/* * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ /* * @(#)MutableBigInteger.java 1.12 03/12/19 */ package java.math; /** * A class used to represent multiprecision integers that makes efficient * use of allocated space by allowing a number to occupy only part of * an array so that the arrays do not have to be reallocated as often. * When performing an operation with many iterations the array used to * hold a number is only reallocated when necessary and does not have to * be the same size as the number it represents. A mutable number allows * calculations to occur on the same number without having to create * a new number for every step of the calculation as occurs with * BigIntegers. * * @see BigInteger * @version 1.12, 12/19/03 * @author Michael McCloskey * @since 1.3 */ class MutableBigInteger { /** * Holds the magnitude of this MutableBigInteger in big endian order. * The magnitude may start at an offset into the value array, and it may * end before the length of the value array. */ int[] value; /** * The number of ints of the value array that are currently used * to hold the magnitude of this MutableBigInteger. The magnitude starts * at an offset and offset + intLen may be less than value.length. */ int intLen; /** * The offset into the value array where the magnitude of this * MutableBigInteger begins. */ int offset = 0; /** * This mask is used to obtain the value of an int as if it were unsigned. */ private final static long LONG_MASK = 0xffffffffL; // Constructors /** * The default constructor. An empty MutableBigInteger is created with * a one word capacity. */ MutableBigInteger() { value = new int[1]; intLen = 0; } /** * Construct a new MutableBigInteger with a magnitude specified by * the int val. */ MutableBigInteger(int val) { value = new int[1]; intLen = 1; value[0] = val; } /** * Construct a new MutableBigInteger with the specified value array * up to the specified length. */ MutableBigInteger(int[] val, int len) { value = val; intLen = len; } /** * Construct a new MutableBigInteger with the specified value array * up to the length of the array supplied. */ MutableBigInteger(int[] val) { value = val; intLen = val.length; } /** * Construct a new MutableBigInteger with a magnitude equal to the * specified BigInteger. */ MutableBigInteger(BigInteger b) { value = (int[]) b.mag.clone(); intLen = value.length; } /** * Construct a new MutableBigInteger with a magnitude equal to the * specified MutableBigInteger. */ MutableBigInteger(MutableBigInteger val) { intLen = val.intLen; value = new int[intLen]; for(int i=0; ib. */ final int compare(MutableBigInteger b) { if (intLen < b.intLen) return -1; if (intLen > b.intLen) return 1; for (int i=0; i b2) return 1; } return 0; } /** * Return the index of the lowest set bit in this MutableBigInteger. If the * magnitude of this MutableBigInteger is zero, -1 is returned. */ private final int getLowestSetBit() { if (intLen == 0) return -1; int j, b; for (j=intLen-1; (j>0) && (value[j+offset]==0); j--) ; b = value[j+offset]; if (b==0) return -1; return ((intLen-1-j)<<5) + BigInteger.trailingZeroCnt(b); } /** * Return the int in use in this MutableBigInteger at the specified * index. This method is not used because it is not inlined on all * platforms. */ private final int getInt(int index) { return value[offset+index]; } /** * Return a long which is equal to the unsigned value of the int in * use in this MutableBigInteger at the specified index. This method is * not used because it is not inlined on all platforms. */ private final long getLong(int index) { return value[offset+index] & LONG_MASK; } /** * Ensure that the MutableBigInteger is in normal form, specifically * making sure that there are no leading zeros, and that if the * magnitude is zero, then intLen is zero. */ final void normalize() { if (intLen == 0) { offset = 0; return; } int index = offset; if (value[index] != 0) return; int indexBound = index+intLen; do { index++; } while(index < indexBound && value[index]==0); int numZeros = index - offset; intLen -= numZeros; offset = (intLen==0 ? 