* @(#)StubDelegateImpl.java 1.17 04/06/26
* Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* RMI-IIOP v1.0
* Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 1999 All Rights Reserved
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
package com.sun.corba.se.impl.javax.rmi.CORBA;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.rmi.CORBA.Tie;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;
import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream;
import com.sun.corba.se.spi.presentation.rmi.StubAdapter;
import com.sun.corba.se.spi.logging.CORBALogDomains ;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.util.Utility;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.ior.StubIORImpl ;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.presentation.rmi.StubConnectImpl ;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging.UtilSystemException ;
* Base class from which all static RMI-IIOP stubs must inherit.
public class StubDelegateImpl implements javax.rmi.CORBA.StubDelegate
static UtilSystemException wrapper = UtilSystemException.get(
private StubIORImpl ior ;
public StubIORImpl getIOR()
return ior ;
public StubDelegateImpl()
ior = null ;
* Sets the IOR components if not already set.
private void init (javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub self)
// If the Stub is not connected to an ORB, BAD_OPERATION exception
// will be raised by the code below.
if (ior == null)
ior = new StubIORImpl( self ) ;
* Returns a hash code value for the object which is the same for all stubs
* that represent the same remote object.
* @return the hash code value.
public int hashCode(javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub self)
return ior.hashCode() ;
* Compares two stubs for equality. Returns true
when used to compare stubs
* that represent the same remote object, and false
* @param obj the reference object with which to compare.
* @return true
if this object is the same as the obj
* argument; false
public boolean equals(javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub self, java.lang.Object obj)
if (self == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub)) {
return false;
// no need to call init() because of calls to hashCode() below
javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub other = (javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub) obj;
if (other.hashCode() != self.hashCode()) {
return false;
// hashCodes being the same does not mean equality. The stubs still
// could be pointing to different IORs. So, do a literal comparison.
// Apparently the ONLY way to do this (other than using private
// reflection) toString, because it is not possible to directly
// access the StubDelegateImpl from the Stub.
return self.toString().equals( other.toString() ) ;
public boolean equals( Object obj )
if (this == obj)
return true ;
if (!(obj instanceof StubDelegateImpl))
return false ;
StubDelegateImpl other = (StubDelegateImpl)obj ;
if (ior == null)
return ior == other.ior ;
return ior.equals( other.ior ) ;
* Returns a string representation of this stub. Returns the same string
* for all stubs that represent the same remote object.
* @return a string representation of this stub.
public String toString(javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub self)
if (ior == null)
return null ;
return ior.toString() ;
* Connects this stub to an ORB. Required after the stub is deserialized
* but not after it is demarshalled by an ORB stream. If an unconnected
* stub is passed to an ORB stream for marshalling, it is implicitly
* connected to that ORB. Application code should not call this method
* directly, but should call the portable wrapper method
* {@link javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject#connect}.
* @param orb the ORB to connect to.
* @exception RemoteException if the stub is already connected to a different
* ORB, or if the stub does not represent an exported remote or local object.
public void connect(javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub self, ORB orb)
throws RemoteException
ior = StubConnectImpl.connect( ior, self, self, orb ) ;
* Serialization method to restore the IOR state.
public void readObject(javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub self,
java.io.ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
if (ior == null)
ior = new StubIORImpl() ;
ior.doRead( stream ) ;
* Serialization method to save the IOR state.
* @serialData The length of the IOR type ID (int), followed by the IOR type ID
* (byte array encoded using ISO8859-1), followed by the number of IOR profiles
* (int), followed by the IOR profiles. Each IOR profile is written as a
* profile tag (int), followed by the length of the profile data (int), followed
* by the profile data (byte array).
public void writeObject(javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub self,
java.io.ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException
ior.doWrite( stream ) ;