Constraints constraints) { componentConstraints.put(component, applyDefaults(component, constraints)); } /** * Returns the constraints for the specified component. * Note that, * unlike the GridBagLayout * getConstraints method, * this method does not clone constraints. * If no constraints * have been associated with this component, * this method * returns a default constraints object positioned at * 0,0 relative to the parent's Insets and its width/height * constrained to the minimum, maximum, and preferred sizes of the * component. The size characteristics * are not frozen at the time this method is called; * instead this method returns a constraints object * whose characteristics track the characteristics * of the component as they change. * * @param c the component whose constraints will be returned * * @return the constraints for the specified component */ public Constraints getConstraints(Component c) { Constraints result = (Constraints)componentConstraints.get(c); if (result == null) { if (c instanceof javax.swing.JComponent) { Object cp = ((javax.swing.JComponent)c).getClientProperty(SpringLayout.class); if (cp instanceof Constraints) { return applyDefaults(c, (Constraints)cp); } } result = new Constraints(); putConstraints(c, result); } return result; } /** * Returns the spring controlling the distance between * the specified edge of * the component and the top or left edge of its parent. This * method, instead of returning the current binding for the * edge, returns a proxy that tracks the characteristics * of the edge even if the edge is subsequently rebound. * Proxies are intended to be used in builder envonments * where it is useful to allow the user to define the * constraints for a layout in any order. Proxies do, however, * provide the means to create cyclic dependencies amongst * the constraints of a layout. Such cycles are detected * internally by SpringLayout so that * the layout operation always terminates. * * @param edgeName must be * SpringLayout.NORTH, * SpringLayout.SOUTH, * SpringLayout.EAST, or * SpringLayout.WEST * @param c the component whose edge spring is desired * * @return a proxy for the spring controlling the distance between the * specified edge and the top or left edge of its parent * * @see #NORTH * @see #SOUTH * @see #EAST * @see #WEST */ public Spring getConstraint(String edgeName, Component c) { // The interning here is unnecessary; it was added for efficiency. edgeName = edgeName.intern(); return new SpringProxy(edgeName, c, this); } public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { setParent(parent); int n = parent.getComponentCount(); getConstraints(parent).reset(); for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { getConstraints(parent.getComponent(i)).reset(); } Insets insets = parent.getInsets(); Constraints pc = getConstraints(parent); abandonCycles(pc.getX()).setValue(0); abandonCycles(pc.getY()).setValue(0); abandonCycles(pc.getWidth()).setValue(parent.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right); abandonCycles(pc.getHeight()).setValue(parent.getHeight() - insets.top - insets.bottom); for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { Component c = parent.getComponent(i); Constraints cc = getConstraints(c); int x = abandonCycles(cc.getX()).getValue(); int y = abandonCycles(cc.getY()).getValue(); int width = abandonCycles(cc.getWidth()).getValue(); int height = abandonCycles(cc.getHeight()).getValue(); c.setBounds(insets.left + x, insets.top + y, width, height); } } }