0 : offset+numZeros); } /** * If this MutableBigInteger cannot hold len words, increase the size * of the value array to len words. */ private final void ensureCapacity(int len) { if (value.length < len) { value = new int[len]; offset = 0; intLen = len; } } /** * Convert this MutableBigInteger into an int array with no leading * zeros, of a length that is equal to this MutableBigInteger's intLen. */ int[] toIntArray() { int[] result = new int[intLen]; for(int i=0; i value.length) return false; if (intLen ==0) return true; return (value[offset] != 0); } /** * Returns a String representation of this MutableBigInteger in radix 10. */ public String toString() { BigInteger b = new BigInteger(this, 1); return b.toString(); } /** * Right shift this MutableBigInteger n bits. The MutableBigInteger is left * in normal form. */ void rightShift(int n) { if (intLen == 0) return; int nInts = n >>> 5; int nBits = n & 0x1F; this.intLen -= nInts; if (nBits == 0) return; int bitsInHighWord = BigInteger.bitLen(value[offset]); if (nBits >= bitsInHighWord) { this.primitiveLeftShift(32 - nBits); this.intLen--; } else { primitiveRightShift(nBits); } } /** * Left shift this MutableBigInteger n bits. */ void leftShift(int n) { /* * If there is enough storage space in this MutableBigInteger already * the available space will be used. Space to the right of the used * ints in the value array is faster to utilize, so the extra space * will be taken from the right if possible. */ if (intLen == 0) return; int nInts = n >>> 5; int nBits = n&0x1F; int bitsInHighWord = BigInteger.bitLen(value[offset]); // If shift can be done without moving words, do so if (n <= (32-bitsInHighWord)) { primitiveLeftShift(nBits); return; } int newLen = intLen + nInts +1; if (nBits <= (32-bitsInHighWord)) newLen--; if (value.length < newLen) { // The array must grow int[] result = new int[newLen]; for (int i=0; i= newLen) { // Use space on right for(int i=0; i= 0; j--) { long sum = (a[j] & LONG_MASK) + (result[j+offset] & LONG_MASK) + carry; result[j+offset] = (int)sum; carry = sum >>> 32; } return (int)carry; } /** * This method is used for division. It multiplies an n word input a by one * word input x, and subtracts the n word product from q. This is needed * when subtracting qhat*divisor from dividend. */ private int mulsub(int[] q, int[] a, int x, int len, int offset) { long xLong = x & LONG_MASK; long carry = 0; offset += len; for (int j=len-1; j >= 0; j--) { long product = (a[j] & LONG_MASK) * xLong + carry; long difference = q[offset] - product; q[offset--] = (int)difference; carry = (product >>> 32) + (((difference & LONG_MASK) > (((~(int)product) & LONG_MASK))) ? 1:0); } return (int)carry; } /** * Right shift this MutableBigInteger n bits, where n is * less than 32. * Assumes that intLen > 0, n > 0 for speed */ private final void primitiveRightShift(int n) { int[] val = value; int n2 = 32 - n; for (int i=offset+intLen-1, c=val[i]; i>offset; i--) { int b = c; c = val[i-1]; val[i] = (c << n2) | (b >>> n); } val[offset] >>>= n; } /** * Left shift this MutableBigInteger n bits, where n is * less than 32. * Assumes that intLen > 0, n > 0 for speed */ private final void primitiveLeftShift(int n) { int[] val = value; int n2 = 32 - n; for (int i=offset, c=val[i], m=i+intLen-1; i>> n2); } val[offset+intLen-1] <<= n; } /** * Adds the contents of two MutableBigInteger objects.The result * is placed within this MutableBigInteger. * The contents of the addend are not changed. */ void add(MutableBigInteger addend) { int x = intLen; int y = addend.intLen; int resultLen = (intLen > addend.intLen ? intLen : addend.intLen); int[] result = (value.length < resultLen ? new int[resultLen] : value); int rstart = result.length-1; long sum = 0; // Add common parts of both numbers while(x>0 && y>0) { x--; y--; sum = (value[x+offset] & LONG_MASK) + (addend.value[y+addend.offset] & LONG_MASK) + (sum >>> 32); result[rstart--] = (int)sum; } // Add remainder of the longer number while(x>0) { x--; sum = (value[x+offset] & LONG_MASK) + (sum >>> 32); result[rstart--] = (int)sum; } while(y>0) { y--; sum = (addend.value[y+addend.offset] & LONG_MASK) + (sum >>> 32); result[rstart--] = (int)sum; } if ((sum >>> 32) > 0) { // Result must grow in length resultLen++; if (result.length < resultLen) { int temp[] = new int[resultLen]; for (int i=resultLen-1; i>0; i--) temp[i] = result[i-1]; temp[0] = 1; result = temp; } else { result[rstart--] = 1; } } value = result; intLen = resultLen; offset = result.length - resultLen; } /** * Subtracts the smaller of this and b from the larger and places the * result into this MutableBigInteger. */ int subtract(MutableBigInteger b) { MutableBigInteger a = this; int[] result = value; int sign = a.compare(b); if (sign == 0) { reset(); return 0; } if (sign < 0) { MutableBigInteger tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } int resultLen = a.intLen; if (result.length < resultLen) result = new int[resultLen]; long diff = 0; int x = a.intLen; int y = b.intLen; int rstart = result.length - 1; // Subtract common parts of both numbers while (y>0) { x--; y--; diff = (a.value[x+a.offset] & LONG_MASK) - (b.value[y+b.offset] & LONG_MASK) - ((int)-(diff>>32)); result[rstart--] = (int)diff; } // Subtract remainder of longer number while (x>0) { x--; diff = (a.value[x+a.offset] & LONG_MASK) - ((int)-(diff>>32)); result[rstart--] = (int)diff; } value = result; intLen = resultLen; offset = value.length - resultLen; normalize(); return sign; } /** * Subtracts the smaller of a and b from the larger and places the result * into the larger. Returns 1 if the answer is in a, -1 if in b, 0 if no * operation was performed. */ private int difference(MutableBigInteger b) { MutableBigInteger a = this; int sign = a.compare(b); if (sign ==0) return 0; if (sign < 0) { MutableBigInteger tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } long diff = 0; int x = a.intLen; int y = b.intLen; // Subtract common parts of both numbers while (y>0) { x--; y--; diff = (a.value[a.offset+ x] & LONG_MASK) - (b.value[b.offset+ y] & LONG_MASK) - ((int)-(diff>>32)); a.value[a.offset+x] = (int)diff; } // Subtract remainder of longer number while (x>0) { x--; diff = (a.value[a.offset+ x] & LONG_MASK) - ((int)-(diff>>32)); a.value[a.offset+x] = (int)diff; } a.normalize(); return sign; } /** * Multiply the contents of two MutableBigInteger objects. The result is * placed into MutableBigInteger z. The contents of y are not changed. */ void multiply(MutableBigInteger y, MutableBigInteger z) { int xLen = intLen; int yLen = y.intLen; int newLen = xLen + yLen; // Put z into an appropriate state to receive product if (z.value.length < newLen) z.value = new int[newLen]; z.offset = 0; z.intLen = newLen; // The first iteration is hoisted out of the loop to avoid extra add long carry = 0; for (int j=yLen-1, k=yLen+xLen-1; j >= 0; j--, k--) { long product = (y.value[j+y.offset] & LONG_MASK) * (value[xLen-1+offset] & LONG_MASK) + carry; z.value[k] = (int)product; carry = product >>> 32; } z.value[xLen-1] = (int)carry; // Perform the multiplication word by word for (int i = xLen-2; i >= 0; i--) { carry = 0; for (int j=yLen-1, k=yLen+i; j >= 0; j--, k--) { long product = (y.value[j+y.offset] & LONG_MASK) * (value[i+offset] & LONG_MASK) + (z.value[k] & LONG_MASK) + carry; z.value[k] = (int)product; carry = product >>> 32; } z.value[i] = (int)carry; } // Remove leading zeros from product z.normalize(); } /** * Multiply the contents of this MutableBigInteger by the word y. The * result is placed into z. */ void mul(int y, MutableBigInteger z) { if (y == 1) { z.copyValue(this); return; } if (y == 0) { z.clear(); return; } // Perform the multiplication word by word long ylong = y & LONG_MASK; int[] zval = (z.value.length= 0; i--) { long product = ylong * (value[i+offset] & LONG_MASK) + carry; zval[i+1] = (int)product; carry = product >>> 32; } if (carry == 0) { z.offset = 1; z.intLen = intLen; } else { z.offset = 0; z.intLen = intLen + 1; zval[0] = (int)carry; } z.value = zval; } /** * This method is used for division of an n word dividend by a one word * divisor. The quotient is placed into quotient. The one word divisor is * specified by divisor. The value of this MutableBigInteger is the * dividend at invocation but is replaced by the remainder. * * NOTE: The value of this MutableBigInteger is modified by this method. */ void divideOneWord(int divisor, MutableBigInteger quotient) { long divLong = divisor & LONG_MASK; // Special case of one word dividend if (intLen == 1) { long remValue = value[offset] & LONG_MASK; quotient.value[0] = (int) (remValue / divLong); quotient.intLen = (quotient.value[0] == 0) ? 0 : 1; quotient.offset = 0; value[0] = (int) (remValue - (quotient.value[0] * divLong)); offset = 0; intLen = (value[0] == 0) ? 0 : 1; return; } if (quotient.value.length < intLen) quotient.value = new int[intLen]; quotient.offset = 0; quotient.intLen = intLen; // Normalize the divisor int shift = 32 - BigInteger.bitLen(divisor); int rem = value[offset]; long remLong = rem & LONG_MASK; if (remLong < divLong) { quotient.value[0] = 0; } else { quotient.value[0] = (int)(remLong/divLong); rem = (int) (remLong - (quotient.value[0] * divLong)); remLong = rem & LONG_MASK; } int xlen = intLen; int[] qWord = new int[2]; while (--xlen > 0) { long dividendEstimate = (remLong<<32) | (value[offset + intLen - xlen] & LONG_MASK); if (dividendEstimate >= 0) { qWord[0] = (int) (dividendEstimate/divLong); qWord[1] = (int) (dividendEstimate - (qWord[0] * divLong)); } else { divWord(qWord, dividendEstimate, divisor); } quotient.value[intLen - xlen] = (int)qWord[0]; rem = (int)qWord[1]; remLong = rem & LONG_MASK; } // Unnormalize if (shift > 0) value[0] = rem %= divisor; else value[0] = rem; intLen = (value[0] == 0) ? 0 : 1; quotient.normalize(); } /** * Calculates the quotient and remainder of this div b and places them * in the MutableBigInteger objects provided. * * Uses Algorithm D in Knuth section 4.3.1. * Many optimizations to that algorithm have been adapted from the Colin * Plumb C library. * It special cases one word divisors for speed. * The contents of a and b are not changed. * */ void divide(MutableBigInteger b, MutableBigInteger quotient, MutableBigInteger rem) { if (b.intLen == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger divide by zero"); // Dividend is zero if (intLen == 0) { quotient.intLen = quotient.offset = rem.intLen = rem.offset = 0; return; } int cmp = compare(b); // Dividend less than divisor if (cmp < 0) { quotient.intLen = quotient.offset = 0; rem.copyValue(this); return; } // Dividend equal to divisor if (cmp == 0) { quotient.value[0] = quotient.intLen = 1; quotient.offset = rem.intLen = rem.offset = 0; return; } quotient.clear(); // Special case one word divisor if (b.intLen == 1) { rem.copyValue(this); rem.divideOneWord(b.value[b.offset], quotient); return; } // Copy divisor value to protect divisor int[] d = new int[b.intLen]; for(int i=0; i 0) { // First shift will not grow array BigInteger.primitiveLeftShift(d, dlen, shift); // But