/* * @(#)JTextPane.java 1.90 03/12/19 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package javax.swing; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.plaf.*; /** * A text component that can be marked up with attributes that are * represented graphically. * You can find how-to information and examples of using text panes in * Using Text Components, * a section in The Java Tutorial. * *

* This component models paragraphs * that are composed of runs of character level attributes. Each * paragraph may have a logical style attached to it which contains * the default attributes to use if not overridden by attributes set * on the paragraph or character run. Components and images may * be embedded in the flow of text. *


Newlines *
* For a discussion on how newlines are handled, see * DefaultEditorKit. * * *

* Warning: * Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with * future Swing releases. The current serialization support is * appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running * the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage * of all JavaBeansTM * has been added to the java.beans package. * Please see {@link java.beans.XMLEncoder}. * * @beaninfo * attribute: isContainer true * description: A text component that can be marked up with attributes that are graphically represented. * * @author Timothy Prinzing * @version 1.90 12/19/03 * @see javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit */ public class JTextPane extends JEditorPane { /** * Creates a new JTextPane. A new instance of * StyledEditorKit is * created and set, and the document model set to null. */ public JTextPane() { super(); setEditorKit(createDefaultEditorKit()); } /** * Creates a new JTextPane, with a specified document model. * A new instance of javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit * is created and set. * * @param doc the document model */ public JTextPane(StyledDocument doc) { this(); setStyledDocument(doc); } /** * Returns the class ID for the UI. * * @return the string "TextPaneUI" * * @see JComponent#getUIClassID * @see UIDefaults#getUI */ public String getUIClassID() { return uiClassID; } /** * Associates the editor with a text document. This * must be a StyledDocument. * * @param doc the document to display/edit * @exception IllegalArgumentException if doc can't * be narrowed to a StyledDocument which is the * required type of model for this text component */ public void setDocument(Document doc) { if (doc instanceof StyledDocument) { super.setDocument(doc); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model must be StyledDocument"); } } /** * Associates the editor with a text document. * The currently registered factory is used to build a view for * the document, which gets displayed by the editor. * * @param doc the document to display/edit */ public void setStyledDocument(StyledDocument doc) { super.setDocument(doc); } /** * Fetches the model associated with the editor. * * @return the model */ public StyledDocument getStyledDocument() { return (StyledDocument) getDocument(); } /** * Replaces the currently selected content with new content * represented by the given string. If there is no selection * this amounts to an insert of the given text. If there * is no replacement text this amounts to a removal of the * current selection. The replacement text will have the * attributes currently defined for input at the point of * insertion. If the document is not editable, beep and return. *

* This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods * are not. Please see * Threads * and Swing for more information. * * @param content the content to replace the selection with */ public void replaceSelection(String content) { replaceSelection(content, true); } private void replaceSelection(String content, boolean checkEditable) { if (checkEditable && !isEditable()) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(JTextPane.this); return; } Document doc = getStyledDocument(); if (doc != null) { try { Caret caret = getCaret(); int p0 = Math.min(caret.getDot(), caret.getMark()); int p1 = Math.max(caret.getDot(), caret.getMark()); AttributeSet attr = getInputAttributes().copyAttributes(); if (doc instanceof AbstractDocument) { ((AbstractDocument)doc).replace(p0, p1 - p0, content,attr); } else { if (p0 != p1) { doc.remove(p0, p1 - p0); } if (content != null && content.length() > 0) { doc.insertString(p0, content, attr); } } } catch (BadLocationException e) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(JTextPane.this); } } } /** * Inserts a component into the document as a replacement * for the currently selected content. If there is no * selection the component is effectively inserted at the * current position of the caret. This is represented in * the associated document as an attribute of one character * of content. *

* The component given is the actual component used by the * JTextPane. Since components cannot be a child of more than * one container, this method should not be used in situations * where the model is shared by text components. *

* The component is placed relative to the text baseline * according to the value returned by * Component.getAlignmentY. For Swing components * this value can be conveniently set using the method * JComponent.setAlignmentY. For example, setting * a value of 0.75 will cause 75 percent of the * component to be above the baseline, and 25 percent of the * component to be below the baseline. *

* This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods * are not. Please see * Threads * and Swing for more information. * * @param c the component to insert */ public void insertComponent(Component c) { MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes = getInputAttributes(); inputAttributes.removeAttributes(inputAttributes); StyleConstants.setComponent(inputAttributes, c); replaceSelection(" ", false); inputAttributes.removeAttributes(inputAttributes); } /** * Inserts an icon into the document as a replacement * for the currently selected content. If there is no * selection the icon is effectively inserted at the * current position of the caret. This is represented in * the associated document as an attribute of one character * of content. *

