package; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.ValidatorHandler; import; import; import; import; import; /** * {@link} that * includes a JAXP {@link ValidatorHandler} in the middle. * * @author * Kohsuke Kawaguchi ( * Venu Gopal ( */ public class JAXPConfiguration extends XIncludeParserConfiguration { /** can be null. */ private final Schema fSchema; /** * * @param grammar * when non-null, the parser will include validation / * infoset augmentation by this {@link Schema}. */ public JAXPConfiguration(Schema schema){ this.fSchema = schema; } protected void configurePipeline() { super.configurePipeline(); if (fSchema != null) { if( isXNICapabaleSchema(fSchema) ) { // if the validator is also from this Xerces, // we will use the XNI-based validator for // better performance InsulatedValidatorComponent v = ((XercesSchema)fSchema).newXNIValidator(); addComponent(v); fLastComponent.setDocumentHandler(v.getValidator()); v.getValidator().setDocumentSource(fLastComponent); fLastComponent = v.getValidator(); v.getValidator().setDocumentHandler(fDocumentHandler); } else { // otherwise wrap that into JAXPValidatorComponent. XMLDocumentFilter validator = null; ValidatorHandler validatorHandler = fSchema.newValidatorHandler(); validator = new JAXPValidatorComponent(validatorHandler); addComponent((XMLComponent)validator); fLastComponent.setDocumentHandler(validator); validator.setDocumentSource(fLastComponent); fLastComponent = validator; validator.setDocumentHandler(fDocumentHandler); } } } /** * Checks if the given {@link Schema} speaks XNI. */ private static boolean isXNICapabaleSchema( Schema s ) { if(!(s instanceof XercesSchema )) return false; try { String v = System.getProperty(JAXPConfiguration.class.getName()+".noSchemaOptimization"); if(v==null) // there might be a bug in the optimization we do. // this property provides an escape hatch for such a situation // by forcing non-optimized way. return false; } catch( Throwable t ) { ; } // otherwise if schema derives from XercesSchema, // we set up better optimized pipeline. return true; } public boolean getFeatureDefaultValue(String featureId){ // reset every component int count = fComponents.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { XMLComponent c = (XMLComponent) fComponents.get(i); Boolean bo = c.getFeatureDefault(featureId); if(bo != null){ return bo.booleanValue(); } //null if component doesn't recognize this feature. //continue it might be present in some other components. //it might make sense to store default values of feature for //the current configuration that would make the lookup faster. } //if it wasn't found in all the components return false; return false; } }