this one might rem.leftShift(shift); } // Must insert leading 0 in rem if its length did not change if (rem.intLen == nlen) { rem.offset = 0; rem.value[0] = 0; rem.intLen++; } int dh = d[0]; long dhLong = dh & LONG_MASK; int dl = d[1]; int[] qWord = new int[2]; // D2 Initialize j for(int j=0; j= 0) { qhat = (int) (nChunk / dhLong); qrem = (int) (nChunk - (qhat * dhLong)); } else { divWord(qWord, nChunk, dh); qhat = qWord[0]; qrem = qWord[1]; } } if (qhat == 0) continue; if (!skipCorrection) { // Correct qhat long nl = rem.value[j+2+rem.offset] & LONG_MASK; long rs = ((qrem & LONG_MASK) << 32) | nl; long estProduct = (dl & LONG_MASK) * (qhat & LONG_MASK); if (unsignedLongCompare(estProduct, rs)) { qhat--; qrem = (int)((qrem & LONG_MASK) + dhLong); if ((qrem & LONG_MASK) >= dhLong) { estProduct = (dl & LONG_MASK) * (qhat & LONG_MASK); rs = ((qrem & LONG_MASK) << 32) | nl; if (unsignedLongCompare(estProduct, rs)) qhat--; } } } // D4 Multiply and subtract rem.value[j+rem.offset] = 0; int borrow = mulsub(rem.value, d, qhat, dlen, j+rem.offset); // D5 Test remainder if (borrow + 0x80000000 > nh2) { // D6 Add back divadd(d, rem.value, j+1+rem.offset); qhat--; } // Store the quotient digit q[j] = qhat; } // D7 loop on j // D8 Unnormalize if (shift > 0) rem.rightShift(shift); rem.normalize(); quotient.normalize(); } /** * Compare two longs as if they were unsigned. * Returns true iff one is bigger than two. */ private boolean unsignedLongCompare(long one, long two) { return (one+Long.MIN_VALUE) > (two+Long.MIN_VALUE); } /** * This method divides a long quantity by an int to estimate * qhat for two multi precision numbers. It is used when * the signed value of n is less than zero. */ private void divWord(int[] result, long n, int d) { long dLong = d & LONG_MASK; if (dLong == 1) { result[0] = (int)n; result[1] = 0; return; } // Approximate the quotient and remainder long q = (n >>> 1) / (dLong >>> 1); long r = n - q*dLong; // Correct the approximation while (r < 0) { r += dLong; q--; } while (r >= dLong) { r -= dLong; q++; } // n - q*dlong == r && 0 <= r = 0) { // steps B3 and B4 t.rightShift(lb); // step B5 if (tsign > 0) u = t; else v = t; // Special case one word numbers if (u.intLen < 2 && v.intLen < 2) { int x = u.value[u.offset]; int y = v.value[v.offset]; x = binaryGcd(x, y); r.value[0] = x; r.intLen = 1; r.offset = 0; if (k > 0) r.leftShift(k); return r; } // step B6 if ((tsign = u.difference(v)) == 0) break; t = (tsign >= 0) ? u : v; } if (k > 0) u.leftShift(k); return u; } /** * Calculate GCD of a and b interpreted as unsigned integers. */ static int binaryGcd(int a, int b) { if (b==0) return a; if (a==0) return b; int x; int aZeros = 0; while ((x = (int)a & 0xff) == 0) { a >>>= 8; aZeros += 8; } int y = BigInteger.trailingZeroTable[x]; aZeros += y; a >>>= y; int bZeros = 0; while ((x = (int)b & 0xff) == 0) { b >>>= 8; bZeros += 8; } y = BigInteger.trailingZeroTable[x]; bZeros += y; b >>>= y; int t = (aZeros < bZeros ? aZeros : bZeros); while (a != b) { if ((a+0x80000000) > (b+0x80000000)) { // a > b as unsigned a -= b; while ((x = (int)a & 0xff) == 0) a >>>= 8; a >>>= BigInteger.trailingZeroTable[x]; } else { b -= a; while ((x = (int)b & 0xff) == 0) b >>>= 8; b >>>= BigInteger.trailingZeroTable[x]; } } return a< 64) return euclidModInverse(k); int t = inverseMod32(value[offset+intLen-1]); if (k < 33) { t = (k == 32 ? t : t & ((1 << k) - 1)); return new MutableBigInteger(t); } long pLong = (value[offset+intLen-1] & LONG_MASK); if (intLen > 1) pLong |= ((long)value[offset+intLen-2] << 32); long tLong = t & LONG_MASK; tLong = tLong * (2 - pLong * tLong); // 1 more Newton iter step tLong = (k == 64 ? tLong : tLong & ((1L << k) - 1)); MutableBigInteger result = new MutableBigInteger(new