package com.sun.java_cup.internal; /** This class represents a transition in an LALR viable prefix recognition * machine. Transitions can be under terminals for non-terminals. They are * internally linked together into singly linked lists containing all the * transitions out of a single state via the _next field. * * @see com.sun.java_cup.internal.lalr_state * @version last updated: 11/25/95 * @author Scott Hudson * */ public class lalr_transition { /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--- Constructor(s) ----------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Full constructor. * @param on_sym symbol we are transitioning on. * @param to_st state we transition to. * @param nxt next transition in linked list. */ public lalr_transition(symbol on_sym, lalr_state to_st, lalr_transition nxt) throws internal_error { /* sanity checks */ if (on_sym == null) throw new internal_error("Attempt to create transition on null symbol"); if (to_st == null) throw new internal_error("Attempt to create transition to null state"); /* initialize */ _on_symbol = on_sym; _to_state = to_st; _next = nxt; } /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/ /** Constructor with null next. * @param on_sym symbol we are transitioning on. * @param to_st state we transition to. */ public lalr_transition(symbol on_sym, lalr_state to_st) throws internal_error { this(on_sym, to_st, null); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--- (Access to) Instance Variables ------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** The symbol we make the transition on. */ protected symbol _on_symbol; /** The symbol we make the transition on. */ public symbol on_symbol() {return _on_symbol;} /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/ /** The state we transition to. */ protected lalr_state _to_state; /** The state we transition to. */ public lalr_state to_state() {return _to_state;} /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/ /** Next transition in linked list of transitions out of a state */ protected lalr_transition _next; /** Next transition in linked list of transitions out of a state */ public lalr_transition next() {return _next;} /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--- General Methods ---------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Convert to a string. */ public String toString() { String result; result = "transition on " + on_symbol().name() + " to state ["; result += _to_state.index(); result += "]"; return result; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ }