/* * @(#)MBeanServerFileAccessController.java 1.9 04/04/02 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.sun.jmx.remote.security; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.AccessControlContext; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.Principal; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.management.MBeanServer; import javax.security.auth.Subject; /** *

An object of this class implements the MBeanServerAccessController * interface and, for each of its methods, calls an appropriate checking * method and then forwards the request to a wrapped MBeanServer object. * The checking method may throw a SecurityException if the operation is * not allowed; in this case the request is not forwarded to the * wrapped object.

* *

This class implements the {@link #checkRead()} and {@link #checkWrite()} * methods based on an access level properties file containing username/access * level pairs. The set of username/access level pairs is passed either as a * filename which denotes a properties file on disk, or directly as an instance * of the {@link Properties} class. In both cases, the name of each property * represents a username, and the value of the property is the associated access * level. Thus, any given username either does not exist in the properties or * has exactly one access level. The same access level can be shared by several * usernames.

* *

The supported access level values are readonly and * readwrite.

*/ public class MBeanServerFileAccessController extends MBeanServerAccessController { public static final String READONLY = "readonly"; public static final String READWRITE = "readwrite"; /** *

Create a new MBeanServerAccessController that forwards all the * MBeanServer requests to the MBeanServer set by invoking the {@link * #setMBeanServer} method after doing access checks based on read and * write permissions.

* *

This instance is initialized from the specified properties file.

* * @param accessFileName name of the file which denotes a properties * file on disk containing the username/access level entries. * * @exception IOException if the file does not exist, is a * directory rather than a regular file, or for some other * reason cannot be opened for reading. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if any of the supplied access * level values differs from "readonly" or "readwrite". */ public MBeanServerFileAccessController(String accessFileName) throws IOException { super(); this.accessFileName = accessFileName; props = propertiesFromFile(accessFileName); checkValues(props); } /** *

Create a new MBeanServerAccessController that forwards all the * MBeanServer requests to mbs after doing access checks * based on read and write permissions.

* *

This instance is initialized from the specified properties file.

* * @param accessFileName name of the file which denotes a properties * file on disk containing the username/access level entries. * * @param mbs the MBeanServer object to which requests will be forwarded. * * @exception IOException if the file does not exist, is a * directory rather than a regular file, or for some other * reason cannot be opened for reading. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if any of the supplied access * level values differs from "readonly" or "readwrite". */ public MBeanServerFileAccessController(String accessFileName, MBeanServer mbs) throws IOException { this(accessFileName); setMBeanServer(mbs); } /** *

Create a new MBeanServerAccessController that forwards all the * MBeanServer requests to the MBeanServer set by invoking the {@link * #setMBeanServer} method after doing access checks based on read and * write permissions.

* *

This instance is initialized from the specified properties instance. * This constructor makes a copy of the properties instance using its * clone method and it is the copy that is consulted to check * the username and access level of an incoming connection. The original * properties object can be modified without affecting the copy. If the * {@link #refresh} method is then called, the * MBeanServerFileAccessController will make a new copy of the * properties object at that time.

* * @param accessFileProps properties list containing the username/access * level entries. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if accessFileProps is * null or if any of the supplied access level values differs * from "readonly" or "readwrite". */ public MBeanServerFileAccessController(Properties accessFileProps) throws IOException { super(); if (accessFileProps == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null properties"); originalProps = accessFileProps; props = (Properties) accessFileProps.clone(); checkValues(props); } /** *

Create a new MBeanServerAccessController that forwards all the * MBeanServer requests to the MBeanServer set by invoking the {@link * #setMBeanServer} method after doing access checks based on read and * write permissions.

* *

This instance is initialized from the specified properties instance. * This constructor makes a copy of the properties instance using its * clone method and it is the copy that is consulted to check * the username and access level of an incoming connection. The original * properties object can be modified without affecting the copy. If the * {@link #refresh} method is then called, the * MBeanServerFileAccessController will make a new copy of the * properties object at that time.

* * @param accessFileProps properties list containing the username/access * level entries. * * @param mbs the MBeanServer object to which requests will be forwarded. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if accessFileProps is * null or if any of the supplied access level values differs * from "readonly" or "readwrite". */ public MBeanServerFileAccessController(Properties accessFileProps, MBeanServer mbs) throws IOException { this(accessFileProps); setMBeanServer(mbs); } /** * Check if the caller can do read operations. This method does * nothing if so, otherwise throws SecurityException. */ public void checkRead() { checkAccessLevel(READONLY); } /** * Check if the caller can do write operations. This method does * nothing if so, otherwise throws SecurityException. */ public void checkWrite() { checkAccessLevel(READWRITE); } /** *

Refresh the set of username/access level entries.

* *

If this instance was created using the * {@link #MBeanServerFileAccessController(String)} or * {@link #MBeanServerFileAccessController(String,MBeanServer)} * constructors to specify a file from which the entries are read, * the file is re-read.

* *

If this instance was created using the * {@link #MBeanServerFileAccessController(Properties)} or * {@link #MBeanServerFileAccessController(Properties,MBeanServer)} * constructors then a new copy of the Properties object * is made.

* * @exception IOException if the file does not exist, is a * directory rather than a regular file, or for some other * reason cannot be opened for reading. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if any of the supplied access * level values differs from "readonly" or "readwrite". */ public void refresh() throws IOException { synchronized (props) { if (accessFileName == null) props = (Properties) originalProps.clone(); else props = propertiesFromFile(accessFileName); checkValues(props); } } private static Properties propertiesFromFile(String fname) throws IOException { FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(fname); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(fin); fin.close(); return p; } private void checkAccessLevel(String accessLevel) { final AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext(); final Subject s = (Subject) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { return Subject.getSubject(acc); } }); if (s == null) return; /* security has not been enabled */ final Set principals = s.getPrincipals(); for (Iterator i = principals.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final Principal p = (Principal) i.next(); String grantedAccessLevel; synchronized (props) { grantedAccessLevel = props.getProperty(p.getName()); } if (grantedAccessLevel != null) { if (accessLevel.equals(READONLY) && (grantedAccessLevel.equals(READONLY) || grantedAccessLevel.equals(READWRITE))) return; if (accessLevel.equals(READWRITE) && grantedAccessLevel.equals(READWRITE)) return; } } throw new SecurityException("Access denied! Invalid access level for " + "requested MBeanServer operation."); } private void checkValues(Properties props) { Collection c = props.values(); for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final String accessLevel = (String) i.next(); if (!accessLevel.equals(READONLY) && !accessLevel.equals(READWRITE)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Syntax error in access level entry [" + accessLevel + "]"); } } } private Properties props; private Properties originalProps; private String accessFileName; }