/* * @(#)DenseIntMapImpl.java 1.4 03/12/19 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.sun.corba.se.impl.orbutil ; import java.util.ArrayList ; /** Utility for managing mappings from densely allocated integer * keys to arbitrary objects. This should only be used for * keys in the range 0..max such that "most" of the key space is actually * used. */ public class DenseIntMapImpl { private ArrayList list = new ArrayList() ; private void checkKey( int key ) { if (key < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Key must be >= 0." ) ; } /** If key >= 0, return the value bound to key, or null if none. * Throws IllegalArgumentException if key <0. */ public Object get( int key ) { checkKey( key ) ; Object result = null ; if (key < list.size()) result = list.get( key ) ; return result ; } /** If key >= 0, bind value to the key. * Throws IllegalArgumentException if key <0. */ public void set( int key, Object value ) { checkKey( key ) ; extend( key ) ; list.set( key, value ) ; } private void extend( int index ) { if (index >= list.size()) { list.ensureCapacity( index + 1 ) ; int max = list.size() ; while (max++ <= index) list.add( null ) ; } } }