/* * @(#)DefaultDesktopManager.java 1.52 03/12/19 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package javax.swing; import java.awt.*; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import javax.swing.border.Border; import java.awt.event.ComponentListener; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; /** This is an implementation of the DesktopManager. * It currently implements the basic behaviors for managing * JInternalFrames in an arbitrary parent. * JInternalFrames that are not children of a * JDesktop will use this component * to handle their desktop-like actions. *

This class provides a policy for the various JInternalFrame methods, * it is not meant to be called directly rather the various JInternalFrame * methods will call into the DesktopManager.

* @see JDesktopPane * @see JInternalFrame * @version 1.52 12/19/03 * @author David Kloba * @author Steve Wilson */ public class DefaultDesktopManager implements DesktopManager, java.io.Serializable { final static String HAS_BEEN_ICONIFIED_PROPERTY = "wasIconOnce"; final static int DEFAULT_DRAG_MODE = 0; final static int OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE = 1; final static int FASTER_DRAG_MODE = 2; int dragMode = DEFAULT_DRAG_MODE; private transient Rectangle currentBounds = null; private transient Graphics desktopGraphics = null; private transient Rectangle desktopBounds = null; private transient Rectangle[] floatingItems = {}; /** Normally this method will not be called. If it is, it * try to determine the appropriate parent from the desktopIcon of the frame. * Will remove the desktopIcon from its parent if it successfully adds the frame. */ public void openFrame(JInternalFrame f) { if(f.getDesktopIcon().getParent() != null) { f.getDesktopIcon().getParent().add(f); removeIconFor(f); } } /** * Removes the frame, and, if necessary, the * desktopIcon, from its parent. * @param f the JInternalFrame to be removed */ public void closeFrame(JInternalFrame f) { boolean findNext = f.isSelected(); Container c = f.getParent(); if (findNext) try { f.setSelected(false); } catch (PropertyVetoException e2) { } if(c != null) { c.remove(f); c.repaint(f.getX(), f.getY(), f.getWidth(), f.getHeight()); } removeIconFor(f); if(f.getNormalBounds() != null) f.setNormalBounds(null); if(wasIcon(f)) setWasIcon(f, null); if (findNext) activateNextFrame(c); } /** * Resizes the frame to fill its parents bounds. * @param f the frame to be resized */ public void maximizeFrame(JInternalFrame f) { if (f.isIcon()) { try { // In turn calls deiconifyFrame in the desktop manager. // That method will handle the maximization of the frame. f.setIcon(false); } catch (PropertyVetoException e2) { } } else { f.setNormalBounds(f.getBounds()); Rectangle desktopBounds = f.getParent().getBounds(); setBoundsForFrame(f, 0, 0, desktopBounds.width, desktopBounds.height); } // Set the maximized frame as selected. try { f.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e2) { } } /** * Restores the frame back to its size and position prior * to a maximizeFrame call. * @param f the JInternalFrame to be restored */ public void minimizeFrame(JInternalFrame f) { // If the frame was an icon restore it back to an icon. if (f.isIcon()) { iconifyFrame(f); return; } if ((f.getNormalBounds()) != null) { Rectangle r = f.getNormalBounds(); f.setNormalBounds(null); try { f.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e2) { } setBoundsForFrame(f, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } } /** * Removes the frame from its parent and adds its * desktopIcon to the parent. * @param f the JInternalFrame to be iconified */ public void iconifyFrame(JInternalFrame f) { JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon desktopIcon; Container c = f.getParent(); JDesktopPane d = f.getDesktopPane(); boolean findNext = f.isSelected(); desktopIcon = f.getDesktopIcon(); if(!wasIcon(f)) { Rectangle r = getBoundsForIconOf(f); desktopIcon.setBounds(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); setWasIcon(f, Boolean.TRUE); } if (c == null) { return; } if (c instanceof JLayeredPane) { JLayeredPane lp = (JLayeredPane)c; int layer = lp.getLayer(f); lp.putLayer(desktopIcon, layer); } // If we are maximized we already have the normal bounds recorded // don't try to re-record them, otherwise we incorrectly set the // normal bounds to maximized state. if (!f.isMaximum()) { f.setNormalBounds(f.getBounds()); } c.remove(f); c.add(desktopIcon); c.repaint(f.getX(), f.getY(), f.getWidth(), f.getHeight()); try { f.setSelected(false); } catch (PropertyVetoException e2) { } // Get topmost of the remaining frames if (findNext) { activateNextFrame(c); } } void activateNextFrame(Container c) { int i; JInternalFrame nextFrame = null; if (c == null) return; for (i = 0; i < c.getComponentCount(); i++) { if (c.getComponent(i) instanceof JInternalFrame) { nextFrame = (JInternalFrame) c.getComponent(i); break; } } if (nextFrame != null) { try { nextFrame.