int[2]); result.value[0] = (int)(tLong >>> 32); result.value[1] = (int)tLong; result.intLen = 2; result.normalize(); return result; } /* * Returns the multiplicative inverse of val mod 2^32. Assumes val is odd. */ static int inverseMod32(int val) { // Newton's iteration! int t = val; t *= 2 - val*t; t *= 2 - val*t; t *= 2 - val*t; t *= 2 - val*t; return t; } /* * Calculate the multiplicative inverse of 2^k mod mod, where mod is odd. */ static MutableBigInteger modInverseBP2(MutableBigInteger mod, int k) { // Copy the mod to protect original return fixup(new MutableBigInteger(1), new MutableBigInteger(mod), k); } /** * Calculate the multiplicative inverse of this mod mod, where mod is odd. * This and mod are not changed by the calculation. * * This method implements an algorithm due to Richard Schroeppel, that uses * the same intermediate representation as Montgomery Reduction * ("Montgomery Form"). The algorithm is described in an unpublished * manuscript entitled "Fast Modular Reciprocals." */ private MutableBigInteger modInverse(MutableBigInteger mod) { MutableBigInteger p = new MutableBigInteger(mod); MutableBigInteger f = new MutableBigInteger(this); MutableBigInteger g = new MutableBigInteger(p); SignedMutableBigInteger c = new SignedMutableBigInteger(1); SignedMutableBigInteger d = new SignedMutableBigInteger(); MutableBigInteger temp = null; SignedMutableBigInteger sTemp = null; int k = 0; // Right shift f k times until odd, left shift d k times if (f.isEven()) { int trailingZeros = f.getLowestSetBit(); f.rightShift(trailingZeros); d.leftShift(trailingZeros); k = trailingZeros; } // The Almost Inverse Algorithm while(!f.isOne()) { // If gcd(f, g) != 1, number is not invertible modulo mod if (f.isZero()) throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger not invertible."); // If f < g exchange f, g and c, d if (f.compare(g) < 0) { temp = f; f = g; g = temp; sTemp = d; d = c; c = sTemp; } // If f == g (mod 4) if (((f.value[f.offset + f.intLen - 1] ^ g.value[g.offset + g.intLen - 1]) & 3) == 0) { f.subtract(g); c.signedSubtract(d); } else { // If f != g (mod 4) f.add(g); c.signedAdd(d); } // Right shift f k times until odd, left shift d k times int trailingZeros = f.getLowestSetBit(); f.rightShift(trailingZeros); d.leftShift(trailingZeros); k += trailingZeros; } while (c.sign < 0) c.signedAdd(p); return fixup(c, p, k); } /* * The Fixup Algorithm * Calculates X such that X = C * 2^(-k) (mod P) * Assumes C

> 5; i= 0) c.subtract(p); return c; } /** * Uses the extended Euclidean algorithm to compute the modInverse of base * mod a modulus that is a power of 2. The modulus is 2^k. */ MutableBigInteger euclidModInverse(int k) { MutableBigInteger b = new MutableBigInteger(1); b.leftShift(k); MutableBigInteger mod = new MutableBigInteger(b); MutableBigInteger a = new MutableBigInteger(this); MutableBigInteger q = new MutableBigInteger(); MutableBigInteger r = new MutableBigInteger(); b.divide(a, q, r); MutableBigInteger swapper = b; b = r; r = swapper; MutableBigInteger t1 = new MutableBigInteger(q); MutableBigInteger t0 = new MutableBigInteger(1); MutableBigInteger temp = new MutableBigInteger(); while (!b.isOne()) { a.divide(b, q, r); if (r.intLen == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger not invertible."); swapper = r; r = a; a = swapper; if (q.intLen == 1) t1.mul(q.value[q.offset], temp); else q.multiply(t1, temp); swapper = q; q = temp; temp = swapper; t0.add(q); if (a.isOne()) return t0; b.divide(a, q, r); if (r.intLen == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger not invertible."); swapper = b; b = r; r = swapper; if (q.intLen == 1) t0.mul(q.value[q.offset], temp); else q.multiply(t0, temp); swapper = q; q = temp; temp = swapper; t1.add(q); } mod.subtract(t1); return mod; } }