* This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods * are not. Please see * Threads * and Swing for more information. * * @param g the icon to insert * @see Icon */ public void insertIcon(Icon g) { MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes = getInputAttributes(); inputAttributes.removeAttributes(inputAttributes); StyleConstants.setIcon(inputAttributes, g); replaceSelection(" ", false); inputAttributes.removeAttributes(inputAttributes); } /** * Adds a new style into the logical style hierarchy. Style attributes * resolve from bottom up so an attribute specified in a child * will override an attribute specified in the parent. * * @param nm the name of the style (must be unique within the * collection of named styles). The name may be null * if the style is unnamed, but the caller is responsible * for managing the reference returned as an unnamed style can't * be fetched by name. An unnamed style may be useful for things * like character attribute overrides such as found in a style * run. * @param parent the parent style. This may be null * if unspecified * attributes need not be resolved in some other style. * @return the new Style */ public Style addStyle(String nm, Style parent) { StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(); return doc.addStyle(nm, parent); } /** * Removes a named non-null style previously added to * the document. * * @param nm the name of the style to remove */ public void removeStyle(String nm) { StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(); doc.removeStyle(nm); } /** * Fetches a named non-null style previously added. * * @param nm the name of the style * @return the Style */ public Style getStyle(String nm) { StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(); return doc.getStyle(nm); } /** * Sets the logical style to use for the paragraph at the * current caret position. If attributes aren't explicitly set * for character and paragraph attributes they will resolve * through the logical style assigned to the paragraph, which * in term may resolve through some hierarchy completely * independent of the element hierarchy in the document. *

* This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods * are not. Please see * Threads * and Swing for more information. * * @param s the logical style to assign to the paragraph, * or null for no style */ public void setLogicalStyle(Style s) { StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(); doc.setLogicalStyle(getCaretPosition(), s); } /** * Fetches the logical style assigned to the paragraph represented * by the current position of the caret, or null. * * @return the Style */ public Style getLogicalStyle() { StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(); return doc.getLogicalStyle(getCaretPosition()); } /** * Fetches the character attributes in effect at the * current location of the caret, or null. * * @return the attributes, or null */ public AttributeSet getCharacterAttributes() { StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(); Element run = doc.getCharacterElement(getCaretPosition()); if (run != null) { return run.getAttributes(); } return null; } /** * Applies the given attributes to character * content. If there is a selection, the attributes * are applied to the selection range. If there * is no selection, the attributes are applied to * the input attribute set which defines the attributes * for any new text that gets inserted. *

* This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods * are not. Please see * Threads * and Swing for more information. * * @param attr the attributes * @param replace if true, then replace the existing attributes first */ public void setCharacterAttributes(AttributeSet attr, boolean replace) { int p0 = getSelectionStart(); int p1 = getSelectionEnd(); if (p0 != p1) { StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(); doc.setCharacterAttributes(p0, p1 - p0, attr, replace); } else { MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes = getInputAttributes(); if (replace) { inputAttributes.removeAttributes(inputAttributes); } inputAttributes.addAttributes(attr); } } /** * Fetches the current paragraph attributes in effect * at the location of the caret, or null if none. * * @return the attributes */ public AttributeSet getParagraphAttributes() { StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(); Element paragraph = doc.getParagraphElement(getCaretPosition()); if (paragraph != null) { return paragraph.getAttributes(); } return null; } /** * Applies the given attributes to paragraphs. If * there is a selection, the attributes are applied * to the paragraphs that intersect the selection. * If there is no selection, the attributes are applied * to the paragraph at the current caret position. *

* This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods * are not. Please see * Threads * and Swing for more information. * * @param attr the non-null attributes * @param replace if true, replace the existing attributes first */ public void setParagraphAttributes(AttributeSet attr, boolean replace) { int p0 = getSelectionStart(); int p1 = getSelectionEnd(); StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(); doc.setParagraphAttributes(p0, p1 - p0, attr, replace); } /** * Gets the input attributes for the pane. * * @return the attributes */ public MutableAttributeSet getInputAttributes() { return getStyledEditorKit().getInputAttributes(); } /** * Gets the editor kit. * * @return the editor kit */ protected final StyledEditorKit getStyledEditorKit() { return (StyledEditorKit) getEditorKit(); } /** * @see #getUIClassID * @see #readObject */ private static final String uiClassID = "TextPaneUI"; /** * See readObject and writeObject in * JComponent for more * information about serialization in Swing. * * @param s the output stream */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { s.defaultWriteObject(); if (getUIClassID().equals(uiClassID)) { byte count = JComponent.getWriteObjCounter(this); JComponent.setWriteObjCounter(this, --count); if (count == 0 && ui != null) { ui.installUI(this); } } } // --- JEditorPane ------------------------------------ /** * Creates the EditorKit to use by default. This * is implemented to return javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit. * * @return the editor kit */ protected EditorKit createDefaultEditorKit() { return new StyledEditorKit(); } /** * Sets the currently installed kit for handling * content. This is the bound property that * establishes the content type of the editor. * * @param kit the desired editor behavior * @exception IllegalArgumentException if kit is not a * StyledEditorKit */ public final void setEditorKit(EditorKit kit) { if (kit instanceof StyledEditorKit) { super.setEditorKit(kit); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be StyledEditorKit"); } } /** * Returns a string representation of this JTextPane. * This method * is intended to be used only for debugging purposes, and the * content and format of the returned string may vary between * implementations. The returned string may be empty but may not * be null. * * @return a string representation of this JTextPane */ protected String paramString() { return super.paramString(); } }