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e2) { } nextFrame.moveToFront(); } } /** * Removes the desktopIcon from its parent and adds its frame * to the parent. * @param f the JInternalFrame to be de-iconified */ public void deiconifyFrame(JInternalFrame f) { JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon desktopIcon = f.getDesktopIcon(); Container c = desktopIcon.getParent(); if (c != null) { c.add(f); // If the frame is to be restored to a maximized state make // sure it still fills the whole desktop. if (f.isMaximum()) { Rectangle desktopBounds = c.getBounds(); if (f.getWidth() != desktopBounds.width || f.getHeight() != desktopBounds.height) { setBoundsForFrame(f, 0, 0, desktopBounds.width, desktopBounds.height); } } removeIconFor(f); if (f.isSelected()) { f.moveToFront(); } else { try { f.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e2) { } } } } /** This will activate f moving it to the front. It will * set the current active frame's (if any) * IS_SELECTED_PROPERTY to false. * There can be only one active frame across all Layers. * @param f the JInternalFrame to be activated */ public void activateFrame(JInternalFrame f) { Container p = f.getParent(); Component[] c; JDesktopPane d = f.getDesktopPane(); JInternalFrame currentlyActiveFrame = (d == null) ? null : d.getSelectedFrame(); // fix for bug: 4162443 if(p == null) { // If the frame is not in parent, its icon maybe, check it p = f.getDesktopIcon().getParent(); if(p == null) return; } // we only need to keep track of the currentActive InternalFrame, if any if (currentlyActiveFrame == null){ if (d != null) { d.setSelectedFrame(f);} } else if (currentlyActiveFrame != f) { // if not the same frame as the current active // we deactivate the current if (currentlyActiveFrame.isSelected()) { try { currentlyActiveFrame.setSelected(false); } catch(PropertyVetoException e2) {} } if (d != null) { d.setSelectedFrame(f);} } f.moveToFront(); } // implements javax.swing.DesktopManager public void deactivateFrame(JInternalFrame f) { JDesktopPane d = f.getDesktopPane(); JInternalFrame currentlyActiveFrame = (d == null) ? null : d.getSelectedFrame(); if (currentlyActiveFrame == f) d.setSelectedFrame(null); } // implements javax.swing.DesktopManager public void beginDraggingFrame(JComponent f) { setupDragMode(f); if (dragMode == FASTER_DRAG_MODE) { floatingItems = findFloatingItems(f); currentBounds = f.getBounds(); desktopBounds = f.getParent().getBounds(); desktopBounds.x = 0; desktopBounds.y = 0; desktopGraphics = f.getParent().getGraphics(); ((JInternalFrame)f).isDragging = true; } } private void setupDragMode(JComponent f) { JDesktopPane p = getDesktopPane(f); if (p != null) { String mode = (String)p.getClientProperty("JDesktopPane.dragMode"); if (mode != null && mode.equals("outline")) { dragMode = OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE; } else if (mode != null && mode.equals("faster") && f instanceof JInternalFrame && ((JInternalFrame)f).isOpaque()) { dragMode = FASTER_DRAG_MODE; } else { if (p.getDragMode() == JDesktopPane.OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE ) { dragMode = OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE; } else if ( p.getDragMode() == JDesktopPane.LIVE_DRAG_MODE && f instanceof JInternalFrame && ((JInternalFrame)f).isOpaque()) { dragMode = FASTER_DRAG_MODE; } else { dragMode = DEFAULT_DRAG_MODE; } } } } private transient Point currentLoc = null; /** * Moves the visible location of the frame being dragged * to the location specified. The means by which this occurs can vary depending * on the dragging algorithm being used. The actual logical location of the frame * might not change until endDraggingFrame is called. */ public void dragFrame(JComponent f, int newX, int newY) { if (dragMode == OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE) { JDesktopPane desktopPane = getDesktopPane(f); if (desktopPane != null){ Graphics g = desktopPane.getGraphics(); g.setXORMode(Color.white); if (currentLoc != null) { g.drawRect(currentLoc.x, currentLoc.y, f.getWidth()-1, f.getHeight()-1); } g.drawRect( newX, newY, f.getWidth()-1, f.getHeight()-1); currentLoc = new Point (newX, newY); g.dispose(); } } else if (dragMode == FASTER_DRAG_MODE) { dragFrameFaster(f, newX, newY); } else { setBoundsForFrame(f, newX, newY, f.getWidth(), f.getHeight()); } } // implements javax.swing.DesktopManager public void endDraggingFrame(JComponent f) { if ( dragMode == OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE && currentLoc != null) { setBoundsForFrame(f, currentLoc.x, currentLoc.y, f.getWidth(), f.getHeight() ); currentLoc = null; } else if (dragMode == FASTER_DRAG_MODE) { currentBounds = null; if (desktopGraphics != null) { desktopGraphics.dispose(); desktopGraphics = null; } desktopBounds = null; ((JInternalFrame)f).isDragging = false; } } // implements javax.swing.DesktopManager public void beginResizingFrame(JComponent f, int direction) { setupDragMode(f); } /** * Calls setBoundsForFrame with the new values. * @param f the component to be resized * @param newX the new x-coordinate * @param newY the new y-coordinate * @param newWidth the new width * @param newHeight the new height */ public void resizeFrame(JComponent f, int newX, int newY, int newWidth, int newHeight) { if ( dragMode == DEFAULT_DRAG_MODE || dragMode == FASTER_DRAG_MODE ) { setBoundsForFrame(f, newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight); } else { JDesktopPane desktopPane = getDesktopPane(f); if (desktopPane != null){ Graphics g = desktopPane.getGraphics(); g.setXORMode(Color.white); if (currentBounds != null) { g.drawRect( currentBounds.x, currentBounds.y, currentBounds.width-1, currentBounds.height-1); } g.drawRect( newX, newY, newWidth-1, newHeight-1); currentBounds = new Rectangle (newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight); g.setPaintMode(); g.dispose(); } } } // implements javax.swing.DesktopManager public void endResizingFrame(JComponent f) { if ( dragMode == OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE && currentBounds != null) { setBoundsForFrame(f, currentBounds.x, currentBounds.y, currentBounds.width, currentBounds.height ); currentBounds = null; } } /** This moves the JComponent and repaints the damaged areas. */ public void setBoundsForFrame(JComponent f, int newX, int newY, int newWidth, int newHeight) { boolean didResize = (f.getWidth() != newWidth || f.getHeight() != newHeight); f.setBounds(newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight); if(didResize) { f.validate(); } } /** Convenience method to remove the desktopIcon of f is necessary. */ protected void removeIconFor(JInternalFrame f) { JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon di = f.getDesktopIcon(); Container c = di.getParent(); if(c != null) { c.remove(di); c.repaint(di.getX(), di.getY(), di.getWidth(), di.getHeight()); } } /** The iconifyFrame() code calls this to determine the proper bounds * for the desktopIcon. */ protected Rectangle getBoundsForIconOf(JInternalFrame f) { // // Get the icon for this internal frame and its preferred size // JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon icon = f.getDesktopIcon(); Dimension prefSize = icon.getPreferredSize(); // // Get the parent bounds and child components. // Container c = f.getParent(); if (c == null) { c = f.getDesktopIcon().getParent(); } if (c == null) { /* the frame has not yet been added to the parent; how about (0,0) ?*/ return new Rectangle(0, 0, prefSize.width, prefSize.height); } Rectangle parentBounds = c.getBounds(); Component [] components = c.getComponents(); // // Iterate through valid default icon locations and return the // first one that does not intersect any other icons. // Rectangle availableRectangle = null; JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon currentIcon = null; int x = 0; int y = parentBounds.height - prefSize.height; int w = prefSize.width; int h = prefSize.height; boolean found = false; while (!found) { availableRectangle = new Rectangle(x,y,w,h); found = true; for ( int i=0; i parentBounds.width ) { x = 0; y -= h; } } return(availableRectangle); } /** * Stores the bounds of the component just before a maximize call. * @param f the component about to be resized * @param r the normal bounds to be saved away */ protected void setPreviousBounds(JInternalFrame f, Rectangle r) { f.setNormalBounds(r); } /** * Gets the normal bounds of the component prior to the component * being maximized. * @param f the JInternalFrame of interest * @return the normal bounds of the component */ protected Rectangle getPreviousBounds(JInternalFrame f) { return f.getNormalBounds(); } /** * Sets that the component has been iconized and the bounds of the * desktopIcon are valid. */ protected void setWasIcon(JInternalFrame f, Boolean value) { if (value != null) { f.putClientProperty(HAS_BEEN_ICONIFIED_PROPERTY, value); } } /** * Returns true if the component has been iconized * and the bounds of the desktopIcon are valid, * otherwise returns false. * * @param f the JInternalFrame of interest * @return true if the component has been iconized; * otherwise returns false */ protected boolean wasIcon(JInternalFrame f) { return (f.getClientProperty(HAS_BEEN_ICONIFIED_PROPERTY) == Boolean.TRUE); } JDesktopPane getDesktopPane( JComponent frame ) { JDesktopPane pane = null; Component c = frame.getParent(); // Find the JDesktopPane while ( pane == null ) { if ( c instanceof JDesktopPane ) { pane = (JDesktopPane)c; } else if ( c == null ) { break; } else { c = c.getParent(); } } return pane; } // =========== stuff for faster frame dragging =================== private void dragFrameFaster(JComponent f, int newX, int newY) { Rectangle previousBounds = new Rectangle(currentBounds.x, currentBounds.y, currentBounds.width, currentBounds.height); // move the frame currentBounds.x = newX; currentBounds.y = newY; emergencyCleanup(f); boolean floaterCollision = isFloaterCollision(previousBounds, currentBounds); // System.out.println(previousBounds); Rectangle visBounds = previousBounds.intersection(desktopBounds); // System.out.println(previousBounds); // System.out.println(visBounds); if(!floaterCollision) { // blit the frame to the new location // if we're under a floater we can't blit desktopGraphics.copyArea(visBounds.x, visBounds.y, visBounds.width, visBounds.height, newX - previousBounds.x, newY - previousBounds.y); } JComponent parent = (JComponent)f.getParent(); f.setBounds(currentBounds); if(floaterCollision) { // since we couldn't blit we just redraw as fast as possible // the isDragging mucking is to avoid activating emergency cleanup ((JInternalFrame)f).isDragging = false; parent.paintImmediately(currentBounds); ((JInternalFrame)f).isDragging = true; } // fake out the repaint manager. We'll take care of everything RepaintManager currentManager = RepaintManager.currentManager(f); currentManager.markCompletelyClean(parent); currentManager.markCompletelyClean(f); // compute the minimal newly exposed area // if the rects intersect then we use computeDifference. Otherwise // we'll repaint the entire previous bounds Rectangle[] dirtyRects = null; if ( previousBounds.intersects(currentBounds) ) { dirtyRects = SwingUtilities.computeDifference(previousBounds, currentBounds); } else { dirtyRects = new Rectangle[1]; dirtyRects[0] = previousBounds; // System.out.println("no intersection"); }; // Fix the damage for (int i = 0; i < dirtyRects.length; i++) { parent.paintImmediately(dirtyRects[i]); } // new areas of blit were exposed if ( !(visBounds.equals(previousBounds)) ) { dirtyRects = SwingUtilities.computeDifference(previousBounds, desktopBounds); for (int i = 0; i < dirtyRects.length; i++) { dirtyRects[i].x += newX - previousBounds.x; dirtyRects[i].y += newY - previousBounds.y; ((JInternalFrame)f).isDragging = false; parent.paintImmediately(dirtyRects[i]); ((JInternalFrame)f).isDragging = true; // System.out.println(dirtyRects[i]); } } } private boolean isFloaterCollision(Rectangle moveFrom, Rectangle moveTo) { if (floatingItems.length == 0) { // System.out.println("no floaters"); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < floatingItems.length; i++) { boolean intersectsFrom = moveFrom.intersects(floatingItems[i]); if (intersectsFrom) { return true; } boolean intersectsTo = moveTo.intersects(floatingItems[i]); if (intersectsTo) { return true; } } return false; } private Rectangle[] findFloatingItems(JComponent f) { Container desktop = f.getParent(); Component[] children = desktop.getComponents(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i] == f) { break; } } // System.out.println(i); Rectangle[] floaters = new Rectangle[i]; for (i = 0; i < floaters.length; i++) { floaters[i] = children[i].getBounds(); } return floaters; } /** * This method is here to clean up problems associated * with a race condition which can occur when the full contents * of a copyArea's source argument is not available onscreen. * This uses brute force to clean up in case of possible damage */ private void emergencyCleanup(final JComponent f) { if ( ((JInternalFrame)f).danger ) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable(){ public void run(){ ((JInternalFrame)f).isDragging = false; f.paintImmediately(0,0, f.getWidth(), f.getHeight()); //finalFrame.repaint(); ((JInternalFrame)f).isDragging = true; // System.out.println("repair complete"); }}); ((JInternalFrame)f).danger = false; } } }